2020-04-01 本文已影响0人
前面的文章说到了Openlayers4中风场的实现,本文将讲述如何在mapbox GL实现类似的效果。

var windyMap = {
windy: null,
map: null,
visible: true,
initWindy(data, map) {
const self = this;
self.visible = true; = map;
// 删除dom
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'windCanvas';
canvas.width = map.getCanvas().width;
canvas.height = map.getCanvas().height; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0;
self.windy = new Windy({
canvas: canvas,
data: data
map.on('render', function() {
if (self.visible) self._refreshWindy();
_refreshWindy: function() {
const self = this;
const _canvas = self.windy.params.canvas; = 'block';
if (!self.windy) return;
let bounds =;
let extent = [
_canvas.width = map.getCanvas().width;
_canvas.height = map.getCanvas().height;
[[0, 0], [_canvas.width, _canvas.height]],
[[extent[0], extent[1]], [extent[2], extent[3]]]
hideWind: function() {
let dom = document.getElementById('windCanvas');
if (dom) dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom);
setVisible: function(flag) {
const self = this;
self.visible = flag;
let dom = document.getElementById('windCanvas');
if (!dom) return;
if (flag) { = 'block';
} else {
if (self.windy) self.windy.stop(); = 'none';
var Windy = function( params ){
var velocity = params.velocity? params.velocity: 0.012,
step = params.step? params.step: 1000,
particle = params.particle? params.particle: 500,
width = params.width? params.width: 3,
intensity = params.intensity? params.intensity: 15;
// scale for wind velocity速度
var VELOCITY_SCALE =velocity * (Math.pow(window.devicePixelRatio,1/3) || 1);
// step size of particle intensity color scale颗粒强度色标的步长
// wind velocity at which particle intensity is maximum (m/s)粒子强度最大的风速 (米/秒)
var MAX_WIND_INTENSITY = intensity;
// max number of frames a particle is drawn before regeneration在再生前绘制粒子的最大帧数
// line width of a drawn particle绘制粒子的线宽
// particle count scalar (completely arbitrary--this values looks nice)粒子计数标量
var PARTICLE_MULTIPLIER = 1/particle;
// reduce particle count to this much of normal for mobile devices减少对移动设备的这一大部分正常的粒子计数
// desired milliseconds per frame每帧所需的毫秒数
var FRAME_RATE = 10;
// singleton for no wind in the form: [u, v, magnitude]
var NULL_WIND_VECTOR = [NaN, NaN, null];
// interpolation for vectors like wind (u,v,m)
var bilinearInterpolateVector = function(x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) {
var rx = (1 - x);
var ry = (1 - y);
var a = rx * ry, b = x * ry, c = rx * y, d = x * y;
var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d;
var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d;
return [u, v, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)];
var createWindBuilder = function(uComp, vComp) {
var uData =, vData =;
return {
header: uComp.header,
//recipe: recipeFor("wind-" + uComp.header.surface1Value),
data: function(i) {
var _uDatai = uData[i],
_vDatai = vData[i];
_uDatai = Math.abs(_uDatai)>360?0:_uDatai;
_vDatai = Math.abs(_vDatai)>360?0:_vDatai;
return [_uDatai, _vDatai];
interpolate: bilinearInterpolateVector
var createBuilder = function(data) {
var uComp = null, vComp = null, scalar = null;
data.forEach(function(record) {
switch (record.header.parameterCategory + "," + record.header.parameterNumber) {
case "2,2": uComp = record; break;
case "2,3": vComp = record; break;
scalar = record;
return createWindBuilder(uComp, vComp);
var buildGrid = function(data, callback) {
var builder = createBuilder(data);
var header = builder.header;
var λ0 = header.lo1, φ0 = header.la1; // the grid's origin (e.g., 0.0E, 90.0N)
var Δλ = header.dx, Δφ = header.dy; // distance between grid points (e.g., 2.5 deg lon, 2.5 deg lat)
var ni = header.nx, nj = header.ny; // number of grid points W-E and N-S (e.g., 144 x 73)
var date = new Date(header.refTime);
date.setHours(date.getHours() + header.forecastTime);
// Scan mode 0 assumed. Longitude increases from λ0, and latitude decreases from φ0.
