2017-07-22 本文已影响0人
1.我们最圣神的泪水,从不借双眼宣泄。(Our most sacred tears never seek your eyes.)
2.等待是光阴的铁蹄。(Waiting is the hoofs of time.)
3.嫉妒我的人,无意中恭维了我。(The envious praises me unknowning.)
4.根,是鄙弃声名的花朵。(A root is a flower that disdains fame.)
5.我不会听征服者对被征服者的说教。(I would not listen to a conqueror preaching to the conquerored.)
7.最可怜的人,是将梦想变作黄金的人。(The most pitiful among men is he who turns his dreams into silvers and gold.)
8.能唱出我们沉默的人,实在是伟大的歌人。(A great singer is he who sings our silences.)
9.诗人是遭到罢黜的君王,坐在王宫的灰烬里,竭力用灰烬塑造一个形象。(A poet is a dethroned king sitting among the ashesof his palace trying to fashion an image out of ashes.)
10.忆念是一种晤见,遗忘是一种自由。(Remember is a form of meeting,forgetfulness is a form of freedom.)