专访·冥想篇|Swami Mantramurti:为什么是瑜伽?
采访:Stella Zhang & 闲人捷
整理:Stella Zhang
Q: Why should we practice yoga?
A: Some students told me that they come to yoga to get good body so they can have a good husband.
And this is fine, yoga would probably give them a good body, I just don't know whether it would give them a good husband though.
But along the way of getting a good body they will start to feel themselves maybe.
And maybe they will start to connect through the practice to their own heart and own spirit, start to look deeper to who they are and what they are doing.
This is what yoga is all about. It's a journey of discovering yourself.
It's not a competition that I'm better than this person or worse.
It's about you.
Everybody should come to the yoga class for themselves.
It my get you connect to the separate part of you which is trying to push you to the right and positive direction.
I think I am very lucky because when I went to this ashram, I connected with a lot of very good teachers who'd been teaching yoga for 30 or 40 years.
I was so lucky to have these people in my life at that time. Not just to find a yoga center but to find one that has so many teachers that were so wise and patient and kind.
They wanted to teach and help people. And I think that everything I try to do today comes from them.
In my tradition, I have a Guru. Guru is your teacher but not there to solve your problem, he is there to inspire you to rise to your highest potential.
Before you could help any other people or you could be useful to anyone else, you must learn to solve all of your own problems.
So that no matter what situation life brings to you, you can be content.
Q: Does yoga have anything to do with emotion control?
A: There is no point of being angry or sad which doesn't help anything. Everybody has positive feelings and emotions and negative ones.
I don't think you could stop these things. But you could learn to live with them.
And you can learn to not make them affect your life so strongly.
Some people they hold on to these feeling of anger or fear and their whole life become anger and fear.
It means all that they could give other people is anger and fear which is not a good way for anybody.
So I think yoga is about to understand there would be time to be happy and there would be time to be sad.
You need to find a way, among all of these things, to be content no matter what feeling or emotion it is that is within you.
So you can be sitting there and you can be angry but you can still smile.
It takes practice but the first thing you must come to understand is that this can happen.
If you don't believe you can be positive in this way, you'll never be in this way.
It's like when I first demonstrated handstand in the class, I looked at all of the students and I could see everyone of them going "Why is he showing us this practice? I can never do this".
But in 5 min, they have all done it even it's only for a second or two.
It is a really good example of showing our mind stops us from doing so many things because we do not believe.
So everybody has a choice. And I think the time when we understand that we can all be in control of our life or we can have a positive effect on our life no matter whether we are successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor, we can still find contentment in purpose.
But we have to come to that choice ourselves, to that understanding ourselves.
And as a yoga teacher, I am interested in guiding people to see that and to make that choice for themselves.
Sometimes you do this not by saying anything but just by your actions, the way you are.
And people will see things that they respect or do not respect in different people.
Subconsciously when we see positive things in people we will think "I would like to try and be like that".
And maybe we will see negative things in people we will think "I should try not to do like that person".
I think this the way of teaching. A good teacher doesn't have to say a word which is useful in China if you don't speak in Chinese. (LOL)
Q: Compare to other kind of yoga practice, it seems meditation does not have standard steps. Is that true?
A: Really there is standard step but it is actually different from each person. And it will take different time for every person.
Like none of you are the same. You all have different experiences and come to meditation class for different reasons and purposes.
Some people could understand only with 2 classes and some people come to for 102 classes and then they would understand.
So there is some steps but it's not useful to compare yourself to others and to say "Oh, I wish I was like this person".
It's not about anyone else. The whole thing is your journey to come to understand.
Because for you to understand, you must learn many things about yourself.
Yoga is all about you coming to know who you are and all your stuff like your personality, your feelings, your likes, your dislikes etc.
Some of these come from your past life, some of these genetically come from your parents, some of these come from where you brought up.
So everyone is different.
We're given these things and we have these things for a reason.
And I think it's about us coming to makes sense of all in a different way.
So yes, there are steps and I very believe there must be some sort of method to give the students to do when they begin in the meditation.
Because if you just sit and close your eyes, you may fall asleep or have a daydream or have your mind drift away. And this is no more meditation.
Meditation is scientific with purpose and direction.
For example, if you go to a Buddhism temple, they will all be sitting there and they will sit there for years. They are very believing what they are doing.
But when we have people that come in, meditation is only 90 minutes of their week. It's only a little grain of their life.
And then they go back out again into the real world of all the stress, worry, distraction and everything like that.
So I've always tried to encourage to take these feelings that we've learnt in the class whether in the meditation class or asana class or yoga nidra into your daily life.
Take witness, as an example when you are walking down the street you can do the witness like "How am I walking? Am I walking slowly or quickly? What I am thinking about? Am I watching where I am going? Or am I thinking something so far away?".
