葛拉西安. 智慧书:中英双语典藏本 (Kindle 位置 1140-1143). 中央编译出版社. Kindle 版本.
60.A sound judgment
A sound judgment. Some are born wise, and with this natural advantage enter upon their studies, with a moiety already mastered. With age and experience their reason ripens, and thus they attain a sound judgment. They abhor everything whimsical as leading prudence astray, especially in matters of state, where certainty is so necessary, owing to the importance of the affairs involved. Such men deserve to stand by the helm of state either as pilots or as men at the wheel.
葛拉西安. 智慧书:中英双语典藏本 (Kindle 位置 1144-1147). 中央编译出版社. Kindle 版本.