Unity 第一人称视角实现

2021-05-23  本文已影响0人  LinJF

unity 配置

image.png image.png SchutzStaffel_B



using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson
    [RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody))]
    [RequireComponent(typeof (CapsuleCollider))]
    public class PlayerFirstPersonController : MonoBehaviour
        public class MovementSettings
            public float ForwardSpeed = 8.0f;   // Speed when walking forward
            public float BackwardSpeed = 4.0f;  // Speed when walking backwards
            public float StrafeSpeed = 4.0f;    // Speed when walking sideways
            public float RunMultiplier = 2.0f;   // Speed when sprinting
            public KeyCode RunKey = KeyCode.LeftShift;
            public float JumpForce = 30f;
            public AnimationCurve SlopeCurveModifier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90.0f, 1.0f), new Keyframe(0.0f, 1.0f), new Keyframe(90.0f, 0.0f));
            [HideInInspector] public float CurrentTargetSpeed = 8f;

            private bool m_Running;

            public void UpdateDesiredTargetSpeed(Vector2 input)
                if (input == Vector2.zero) return;
                if (input.x > 0 || input.x < 0)
                    CurrentTargetSpeed = StrafeSpeed;
                if (input.y < 0)
                    CurrentTargetSpeed = BackwardSpeed;
                if (input.y > 0)
                    //handled last as if strafing and moving forward at the same time forwards speed should take precedence
                    CurrentTargetSpeed = ForwardSpeed;
                if (Input.GetKey(RunKey))
                    CurrentTargetSpeed *= RunMultiplier;
                    m_Running = true;
                    m_Running = false;

            public bool Running
                get { return m_Running; }

        public class AdvancedSettings
            public float groundCheckDistance = 0.01f; // distance for checking if the controller is grounded ( 0.01f seems to work best for this )
            public float stickToGroundHelperDistance = 0.5f; // stops the character
            public float slowDownRate = 20f; // rate at which the controller comes to a stop when there is no input
            public bool airControl; // can the user control the direction that is being moved in the air
            [Tooltip("set it to 0.1 or more if you get stuck in wall")]
            public float shellOffset; //reduce the radius by that ratio to avoid getting stuck in wall (a value of 0.1f is nice)

        [Header("Audio Clips")]
        [Tooltip("The audio clip that is played while walking."), SerializeField]
        private AudioClip walkingSound;
        [Tooltip("The audio clip that is played while running."), SerializeField]
        private AudioClip runningSound;

        public Camera cam;
        public Animator anim;
        public MovementSettings movementSettings = new MovementSettings();
        public MouseLook mouseLook = new MouseLook();
        public AdvancedSettings advancedSettings = new AdvancedSettings();

        private Rigidbody m_RigidBody;
        private CapsuleCollider m_Capsule;
        private AudioSource _audioSource;
        private Vector3 m_GroundContactNormal;
        private bool m_Jump, m_PreviouslyGrounded, m_Jumping, m_IsGrounded;
        private Vector2 moveDir;

        public Vector3 Velocity
            get { return m_RigidBody.velocity; }

        public bool Grounded
            get { return m_IsGrounded; }

        public bool Jumping
            get { return m_Jumping; }

        public bool Running
                return movementSettings.Running;
                return false;

        private void Start()
            m_RigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            m_Capsule = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
            _audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
            _audioSource.clip = walkingSound;
            _audioSource.loop = true;
            mouseLook.Init (transform, cam.transform);

        private void Update()
            moveDir = GetInput();
            bool bo = moveDir != Vector2.zero;
            anim.SetInteger("Status_walk", bo ? 1 : 0);
            if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !m_Jump)
                m_Jump = true;

        private void FixedUpdate()

            if ((Mathf.Abs(moveDir.x) > float.Epsilon || Mathf.Abs(moveDir.y) > float.Epsilon) && (advancedSettings.airControl || m_IsGrounded))
                // always move along the camera forward as it is the direction that it being aimed at
                Vector3 desiredMove = cam.transform.forward* moveDir.y + cam.transform.right* moveDir.x;
                desiredMove = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(desiredMove, m_GroundContactNormal).normalized;

