Daily Easy English Expression 1-

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以前断断续续学过coach shane老师的视频(好消息,好消息,老师已经入驻b站了,搜索coach-shane,就能找到老师的官方账号了),也在网上搜索整理了大家的学习资料,但一直没有认真的整理下来,都只是堆在一起,毫无章法。因为资料都是我断断续续找的,现在我也找不到出处了,很抱歉不能表明来源。在这里我对原先的资料整理者表示深深的歉意。

001 How are you doing?

A: How are you doing?
B: Great! How are you doing?
A: Not too bad, thanks!
B: Take it easy~

002 What do you do for a living?

A: What do you do for a living?
B: I'm a teacher.
A: Oh, really? What do you teach?
B: I'm a math teacher at Carson College.

003 I'm into sports!
解释:对…感兴趣。be into sth=be interested in sth。
用法:后接something,类似用法有 get into sth。
A: I can't believe you're watching that.
B: The Golf Channel? I'm into golf.
A: Since when?
B: Since college. I used to play every day!
004 My knee went out.
解释:not working properly,有点问题。
用法:发音时went out省略t,变成wen out。在美语中有三个强音 s, n, l,遇到三个弱音d, t, th时,经常省略掉弱音,比如went out。
A: You wanna play some basketball this weekend?
B: I'd love to, but my knee went out.
A: Ouch! How did that happen?
B: When I was playing soccer~
005 What's up this weekend?
用法:问对应的人…时候要做什么,what are you doing。可以取消what”s中的t,也有人写成wassup.
A: What's up this weekend?
B: I'm gonna go hiking.
A: Where at?
B: Park Canyon. You wanna go?

006 I'm gonna kick back

解释:kick back 休息,放松=relax

用法:I'm gonna=I'm going to, 发音接近 ahm mənuh.

A: You wanna go do something?

B: No~ I'm gonna kick back.

A: You're so lazy!

B: Hey! I had a long week.

007 I slept in.

解释:sleep in = to sleep late in the morning without alarm clock,睡了个懒觉


A: You look refreshed.

B: Yes! I slept in. I woke up at 10!

A: I wish I could. I've got kids~

B: That's why I'll never marry!

008 I overslept.



A: Where have you been?

B: I'm sorry, boss. I overslept!

A: Again?!!

B: I'm sorry. It won't happen again~

009 I'm gonna stock up on water.

解释:gonna stock up on=going to buy a lot. 置办,囤积,大量购入

用法:I'm gonna stock up on beer, bread, frozen veggie.后加名词,特别是将来会用到的。

A: What are you getting at the store?

B: I'm gonna stock up on water.

A: What about cookies?

B: Those, too!

010 I'm counting on you.

解释:I'm counting on you. =I'm relying on you.=I'm trusting in you. =I'm believing you.指望,依赖,相信某人会做某事。

用法:说快发音去掉t,类似 am cauning on you.

A: Will you help me move this Sunday?

B: Sure!

A: I'm counting on you~~

B: Don't worry! I'll be there~

011 I had a long week.

解释:a long week=a difficult/tiring week.漫长的一周,难熬的一周,反义词是 a good week, a easy week, a nice week, a stress-free week。

用法:说快发音去掉h,类似 I ad a long week,其中long更接近lawng.

A: You look stressed.

B: Well, I had a long week.

A: Already? What happened?

B: Just work. I have a new project that's taking forever.

012 TGIF****!****(Thank god, it's Friday!).

解释:TGIF!=Thank God, it's Friday! 经常用在难熬的一周终于结束了之后。

用法:God有的人写作god,FNL=Friday night life.

A: Ugh! Thank god, it's Friday!

B: No kidding! You going out tonight?

A: No way! I've got FNL~

B: Have fun~

013 That's pure nonsense.

解释:That's pure nonsense=That's not true=That's a rumor.无稽之谈,胡说八道。


A: You're sitting too close to the TV.

B: I'm comfortable.

A: Your eyesight is going to get bad.

B: That's pure nonsense!

014 Did you get out ~ing?

解释:Did you get out shopping?=Did you go (out) shopping? 你外出去做某事了吗?