var grid = [], p = 0;
var isContinuous = Math.floor(ni * Δλ) >= 360;
for (var j = 0; j < nj; j++) {
var row = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ni; i++, p++) {
row[i] =;
if (isContinuous) {
// For wrapped grids, duplicate first column as last column to simplify interpolation logic
grid[j] = row;
function interpolate(λ, φ) {
var i = floorMod(λ - λ0, 360) / Δλ; // calculate longitude index in wrapped range [0, 360)
var j = (φ0 - φ) / Δφ; // calculate latitude index in direction +90 to -90
var fi = Math.floor(i), ci = fi + 1;
var fj = Math.floor(j), cj = fj + 1;
var row;
if ((row = grid[fj])) {
var g00 = row[fi];
var g10 = row[ci];
if (isValue(g00) && isValue(g10) && (row = grid[cj])) {
var g01 = row[fi];
var g11 = row[ci];
if (isValue(g01) && isValue(g11)) {
// All four points found, so interpolate the value.
return builder.interpolate(i - fi, j - fj, g00, g10, g01, g11);
return null;
callback( {
date: date,
interpolate: interpolate
* @returns {Boolean} true if the specified value is not null and not undefined.
var isValue = function(x) {
return x !== null && x !== undefined;
* @returns {Number} returns remainder of floored division, i.e., floor(a / n). Useful for consistent modulo
* of negative numbers. See
var floorMod = function(a, n) {
return a - n * Math.floor(a / n);
* @returns {Number} the value x clamped to the range [low, high].
var clamp = function(x, range) {
return Math.max(range[0], Math.min(x, range[1]));
* @returns {Boolean} true if agent is probably a mobile device. Don't really care if this is accurate.
var isMobile = function() {
return (/android|blackberry|iemobile|ipad|iphone|ipod|opera mini|webos/i).test(navigator.userAgent);
* Calculate distortion of the wind vector caused by the shape of the projection at point (x, y). The wind
* vector is modified in place and returned by this function.
var distort = function(projection, λ, φ, x, y, scale, wind, windy) {
var u = wind[0] * scale;
var v = wind[1] * scale;
var d = distortion(projection, λ, φ, x, y, windy);
// Scale distortion vectors by u and v, then add.
wind[0] = d[0] * u + d[2] * v;
wind[1] = d[1] * u + d[3] * v;
return wind;
var distortion = function(projection, λ, φ, x, y, windy) {
var τ = 2 * Math.PI;
var H = Math.pow(10, -5.2);
var hλ = λ < 0 ? H : -H;
var hφ = φ < 0 ? H : -H;
var pλ = project(φ, λ + hλ,windy);
var pφ = project(φ + hφ, λ, windy);
// Meridian scale factor (see Snyder, equation 4-3), where R = 1. This handles issue where length of 1º λ
// changes depending on φ. Without this, there is a pinching effect at the poles.
var k = Math.cos(φ / 360 * τ);
return [
(pλ[0] - x) / hλ / k,
(pλ[1] - y) / hλ / k,
(pφ[0] - x) / hφ,
(pφ[1] - y) / hφ
var createField = function(columns, bounds, callback) {
* @returns {Array} wind vector [u, v, magnitude] at the point (x, y), or [NaN, NaN, null] if wind
* is undefined at that point.
function field(x, y) {
var column = columns[Math.round(x)];
return column && column[Math.round(y)] || NULL_WIND_VECTOR;
// Frees the massive "columns" array for GC. Without this, the array is leaked (in Chrome) each time a new
// field is interpolated because the field closure's context is leaked, for reasons that defy explanation.