                desiredMove.x = desiredMove.x*movementSettings.CurrentTargetSpeed;
                desiredMove.z = desiredMove.z*movementSettings.CurrentTargetSpeed;
                desiredMove.y = desiredMove.y*movementSettings.CurrentTargetSpeed;
                if (m_RigidBody.velocity.sqrMagnitude <
                    m_RigidBody.AddForce(desiredMove*SlopeMultiplier(), ForceMode.Impulse);

            if (m_IsGrounded)
                m_RigidBody.drag = 5f;

                if (m_Jump)
                    m_RigidBody.drag = 0f;
                    m_RigidBody.velocity = new Vector3(m_RigidBody.velocity.x, 0f, m_RigidBody.velocity.z);
                    m_RigidBody.AddForce(new Vector3(0f, movementSettings.JumpForce, 0f), ForceMode.Impulse);
                    m_Jumping = true;

                if (!m_Jumping && Mathf.Abs(moveDir.x) < float.Epsilon && Mathf.Abs(moveDir.y) < float.Epsilon && m_RigidBody.velocity.magnitude < 1f)
                m_RigidBody.drag = 0f;
                if (m_PreviouslyGrounded && !m_Jumping)
            m_Jump = false;

        private float SlopeMultiplier()
            float angle = Vector3.Angle(m_GroundContactNormal, Vector3.up);
            return movementSettings.SlopeCurveModifier.Evaluate(angle);

        private void StickToGroundHelper()
            RaycastHit hitInfo;
            if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, m_Capsule.radius * (1.0f - advancedSettings.shellOffset), Vector3.down, out hitInfo,
                                   ((m_Capsule.height/2f) - m_Capsule.radius) +
                                   advancedSettings.stickToGroundHelperDistance, Physics.AllLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(hitInfo.normal, Vector3.up)) < 85f)
                    m_RigidBody.velocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(m_RigidBody.velocity, hitInfo.normal);

        private Vector2 GetInput()
            Vector2 input = new Vector2
                    x = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal"),
                    y = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical")
            return input;

        private void RotateView()
            //avoids the mouse looking if the game is effectively paused
            if (Mathf.Abs(Time.timeScale) < float.Epsilon) return;

            // get the rotation before it's changed
            float oldYRotation = transform.eulerAngles.y;

            mouseLook.LookRotation (transform, cam.transform);

            if (m_IsGrounded || advancedSettings.airControl)
                // Rotate the rigidbody velocity to match the new direction that the character is looking
                Quaternion velRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(transform.eulerAngles.y - oldYRotation, Vector3.up);
                m_RigidBody.velocity = velRotation*m_RigidBody.velocity;

        /// sphere cast down just beyond the bottom of the capsule to see if the capsule is colliding round the bottom
        private void GroundCheck()
            m_PreviouslyGrounded = m_IsGrounded;
            RaycastHit hitInfo;
            if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, m_Capsule.radius * (1.0f - advancedSettings.shellOffset), Vector3.down, out hitInfo,
                                   ((m_Capsule.height/2f) - m_Capsule.radius) + advancedSettings.groundCheckDistance, Physics.AllLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                m_IsGrounded = true;
                m_GroundContactNormal = hitInfo.normal;
                m_IsGrounded = false;
                m_GroundContactNormal = Vector3.up;
            if (!m_PreviouslyGrounded && m_IsGrounded && m_Jumping)
                m_Jumping = false;

        private void PlayFootstepSounds(bool bo)
            if (m_IsGrounded && bo)
                _audioSource.clip = walkingSound;
                if (!_audioSource.isPlaying)
                if (_audioSource.isPlaying)


