Id, ego and superego in me

2015-10-25  本文已影响0人  eb1e5438c3f4

As is well known,Freud divided human personality into three aspects-Id, Ego, and Superego.

In the Freudiansystem, the Id is the container of the instinctual urges. This aspect ofpersonality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitivebehaviors, which seeks immediate satisfaction of desires. It is concerned withwhat a person wants to do.

The ego is thecomponent of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality.According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulsesof the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. It isconcerned with what a person can do.

The superego is theaspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards andideals that we acquire from both parents and society. It is our sense of trueand false. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According toFreud, the superego is the idealized image. As a matter of fact, it is becauseof these three "I" ideological struggle, conflicts and contradictionsexist in everyone's inner heart.

To give an examplehere, before I entered MTI graduate program, I had been worked in a college asa teacher for two years. Sometimes I got tired of working. As for me, theroutine work had no intrinsic value at all. I was thinking of quipping the joband having travel to Tibet, thus I could spend a month on sightseeing.

The process ofthinking can be interpreted as the driving force of " id " desire,which is subject to one's instinctual urges. However, the reality is that Ihave to work hard to make more money to support my graduate study.

In psychologicalterms, this is a game playing between " id " and "ego" ."id" urges me into pursuing my dream and seeking things that I want.Nevertheless, "ego" follows "reality principle", analyzingwhat would happen if I didn't complete the teaching work. That is, I won't haveenough money to support my future study. In a word, "ego" tells me todo the things that have real possibilities. "superego" is based uponsocial ethics and personal values, which works as a judger, in charge ofjudging right and wrong, warning me that I must be responsible for the job, forthat I still was a teacher at that time. If I quip the job without resignationin advance, the "superego" staying deep in my heart will push me todo the things that are accordance with ethics standards.

As a result, I continued to work harder to ride out the economic difficulty and retain the job without any pay after the summer holiday, so this is why I am studying in Yunnan Minzu University now.

In my opinion, "id" and "ego"can be regarded as the "real me", while "superego" can be considered as "ideal me". If we would like to have a perfect and healthy personality, we should learn to balance the "real me" and "ideal me". In other words, we should spare no efforts to build up a balanced relationship between "id", "ego" and"superego".