field.release = function() {
columns = [];
field.randomize = function(o) { // UNDONE: this method is terrible
var x, y;
var safetyNet = 0;
do {
x = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * bounds.width) + bounds.x);
y = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * bounds.height) + bounds.y)
} while (field(x, y)[2] === null && safetyNet++ < 30);
o.x = x;
o.y = y;
return o;
//field.overlay = mask.imageData;
//return field;
callback( bounds, field );
var buildBounds = function( bounds, width, height ) {
var upperLeft = bounds[0];
var lowerRight = bounds[1];
var x = Math.round(upperLeft[0]); //Math.max(Math.floor(upperLeft[0], 0), 0);
var y = Math.max(Math.floor(upperLeft[1], 0), 0);
var xMax = Math.min(Math.ceil(lowerRight[0], width), width - 1);
var yMax = Math.min(Math.ceil(lowerRight[1], height), height - 1);
return {x: x, y: y, xMax: width, yMax: yMax, width: width, height: height};
var deg2rad = function( deg ){
return (deg / 180) * Math.PI;
var rad2deg = function( ang ){
return ang / (Math.PI/180.0);
var invert = function(x, y, windy){
var mapLonDelta = windy.east - windy.west;
var worldMapRadius = windy.width / rad2deg(mapLonDelta) * 360/(2 * Math.PI);
var mapOffsetY = ( worldMapRadius / 2 * Math.log( (1 + Math.sin(windy.south) ) / (1 - Math.sin(windy.south)) ));
var equatorY = windy.height + mapOffsetY;
var a = (equatorY-y)/worldMapRadius;
var lat = 180/Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(a)) - Math.PI/2);
var lon = rad2deg(windy.west) + x / windy.width * rad2deg(mapLonDelta);
return [lon, lat];
var mercY = function( lat ) {
return Math.log( Math.tan( lat / 2 + Math.PI / 4 ) );
var project = function( lat, lon, windy) { // both in radians, use deg2rad if neccessary
var ymin = mercY(windy.south);
var ymax = mercY(windy.north);
var xFactor = windy.width / ( windy.east - windy.west );
var yFactor = windy.height / ( ymax - ymin );
var y = mercY( deg2rad(lat) );
var x = (deg2rad(lon) - windy.west) * xFactor;
var y = (ymax - y) * yFactor; // y points south
return [x, y];
var interpolateField = function( grid, bounds, extent, callback ) {
var projection = {};
var velocityScale = VELOCITY_SCALE;
var columns = [];
var x = bounds.x;
function interpolateColumn(x) {
var column = [];
for (var y = bounds.y; y <= bounds.yMax; y += 2) {
var coord = invert( x, y, extent );
if (coord) {
var λ = coord[0], φ = coord[1];
if (isFinite(λ)) {
var wind = grid.interpolate(λ, φ);
if (wind) {
wind = distort(projection, λ, φ, x, y, velocityScale, wind, extent);
column[y+1] = column[y] = wind;
columns[x+1] = columns[x] = column;
(function batchInterpolate() {
var start =;
while (x < bounds.width) {
x += 2;
if (( - start) > 1000) { //MAX_TASK_TIME) {
setTimeout(batchInterpolate, 25);
createField(columns, bounds, callback);
var animate = function(bounds, field) {
function asColorStyle(r, g, b, a) {
return "rgba(" + 243 + ", " + 243 + ", " + 238 + ", " + a + ")";
function hexToR(h) {return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(0,2),16)}
function hexToG(h) {return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2,4),16)}
function hexToB(h) {return parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16)}
function cutHex(h) {return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? h.substring(1,7):h}
function windIntensityColorScale(step, maxWind) {
var result = [
/* blue to red*/
"rgba(" + hexToR('#178be7') + ", " + hexToG('#178be7') + ", " + hexToB('#178be7') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#8888bd') + ", " + hexToG('#8888bd') + ", " + hexToB('#8888bd') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#b28499') + ", " + hexToG('#b28499') + ", " + hexToB('#b28499') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#cc7e78') + ", " + hexToG('#cc7e78') + ", " + hexToB('#cc7e78') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#de765b') + ", " + hexToG('#de765b') + ", " + hexToB('#de765b') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#ec6c42') + ", " + hexToG('#ec6c42') + ", " + hexToB('#ec6c42') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#f55f2c') + ", " + hexToG('#f55f2c') + ", " + hexToB('#f55f2c') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#fb4f17') + ", " + hexToG('#fb4f17') + ", " + hexToB('#fb4f17') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#fe3705') + ", " + hexToG('#fe3705') + ", " + hexToB('#fe3705') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