using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson
    public class MouseLook
        public float XSensitivity = 2f;
        public float YSensitivity = 2f;
        public bool clampVerticalRotation = true;
        public float MinimumX = -90F;
        public float MaximumX = 90F;
        public bool smooth;
        public float smoothTime = 5f;
        public bool lockCursor = true;

        private Quaternion m_CharacterTargetRot;
        private Quaternion m_CameraTargetRot;
        private bool m_cursorIsLocked = true;

        public void Init(Transform character, Transform camera)
            m_CharacterTargetRot = character.localRotation;
            m_CameraTargetRot = camera.localRotation;

        public void LookRotation(Transform character, Transform camera)
            float yRot = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Mouse X") * XSensitivity;
            float xRot = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * YSensitivity;

            m_CharacterTargetRot *= Quaternion.Euler (0f, yRot, 0f);
            m_CameraTargetRot *= Quaternion.Euler (-xRot, 0f, 0f);

                m_CameraTargetRot = ClampRotationAroundXAxis (m_CameraTargetRot);

                character.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp (character.localRotation, m_CharacterTargetRot,
                    smoothTime * Time.deltaTime);
                camera.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp (camera.localRotation, m_CameraTargetRot,
                    smoothTime * Time.deltaTime);
                character.localRotation = m_CharacterTargetRot;
                camera.localRotation = m_CameraTargetRot;


        public void SetCursorLock(bool value)
            lockCursor = value;
            {//we force unlock the cursor if the user disable the cursor locking helper
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                Cursor.visible = true;

        public void UpdateCursorLock()
            //if the user set "lockCursor" we check & properly lock the cursos
            if (lockCursor)

        private void InternalLockUpdate()
                m_cursorIsLocked = false;
            else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                m_cursorIsLocked = true;

            if (m_cursorIsLocked)
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
                Cursor.visible = false;
            else if (!m_cursorIsLocked)
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                Cursor.visible = true;

        Quaternion ClampRotationAroundXAxis(Quaternion q)
            q.x /= q.w;
            q.y /= q.w;
            q.z /= q.w;
            q.w = 1.0f;

            float angleX = 2.0f * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan (q.x);

            angleX = Mathf.Clamp (angleX, MinimumX, MaximumX);

            q.x = Mathf.Tan (0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleX);

            return q;



using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.PlatformSpecific;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput
    public static class CrossPlatformInputManager
        public enum ActiveInputMethod

        private static VirtualInput activeInput;

        private static VirtualInput s_TouchInput;
        private static VirtualInput s_HardwareInput;

        static CrossPlatformInputManager()
            s_TouchInput = new MobileInput();
            s_HardwareInput = new StandaloneInput();
            activeInput = s_TouchInput;
            activeInput = s_HardwareInput;

        public static void SwitchActiveInputMethod(ActiveInputMethod activeInputMethod)
            switch (activeInputMethod)
                case ActiveInputMethod.Hardware:
                    activeInput = s_HardwareInput;

                case ActiveInputMethod.Touch:
                    activeInput = s_TouchInput;

        public static bool AxisExists(string name)
            return activeInput.AxisExists(name);

        public static bool ButtonExists(string name)
            return activeInput.ButtonExists(name);

        public static void RegisterVirtualAxis(VirtualAxis axis)

        public static void RegisterVirtualButton(VirtualButton button)

        public static void UnRegisterVirtualAxis(string name)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

        public static void UnRegisterVirtualButton(string name)

        // returns a reference to a named virtual axis if it exists otherwise null
        public static VirtualAxis VirtualAxisReference(string name)
            return activeInput.VirtualAxisReference(name);

        // returns the platform appropriate axis for the given name
        public static float GetAxis(string name)
            return GetAxis(name, false);

        public static float GetAxisRaw(string name)
            return GetAxis(name, true);

        // private function handles both types of axis (raw and not raw)
        private static float GetAxis(string name, bool raw)
            return activeInput.GetAxis(name, raw);

