
❤️💖創價文化藝術系列SoKa Culture 2019台灣文化

2019-04-22  本文已影响38人  庭吟


台灣美術近百年的發展,呈現豐富多元的面貌。從2003年起,為了探索這段歷史軌跡,一直稟持著國際創價學會池田大作會長的理念:「作為好國民、好市民,為社會做出貢獻。」致力於以文化、教育推動和平的台灣創價學會,在林釧理事長的帶領下,更具體的以「文化尋根建構台灣美術百年史」作為策展主軸,邀請台灣具有傑出藝術成就與影響力的藝術家,在台灣創價學會全台灣藝文中心巡迴舉辦優質展覽,落實推動「藝術社區文化」,提升社區民眾藝文素質,為社會貢獻心力,並期能透過文化尋根,構築一條脈絡清晰,意義深遠的藝術長河。 這些都是陳庭詩老師用甘蔗版創作 陳庭詩(1913-2002)生於福建長樂,自幼便飽讀詩書。8歲時發生意外而失聰,並喪失語言能力,卻因此走上藝術創作道路。 1958年參與創立「現代版畫會」 1965年加入「五月畫會」。 陳庭詩老師除了嘗試運用台灣特有的甘蔗版製作版畫外,也在創作手法與色彩上求新求變。 版畫創作之外,也創作書法、墨彩、油畫、雕塑等,尤其鐵雕是他運用巧手,將廢鐵化為富有詩情及趣味的創作。 Chen Ting-Shih (1913-2002) was born in Changle, Fujian, He loved to read poetry from an early age. After an accident at the age of eight, he lost his hearing as well as the ability to speak, but as a result of this he embarked himself vigorously to the promotion of modern art. In 1958, he was one of the founders of the Mordern Graphic Art Association, and in1965, he join th Fifth Moon Group. Besides experimenting with Taiwan’s distinctive unique bagasse board printmaking, he also pursued change and innovation through new techniques and color materials. Besides printmaking, he also did calligraphy, ink painting, oil painting, and sculpture. He was especially adept at iron sculptures, and often transformed scrap iron into interesting pieces with a poetic flair.
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