【教书匠阿伦-外刊精读】好莱坞爱上日漫! 热门IP要拍成美国大片
Japan is a country that possesses a rich, detail-oriented visual tradition. Famous woodblock printer Katsushika Hokusai was one of the earliest artists to use the term manga (in his collection "Hokusai Manga," first published in 1814) in reference to sketches depicting both the supernatural and the mundane." Manga as we know it today emerged in the early 20th century in serialized cartoon strips in Japanese magazines and newspapers. Anime came about in the early 1900s when Japanese artists like Oten Shimokawa began experimenting through trial and error to create short animated films. But back then, animations were costly to produce and works from Japan were overshadowed by Disney's success.
日本是一个强调细节、有着视觉传统的国家。日本著名的浮世绘画家葛饰北斋,是最早使用日本漫画(Manga)这个术语的艺术家之一(他出版于1814年的作品集《葛饰北斋漫画》中,首次使用了这个词),当时日本漫画指的是对超自然和世俗元素的描绘。我们今天熟知的日本漫画,最早出现在20世纪早期日本杂志和报纸刊登的连载漫画上。日本动画(Anime )诞生于20世纪初,当时的日本艺术家,比如下川凹夫,他们经过不断地尝试和修正,创作出动画短片。但在当时,动画制作成本极高,和迪士尼大受观众喜爱的作品相比,日本动画黯然失色。
Grassroots phenomenon日本动画的传播In the early 1980s, it was largely American and European children from military and expat business families based in Japan who circulated boot-legged videotapes of anime to their peers back home, according to Mizuko Ito, the editor of the "Fandom Unbound: Otaku Culture in a Connected World.” Futuristic titles such as "Cowboy Bebop" and "One Punch Man" also captured the imagination of tech-savvy foreigners involved in the burgeoning computer and internet industries. Word spread as they translated Japan's anime and circulated pirated copies online.
伊藤瑞子是《不受束缚的粉丝圈:互联世界中的御宅文化》(Fandom Unbound: Otaku Culture In a Connected World)一书的编辑,他表示,在上世纪80年代初,很大程度上,是那些美国和欧洲的军人家庭或者移居日本的商人家庭的孩子,向他们国内的小伙伴传播了日本动漫的录像带,打开了日本动漫的国际大门。”当时,计算机和互联网行业发展迅速,《牛仔比波普》(Cowboy Bebop)和《一拳超人》(One Punch Man)等未来主义题材的动画影片吸引了这些行业精通科技的外国友人。他们对日本动漫进行了翻译,并在网上分享各种翻版的日本动漫作品,日本动漫由此传播开来。
"Unlike so many other cultural fads (like Pokémon), anime was not pushed by a giant corporation," said Napier. "It was popular culture coming out under the radar through word of mouth.” As Japan's economy flourished to become the world's second largest in the 1980s, Japanese language classes became available in the West and anime and manga entered the classroom as educational tools. At the same time, "otaku" (geek) culture was becoming more mainstream in Japan, and fans with an internet connection helped to spread it worldwide.
Capturing neon-lit Tokyo through a game designer's eyes从游戏设计师的视角,看霓虹闪烁的东京Young Americans were searching for cultural products offering new perspectives and, to them, Japan appeared to be a place as exciting as "Akira" -- its cyberpunk landscape and controversial plot offering a portal into a different aesthetic and psychological universe. "Japanese culture was confronting darker, exciting themes in a way that the US and Europe and seemed slower at adopting," said Napier. "(Anime) became a way of filling an intellectual void in the West."
Shifting attitudes态度的转变In the late 1990s, a Japanese consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures pushed Pokémon, a video game series featuring hundreds of fictional cartoon-like creatures, into the mainstream. It ushered in a bigger anime wave outside Japan. Pokémon fever swept the globe, triggering a franchise blitz of anime, plushies and trading cards as the bubblegum-yellow Pikachu became a staple on American television sets. Nintendo sold more than 31 million copies of the 1996 game "Pokémon Red/Green/Blue," and the television series has aired in more than 100 countries.