        // -- Button handling --
        public static bool GetButton(string name)
            return activeInput.GetButton(name);

        public static bool GetButtonDown(string name)
            return activeInput.GetButtonDown(name);

        public static bool GetButtonUp(string name)
            return activeInput.GetButtonUp(name);

        public static void SetButtonDown(string name)

        public static void SetButtonUp(string name)

        public static void SetAxisPositive(string name)

        public static void SetAxisNegative(string name)

        public static void SetAxisZero(string name)

        public static void SetAxis(string name, float value)
            activeInput.SetAxis(name, value);

        public static Vector3 mousePosition
            get { return activeInput.MousePosition(); }

        public static void SetVirtualMousePositionX(float f)

        public static void SetVirtualMousePositionY(float f)

        public static void SetVirtualMousePositionZ(float f)

        // virtual axis and button classes - applies to mobile input
        // Can be mapped to touch joysticks, tilt, gyro, etc, depending on desired implementation.
        // Could also be implemented by other input devices - kinect, electronic sensors, etc
        public class VirtualAxis
            public string name { get; private set; }
            private float m_Value;
            public bool matchWithInputManager { get; private set; }

            public VirtualAxis(string name)
                : this(name, true)

            public VirtualAxis(string name, bool matchToInputSettings)
                this.name = name;
                matchWithInputManager = matchToInputSettings;

            // removes an axes from the cross platform input system
            public void Remove()

            // a controller gameobject (eg. a virtual thumbstick) should update this class
            public void Update(float value)
                m_Value = value;

            public float GetValue
                get { return m_Value; }

            public float GetValueRaw
                get { return m_Value; }

        // a controller gameobject (eg. a virtual GUI button) should call the
        // 'pressed' function of this class. Other objects can then read the
        // Get/Down/Up state of this button.
        public class VirtualButton
            public string name { get; private set; }
            public bool matchWithInputManager { get; private set; }

            private int m_LastPressedFrame = -5;
            private int m_ReleasedFrame = -5;
            private bool m_Pressed;

            public VirtualButton(string name)
                : this(name, true)

            public VirtualButton(string name, bool matchToInputSettings)
                this.name = name;
                matchWithInputManager = matchToInputSettings;

            // A controller gameobject should call this function when the button is pressed down
            public void Pressed()
                if (m_Pressed)
                m_Pressed = true;
                m_LastPressedFrame = Time.frameCount;

            // A controller gameobject should call this function when the button is released
            public void Released()
                m_Pressed = false;
                m_ReleasedFrame = Time.frameCount;

            // the controller gameobject should call Remove when the button is destroyed or disabled
            public void Remove()

            // these are the states of the button which can be read via the cross platform input system
            public bool GetButton
                get { return m_Pressed; }

            public bool GetButtonDown
                    return m_LastPressedFrame - Time.frameCount == -1;

            public bool GetButtonUp
                    return (m_ReleasedFrame == Time.frameCount - 1);


using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.PlatformSpecific
    public class MobileInput : VirtualInput
        private void AddButton(string name)
            // we have not registered this button yet so add it, happens in the constructor
            CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualButton(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualButton(name));

        private void AddAxes(string name)
            // we have not registered this button yet so add it, happens in the constructor
            CrossPlatformInputManager.RegisterVirtualAxis(new CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis(name));

        public override float GetAxis(string name, bool raw)
            if (!m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))
            return m_VirtualAxes[name].GetValue;

        public override void SetButtonDown(string name)
            if (!m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))

        public override void SetButtonUp(string name)
            if (!m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))

        public override void SetAxisPositive(string name)
            if (!m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))

        public override void SetAxisNegative(string name)
            if (!m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))

        public override void SetAxisZero(string name)
            if (!m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))

        public override void SetAxis(string name, float value)
            if (!m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))

        public override bool GetButtonDown(string name)
            if (m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))
                return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButtonDown;

            return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButtonDown;

        public override bool GetButtonUp(string name)
            if (m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))
                return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButtonUp;

