【汉化】Battle Effects Pack 2 plugin

2018-10-08  本文已影响220人  沧笙

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that adds more features to battle. These new features include a new critical hit flash coloration because the previous one is a slight red glow that is easy to miss. Damage popups have the option of having rolling numbers before they land on a finalized number. This is to help players in figuring out which numbers are still new when multiple popups appear at the same time. These two options can be turned off.
这是一个RPG Maker MV战斗功能插件,新功能包括新的关键命中闪光色,旧版容易被忽视。伤害窗口可以在最终数字之前滚动数字。这是帮助玩家在多个弹出窗口之间确定哪些数是新的。

New notetag effects have been added. These notetag effects include giving parameter bonuses depending on how high or low HP currently is, a damage cut function that stacks additively on global damage or on certain elemental damage, the ability to overheal past a battler's MaxHP, MaxMP, or MaxTP, a new notetag trait to allow switching two parameters with each other, and some notetags to ease the usage of Yanfly's Buffs & States Core counters.
添加了新的notetag效果。这些notetag效果包括根据HP来提供奖励,在全局伤害或某些元素伤害上叠加的伤害削减功能,解除的MaxHP,MaxMP或MaxTP的限制。新notetag特性允许相互切换两个参数及,以便于使用Yanfly's Buffs & States Core。

**Note: **This plugin can also be found inside the OctoPack Battler sample project.
注意: 此插件也可以在OctoPack Battler示例项目中找到。

Plugin Parameters


Critical Popup: Makes a special rainbow flash critical popup effect when a critical hit lands. This is added because the original critical effect was a very fast red tint that is easy for the player to miss if the player isn't paying attention. You can disable this if you want the default effect.


Rolling Damage:Make damage popups roll a little bit before settling on the final damage value. By making the damage popup roll, the player can quickly discern which damage popup is newer if there are multiple damage popups all happening at once. You can disable this if you want the default effect.


TP Overheal Maximum:Maximum amount TP can be overhealed if using <Overheal TP> notetag for battlers.
TP Overheal Maximum:如果对战斗者使用<Overheal TP>,则可以解除TP的最大值。


Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:

<High Health ATK: +x%>
<High Health DEF: +x%>
<High Health MAT: +x%>
<High Health MDF: +x%>
<High Health AGI: +x%>
<High Health LUK: +x%>
<Low Health ATK: +x%>
<Low Health DEF: +x%>
<Low Health MAT: +x%>
<Low Health MDF: +x%>
<Low Health AGI: +x%>
<Low Health LUK: +x%>
<Damage Cut: x%>
<Element id Cut: x%>
<Element name Cut: x%>
<Overheal HP>
<Overheal MP>
<Overheal TP>
<Swap param1 with param2>

State Notetags:

<Dissolve State: x>
<Dissolve State: x, x, x>
<Set State Counter: x>
<Add State Counter: x>


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.
此插件适用于RPG Maker MV版本1.6.1及更低版本。如果您更新RPG Maker MV并且此插件失效,作者不承担任何责任。


This plugin is compatible with the following plugins:

*   - YEP Core Engine
*   - YEP Battle Engine Core
*   - YEP Action Sequence Packs 1, 2, 3
*   - YEP Animated Sideview Enemies
*   - YEP Buffs & States Core
*   - YEP Damage Core
*   - YEP Element Core
*   - YEP Item Core
*   - YEP Equip Core
*   - YEP Job Points

Place this plugin under those in the Plugin Manager list.

Terms of Use

  1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
  2. 'Fallen Angel Olivia' must be given credit in your games.
  3. You are allowed to edit the code.
  4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
  5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
  6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins without credit.

2.''Fallen Angel Olivia' and 'Yanfly' 必须在你的游戏中得到赞誉。

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