The whole purpose of yoga is to make our life better, to make us to be the best person that we can.
It's not to lose weight or to get good body. This really is a very good example of how we are just so absorbed with our out appearance.
We everybody wants to look good, have nice clothes, have nice hairdo, say the right things, be with the right people. All of these things are on the outside and all change.
There is only one thing that we have will not change, your heart, your spirit.
And that's the one thing that we need to connect with and we don't know how to connect with.
To me, that's what yoga all about, getting people try to understand that they need to go inside to feel them on the inside.
Q: When did you firstly get the connection with your spirit?
A: I think it was happening in that ashram. Ashram is a really powerful experience.
Because these hundreds people are all live there for the same purpose and reason.
So it's like suddenly you get all these people around you that understand and they have already done this.
They don't come and tell you to make the connection, they are just doing the stuff.
But you can see these guys are different. It's like you have all these guys that help you with connection.
I think for me it's more like been in that atmosphere. And that's what led me to practice and got deeper until I came to understand and study.
I can remember the first day I walked into the gate of that place as a builder, I could feel there was something different.
I felt good and I didn't understand why and I didn't really make a big deal about it.
But now I looked back I can consciously see that is different. I just didn't tune in to it same as I didn't really tune in to my heart.
I'd always believed that I have been brought up to believe being good, being kind.
But it's really hard to do that, wasn't much fun when I was a young guy.
Like when I was in school I would see that some guy who was different getting bully all the time and I didn't agree with it and I would not do it. But I never had the strength to stand up for that person.
Because I wanted to be like all the other people. So what I didn't agree with what they did to some other people in those days I didn't believe myself have that strength to go and say 'No, this is wrong.You shouldn't do this."
But today, I can. I understand that what you do is who you are.
You can do whatever you want on the outside. You can look in the mirror and pretend it is very nice or whatever.
But when you lie down and your eyes are closed, you know who you really are.
And I think there are many people don't have happiness or contentment because they are not happy with who they are.
But they don't know how to change or what to change.
They haven't found a way. I think yoga is one of the ways.
We live in a consumer society. People thought the more things they could have, the more successful they are.
I would be happy if someone give me a brand-new Ducati motorcycle but I won't be happy for a long time.
The cycle of everything: beginning/birth, duration/life, end/death. Nothing can pass this.
You must come to understand that nothing is lasting except your own spirit.
Now I can understand this is the thing that is important to connect with.
摩托车也很重要Q:What do you feel in mediation?
A: I think in the beginning, meditation is just like a time of peacefulness and stillness.
Meditation is not necessarily words of light in a fantastic journey and great revelation.
Meditation is really just about you connecting with your inner self.
So what you will experience in meditation is what you get inside yourself.
And quite often when you begin meditation, there's a lot of bad and uncomfortable stuff in there.
You are going to see all of these stuff and be confront with them.
In our conscious life, our mind will see these stuff and it will choose to not face that.
So we will keep suppressing all of these things and not release them or let them come out because we just don't want to deal with them.
And in meditation when you are being the witness, you've overcome that part of you that tries to suppress and push down.
The whole idea is to see and watch whatever it is and not reacting to it.
Because if you react to it, you will push it away. It can be quite difficult in the beginning.
But I think once you understand this is part of the procession, you will accept that.
For me I think meditation brings me peacefulness and stillness.
It stops all of those distractions and all the stuff that keep coming at me.
It's a way for me to recharge myself, to give me energy and make me stronger again.
It connects me with who I am inside myself, not this me on the outside.
I think that what Samadhi is. Samadhi is you living with that part of yourself that who you really truly are.
Without any expectations, without any other needs. Once you find that, you are content.
Because that's what you were before you came here. I think I just have the feeling of I'm home. You know when you come home, you sit down in your chair, it doesn't matter whether it's comfortable or dirty or clean, you are content, you are where you belong.
To me that's what meditation does. It takes to me who I really I am.
Since I start to live in this way, I do actually live my life like this not to just do it for 60 minutes in the meditation session.
Q: What's the benefits of meditation for our daily life?
A: Meditation can have many benefits. It can be calming, relaxing. It can release stress and worry. It can reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
So it can bring us health automatically. It can bring us clarity and peacefulness.
I think the benefits of meditation would be related to what problems you have in your actual life.
Some people are already calm and relaxed and they don't worry. So that's not necessarily going to be benefits for them.
But I think it can have positive influence on your life in many different ways.
It also teaches you about yourself. It teaches you things like how to watch yourself, how to treat other people.
So you get to come to know who you are and see what are the positive and negative things in your life.
Because many people would do bad or wrong things without even realizing. No one really think that they are bad person.
I think it's very useful to be able to see who you really are and how you really are. And especially how do I treat myself and how do I treat other people.
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