            return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButtonUp;

        public override bool GetButton(string name)
            if (m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))
                return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButton;

            return m_VirtualButtons[name].GetButton;

        public override Vector3 MousePosition()
            return virtualMousePosition;


using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.PlatformSpecific
    public class StandaloneInput : VirtualInput
        public override float GetAxis(string name, bool raw)
            return raw ? Input.GetAxisRaw(name) : Input.GetAxis(name);

        public override bool GetButton(string name)
            return Input.GetButton(name);

        public override bool GetButtonDown(string name)
            return Input.GetButtonDown(name);

        public override bool GetButtonUp(string name)
            return Input.GetButtonUp(name);

        public override void SetButtonDown(string name)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override void SetButtonUp(string name)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override void SetAxisPositive(string name)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override void SetAxisNegative(string name)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override void SetAxisZero(string name)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override void SetAxis(string name, float value)
            throw new Exception(
                " This is not possible to be called for standalone input. Please check your platform and code where this is called");

        public override Vector3 MousePosition()
            return Input.mousePosition;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput
    public abstract class VirtualInput
        public Vector3 virtualMousePosition { get; private set; }
        protected Dictionary<string, CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis> m_VirtualAxes =
            new Dictionary<string, CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis>();
            // Dictionary to store the name relating to the virtual axes
        protected Dictionary<string, CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualButton> m_VirtualButtons =
            new Dictionary<string, CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualButton>();
        protected List<string> m_AlwaysUseVirtual = new List<string>();
            // list of the axis and button names that have been flagged to always use a virtual axis or button

        public bool AxisExists(string name)
            return m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name);

        public bool ButtonExists(string name)
            return m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name);

        public void RegisterVirtualAxis(CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis axis)
            // check if we already have an axis with that name and log and error if we do
            if (m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(axis.name))
                Debug.LogError("There is already a virtual axis named " + axis.name + " registered.");
                // add any new axes
                m_VirtualAxes.Add(axis.name, axis);

                // if we dont want to match with the input manager setting then revert to always using virtual
                if (!axis.matchWithInputManager)

        public void RegisterVirtualButton(CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualButton button)
            // check if already have a buttin with that name and log an error if we do
            if (m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(button.name))
                Debug.LogError("There is already a virtual button named " + button.name + " registered.");
                // add any new buttons
                m_VirtualButtons.Add(button.name, button);

                // if we dont want to match to the input manager then always use a virtual axis
                if (!button.matchWithInputManager)

        public void UnRegisterVirtualAxis(string name)
            // if we have an axis with that name then remove it from our dictionary of registered axes
            if (m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name))

        public void UnRegisterVirtualButton(string name)
            // if we have a button with this name then remove it from our dictionary of registered buttons
            if (m_VirtualButtons.ContainsKey(name))

        // returns a reference to a named virtual axis if it exists otherwise null
        public CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis VirtualAxisReference(string name)
            return m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(name) ? m_VirtualAxes[name] : null;

        public void SetVirtualMousePositionX(float f)
            virtualMousePosition = new Vector3(f, virtualMousePosition.y, virtualMousePosition.z);

        public void SetVirtualMousePositionY(float f)
            virtualMousePosition = new Vector3(virtualMousePosition.x, f, virtualMousePosition.z);

        public void SetVirtualMousePositionZ(float f)
            virtualMousePosition = new Vector3(virtualMousePosition.x, virtualMousePosition.y, f);

        public abstract float GetAxis(string name, bool raw);
        public abstract bool GetButton(string name);
        public abstract bool GetButtonDown(string name);
        public abstract bool GetButtonUp(string name);

        public abstract void SetButtonDown(string name);
        public abstract void SetButtonUp(string name);
        public abstract void SetAxisPositive(string name);
        public abstract void SetAxisNegative(string name);
        public abstract void SetAxisZero(string name);
        public abstract void SetAxis(string name, float value);
        public abstract Vector3 MousePosition();

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