

2019-02-16  本文已影响5人  滴水铭心

你来 You come to 我以为我不会觉得难过, I thought I wouldn't feel bad, 知道这顿饭吃完,我突然发现你我都没有动筷子 Until this meal finished, I suddenly found that you and I did not move chopsticks 我只是不停的问你房子租好了吗?学校安排好,没有带好药物,没有手机,相机,录音机充满电,没有护照,机票分好,没有 I just keep asking you are you ready to rent the house? School arrangements, no good medicine, no cell phone, camera, tape recorder full of electricity, no passport, good ticket, no 你看 What do you think 挽留你的话, To keep you, 我们情缘 We love 照样是我买单, I still pay the bill, 我在心里说,这是我最后一次为你买单了。 I thought to myself, this is the last time I will pay for you. 我知道 I know that 送你去的那个人 The one who sent you 不应该是我 It shouldn't be me 其实我还是请个经常我躲在提升的一个角落,我想着再多看你一眼,你长得不漂亮,你没有大长腿,你没有大胸,你皮肤也不白。 In fact, I still ask a often I hide in a corner of the promotion, I want to see you one more time, you are not beautiful, you do not have big legs, you do not have big chest, your skin is not white. 你个子很矮, You're short. 没事,我就去 It's okay. I'll go 想再看你一眼 I want to see you again 有的人只是用眼神对撞冥想 Some people just use eye contact meditation 我没有看清你 I don't see you clearly 没有伤情, No injuries, 机场离咱们家只有短短三十分钟的车程,我就是感到我突然 The airport was only a 30-minute drive from our house, and I just felt like I was suddenly 没法开回去, I can't drive it back. 我在车里坐了很久 I sat in the car for a long time 你的航班已经可以走很久了, Your flight can go for a long time, 我忽然有一种,我是在这里等你回来的,感觉 I suddenly have a feeling that I am here waiting for you to come back 我最终还是回了家 I finally went home 我就在沙发上,这个时候我发现咱们家只有六十平米的家什那么大 I am on the sofa, this moment I discover our home has the furniture of 60 smooth rice only so big 那么空旷, So empty, 你知道在北京最怕的是什么吗? Do you know what you are most afraid of in Beijing? 没有人陪 No one to accompany 所以街上总是有那么多人在吃饭 So there are always so many people eating in the street 所以这个城市连空气都在平民的 So even the air in this city is civilian 练级去了 The train to 你去了巴黎 You went to Paris 我留在北京,我们不在有联系了。 I stay in Beijing. We don't have any contact anymore. 就像一场梦 It was like a dream 今晚的北京 Beijing tonight 外面的大风像疯了一样嚎啕大哭, The wind outside howled like mad, 暖气已经停了 The heating has gone off 真冷 It is cold 我永远不会为你而哭, I'll never cry for you, 不会掉眼泪 No tears 他们说,胖子哭起来 They said the fat man began to cry 很丑的 ugly 照顾好自己啊, Take care of yourself, 不知有没有我钥匙 I wonder if I have the key 绿城 greentown 现在的时尚 Current fashion 关心这个 Care about this 紧张 nervous