"rgba(" + hexToR('#ff0000') + ", " + hexToG('#ff0000') + ", " + hexToB('#ff0000') + ", " + 0.5 + ")"
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#00ffff') + ", " + hexToG('#00ffff') + ", " + hexToB('#00ffff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#64f0ff') + ", " + hexToG('#64f0ff') + ", " + hexToB('#64f0ff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#87e1ff') + ", " + hexToG('#87e1ff') + ", " + hexToB('#87e1ff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#a0d0ff') + ", " + hexToG('#a0d0ff') + ", " + hexToB('#a0d0ff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#b5c0ff') + ", " + hexToG('#b5c0ff') + ", " + hexToB('#b5c0ff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#c6adff') + ", " + hexToG('#c6adff') + ", " + hexToB('#c6adff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#d49bff') + ", " + hexToG('#d49bff') + ", " + hexToB('#d49bff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#e185ff') + ", " + hexToG('#e185ff') + ", " + hexToB('#e185ff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#ec6dff') + ", " + hexToG('#ec6dff') + ", " + hexToB('#ec6dff') + ", " + 0.5 + ")",
// "rgba(" + hexToR('#ff1edb') + ", " + hexToG('#ff1edb') + ", " + hexToB('#ff1edb') + ", " + 0.5 + ")"
var result = [];
for (var j = 225; j >= 100; j = j - step) {
result.push(asColorStyle(j, j, j, 1));
result.indexFor = function(m) { // map wind speed to a style
return Math.floor(Math.min(m, maxWind) / maxWind * (result.length - 1));
return result;
var colorStyles = windIntensityColorScale(INTENSITY_SCALE_STEP, MAX_WIND_INTENSITY);
var buckets = { return []; });
var particleCount = Math.round(bounds.width * bounds.height * PARTICLE_MULTIPLIER);
if (isMobile()) {
particleCount *= PARTICLE_REDUCTION;
var fadeFillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)";
var particles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
particles.push(field.randomize({age: Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_PARTICLE_AGE) + 0}));
function evolve() {
buckets.forEach(function(bucket) { bucket.length = 0; });
particles.forEach(function(particle) {
if (particle.age > MAX_PARTICLE_AGE) {
field.randomize(particle).age = 0;
var x = particle.x;
var y = particle.y;
var v = field(x, y); // vector at current position
var m = v[2];
if (m === null) {
particle.age = MAX_PARTICLE_AGE; // particle has escaped the grid, never to return...
else {
var xt = x + v[0];
var yt = y + v[1];
if (field(xt, yt)[2] !== null) {
// Path from (x,y) to (xt,yt) is visible, so add this particle to the appropriate draw bucket.
particle.xt = xt; = yt;
else {
// Particle isn't visible, but it still moves through the field.
particle.x = xt;
particle.y = yt;
particle.age += 1;
var g = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
g.fillStyle = fadeFillStyle;
function draw() {
// Fade existing particle trails.
var prev = g.globalCompositeOperation;
g.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";
g.fillRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
g.globalCompositeOperation = prev;
// Draw new particle trails.
buckets.forEach(function(bucket, i) {
if (bucket.length > 0) {
g.strokeStyle = colorStyles[i];
bucket.forEach(function(particle) {
g.moveTo(particle.x, particle.y);
particle.x = particle.xt;
particle.y =;
(function frame() {
try {
windy.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000 / FRAME_RATE);
catch (e) {
var start = function(bounds, width, height, extent ){
var mapBounds = {
south: deg2rad(extent[0][1]),
north: deg2rad(extent[1][1]),
east: deg2rad(extent[1][0]),
west: deg2rad(extent[0][0]),
width: width,
height: height
// build grid
buildGrid(, function(grid){
// interpolateField
interpolateField( grid, buildBounds( bounds, width, height), mapBounds, function( bounds, field ){
// animate the canvas with random points
windy.field = field;
animate( bounds, field );
var stop = function(){
if (windy.field) windy.field.release();
if (windy.timer) clearTimeout(windy.timer)
var windy = {
params: params,
start: start,
stop: stop
return windy;
// shim layer with setTimeout fallback
window.requestAnimationFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function( callback ){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 20);
map.on('load', function() {
$.get("../data/windy.json", function(res) {
windyMap.initWindy(res, map);