上世纪90年代末,一款结合了任天堂(Nintendo)、《游戏狂人》(Game Freak)和《神奇宝贝》(Pokemon)的电子游戏,让这种集数百种虚拟卡通形象于一身的电子游戏跻身日本社会主流。在国外其他地方,这款游戏掀起的动漫浪潮更大。《神奇宝贝》热席卷了全球,引发了动画、毛绒玩具和交易卡的销售热潮,而一身黄色皮毛的皮卡丘成为了美国荧屏的主打产品。任天堂1996年发行的游戏《Pokemon Red/Green/Blue》,其销量超过了3100万份,该电视系列作品已在100多个国家播出。
Shaping Japan's image日本的形象塑造After Japan's once-miraculous economy went bust in the 1990s, the nation sought to rebrand itself from a global business superpower to an exporter of a unique artistic culture.The country pivoted from mass-marketing high-technology offerings to spreading the word on everything from Hello Kitty to sushi. In 1997, Japan's Agency of Cultural Affairs started supporting exhibitions on manga, anime, video games and media art.
上世纪90年代,日本经历了未曾预料的经济破产,日本试图将自己从一个全球商业超级大国重塑为一个拥有独特艺术文化的出口大国。日本不再对高科技产品进行大肆宣传,转而对凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)、寿司等各种产品进行宣传。1997年,日本文化厅开始对动漫、电子游戏和媒体艺术进行公开展览。
本新闻解读首发于2019年08月06日,新闻来源: CNN
作者:Emiko Jozuka
日本是典型的动漫强国,其动漫发展的模式具有鲜明的民族特色而不失创新和吸引力。动漫是日本的重要产业链,在全球鲜有对手。日本动漫的发展过程大致可分为4个阶段:萌芽期、探索期、成熟期、细化期。1917-1945--萌芽期1917年,下川凹夫摄制《芋川掠三玄关·一番之卷》,北山清太郎制作了《猿蟹合战》,幸内纯一创作了《塙凹内名刀之卷》,此三人为日本动画的奠基人。其中,下川凹夫创作的《芋川掠三玄关·一番之卷》被公认为日本的第一部动画片。1946-1973探索期阿拉蕾1945年,日本战败后,反战题材的动画影片颇受欢迎并且影响深远,期间的代表人物是被日本动画界誉为"怪人"的动画大师--大藤信郎,他于1927年拍摄了黑白版的《鲸鱼》,并于1952年摄制完成了彩色版的《鲸鱼》,该部动画片成为首部获得国际大奖的日本动画片。大藤信郎把流传在中国数千年的皮影戏和日本独有的千代纸结合起来绘制动画。大藤信郎在日本知名度极高,以他的名字命名的"大藤奖"更成为日本一流的动画片奖项。1974-1989成熟期70年代初期,日本涌现出大批科幻机械类动画(即Science Fiction动画,简称SF类动画)的动画大师,代表人物有松本零士、富野由悠季、河森正治、美树本晴彦等。同期的宫崎骏摆脱了SF类动画风格的局限,以剧场版动画为契点,走出了一条"宫崎骏式"的唯美、自然、清新的风格,传达着天、地、人、神的和谐。影片的思想触及人类心灵的深处,启发着人对神的敬畏,对生命的思考。1984年的《风之谷》奠定了宫崎骏日本动画宗师的地位。2001年宫崎骏摄制的《千与千寻》获得第52届柏林国际电影节金熊大奖和第75届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。宫崎骏在日本已成为动画的代名词,其成就与地位无人能及。1990至今细化期魔卡少女樱在20世纪90年代,日本动画产业的进一步完善,日本动画的种类、形式、内容、题材以及从业人员发生了明显的细化。随着动画风格的多样性,日本动画进入细化阶段。在这一期间,日本动画的种类丰富多样。有以浅香守生为代表的美少女动画,作品有《魔卡少女樱》(1998年)、《Chobits》(2002年)、《GALAXY ANGEL》(2001年);有以大地丙太郎为代表的搞笑动画,作品有《邪流丸》(1998年)、《水果篮子》(2000年)。总之,日本动画以"机器人"、"美少女"为契点,走出了一条独特的深具自身民族特色的动画之路。
1. 线稿和赛璐璐
2. 铁壁阿童木
3. 聪明的一休
智商达300的一休,遇到问题总有办法解决, 1975年开播,共298集。 这组原画已有40余年,画中使用了多层赛璐璐。
4. 哆啦A梦
纽约时报记者卧底外卖小哥 美版饿了么/美团,Uber Eats/Postmates已成网红
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