

2018-11-13  本文已影响0人  brenda_fd6f

今天我们选择的绘本是little cloud .绘本主要讲的是一朵小云朵把自己变成各种各样的形状,一会儿是绵羊,一会儿是飞机…玩的不亦乐乎的小云朵被其他云朵伙伴招呼过去,大家聚拢在一起,然后天空开始下雨啦!The clouds drifted slowly across the sky, little cloud trailed behind.白云在空中慢慢地飘啊飘,一朵小云落在后面了。The clouds pushed upward and away.云朵们相互推搡地向上飘。Little cloud pushed downward and touched the tops of the houses and trees。小云朵却向下飘,都碰到房顶和树顶了。The clouds moved out of sight.云朵们无影无踪了。Little cloud changed into a giant cloud.小云朵变成了一个巨大的云朵。Little cloud changed into a sheep. Sheepand clouds sometimes look alike.小云朵变成了一只绵羊,有时候绵羊和云看起来是那么的相像。Little cloud changed into an airplane.小云朵变成了一架飞机。Little cloud often sawairplanes flying through the clouds.小云朵常常看见飞机穿过云霄。Little cloud changed into a shark.小云朵变成了一条鲨鱼。Little cloud once saw a shark through the waves of the ocean.有一次,小云朵看见鲨鱼在海浪中穿梭。Little cloud changed into two trees.小云变成了两棵树。Little cloud liked the way trees never moved and stayed in one place。她喜欢树,呆在一个地方不动,变成树时,它也不动。Little cloud changed into a rabbit.小云变成了一只兔子。Little cloud loved to watch rabbits dash across the meadows.小云朵喜欢看兔子飞快地穿过草地。Little cloud changed into a hat. Because .....小云朵变成了一顶帽子,因为….Little cloud changed into a clown and needed a hat.小云朵变成了一个小丑,需要一顶帽子。The other clouds drifted back.其他的云朵们飘啊飘,飘过来了Theyhuddled close together.他们紧挨在一起。Then all the clouds changed into one big cloud and rained!然后所有的云朵变成了一大片云,下雨了!绘本的世界里,没有最新奇的,只有更新奇的! 孩子们跟着卡爷爷一起来个云儿的奇幻之旅吧!

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