Institutional evil, perhaps not due to malice but because of the situation she’s in.
Mood disorder
Anxiety disorder
Personality disorder
Sex differences
Eating disorders
You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.
you're nothing but a pack of neurons
duality of people
Oral stage: Birth to 1 year old, where pleasure is centered around the mouth.
Anal stage: 1 to 3 years old, where pleasure is focused on bowel and bladder control.
Phallic stage: 3 to 6 years old, where pleasure is focused on the genitals and children develop unconscious desires for the opposite-sex parent, known as the Oedipus complex (for boys) or Electra complex (for girls).
Latency stage: 6 years old to puberty, where sexual desires are repressed and children focus on developing social and intellectual skills.
Genital stage: Puberty onwards, where sexual urges reawaken and are directed towards others in a mature and socially acceptable manner.
Freud also proposed the structural model of the psyche, which includes the id, ego, and superego. The id represents primal urges and operates on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification. The ego mediates between the id, superego, and external reality, operating on the reality principle. The superego represents internalized societal and parental standards, acting as a moral conscience.
hydraulic theory, some of this stuff slips out and it shows up in dreams and it shows up in slips of the tongue.
defense mechanisms
classical conditioning
conditioned stimulus
spantaneous recovery
stimulus generalization
conditional response, conditional stimulus
unconditional response, unconditional stimulus
Asperger syndrome
Stroop effect
Pratfall Effect
The genetic relatedness, from an evolutionary standpoint, affects how much you care for other people
reciprocal altruism
free riders
The Prisoner's Dilemma
The Ultimatum Game
Flynn effect
man hands on misery to man
2 ways to diffuse responsibility, in group and anonymity
Kitty Genovese case
maximum six degrees of separation
spotlight effect
transparency effect
Lake Wobegon effect
cognitive dissonance
So, to sum up, there are three main findings about you that come out in social psychology.
One is you believe everybody notices you even when they don't.
You're the hero of your story.
The second one is, you're terrific, you are better than average in every possible way, each one of you.
And finally, what you do makes sense.
The more you see something the more you like it and this is sometimes known as "the mere exposure effect
Matthew effect
first impressions
confirmation bias
stereotype threat
adaptive behavior
antisocial personality disorder
bipolar disorders
extreme altruism
It used to be thought that severe mental illness was a result of demonic possession
if you keep changing what you're doing you'll never get used to anything and you'll always be happy