用法:英语国家的人喜欢使用两个词的动词,out是强调在外面。可以用作 did you get out ving=did you go ving?=did you get out to do sth?但是经常用ing格式,没有did you get ving的用法。

A: Did you get out hunting this weekend?

B: Yesterday morning.

A: Did you get anyting?

B: Nothing but really cold feet!

015 (to) do away with (something).

解释:to do away with sth=to get rid of sth,去掉、除去、消灭。


A: I need to do away with my knuckle cracking.

B: It's a hard habit to break.

A: I know. It's almost impossible.

B: Want me to help?

016 (to) do sth up.

解释:to make it very exciting,完美完成。

用法:经常用作 do it up,it一般指事件events,party、celebration,up的位置可以调换 to do up sth。

A: Are you gonna do it up for your mom's birthday?

B: No, we're just gonna have a nice dinner at home.

A: No party?

B: She said she didn't want one.

017 (to) do up (sth).


用法:to do up 后加名词。

A: Is it cold outside,mom?

B: Yes. Be sure to do up your jacket.

A: Okay. Where's my hat?

B: It's in your pocket.

018 (to) do it over.

解释:一般接介词over表示 再一次,所以意思是 do it again,再做一次。

用法:do it over=do it again,美语发音t接近d,接近 flipped sound弹音。

A: How do you like my picture, daddy?

B: What is it?

A: It's a picture of a bear.

B: Oh…um… you shold do it over.

021 Check back in a jiffy

解释:东西还没有准备好,等一下回来取。check back,再联系,in a jiffy=quickly,马上,不一会儿。

用法:另有一个用法 I'll be with you in a jiffy,In a jiffy, it will be my birthday。

A: Hi, are my copies done?

B: Not yet. Check back in a jiffy.

A: All right, I'll go get a latte and come back.

B: They'll be done for you.

022 Pick your poison



A: Ooh, these all look good!

B: Pick your poison.

A: Hmm… I'll have the peanut butter cookie.

B: Good! I want the triple chocolate!

023 Those poor children


用法:用于怜悯,poor还有另一个意思 贫穷。

A: Those poor children. Why do wars mostly affect poor people?

B: I hate wars.

A: We need to tell our leaders “No more war”.

B: We have to

024 ~ is pathetic

解释:pathetic有很多种意思,比如可怜的,可悲的,(weak and not successful) 无力的;不成功的。这里采用 inadequate(不可胜任的),inept(无能的)。


A: How do you spell “raisin”? With an “i” or an “e”?

B: An “i”.

A: What about “streusel”? Two “s”s?

B: No. One. Your spelling is pathetic!

025 What purpose doe<u>s i</u>t serve****?

解释:what is it used for,what is its function?它是用来干嘛的?(功能、作用)

A: Why are you taking vitamin C all day long?

B: These are really good when you're sick.

A: What purpose do they serve?

B: They help strengthen your immune system.

026 I couldn't hel<u>p i</u>t

couldn't 读快的时候可以省略t的音,再快可以省略d的音,接近c'n

解释: 意思是I couldn't control myself. 我没有办法,我忍不住

couldn't 读快的时候可以省略t的音,再快可以省略d的音,接近c'n

A: Why did you laugh in class?

B: I couldn't help it.

A: What was so funny?

B: The way he said "Uranus"(天王星).

027 look away


A: Don't look away from me when I'm talking to you.

B: Yes, dad.

A: Did you take the cookies or not?

B: I was hungry!

028 don't pu<u>sh i</u>t. = You’re pushing it. = don't push your luck. = You’re pushing your luck.


A: Can you make me spaghetti(意大利面)?

B: I'm a little tired, but why not?

A: Thank you. Can you make garlic bread(蒜蓉面包), too?

B: Uh... Okay.

A: And do the dishes(刷碗)?

B: You're pushing it.

029 Are you done yet****?

解释:Are you done yet? = Are you finished yet? 你完成(结束)了吗?用于询问别人是否已经完成某件事.


A: Are you done yet?

B: Almost.

A: Hurry up! I'll wait in the car.

B: Hey, you got any toilet paper out there? Hello? Anyone? HELP!!

030 Knoc<u>k o</u>n wood.

解释:祈求好运,吉人天相, 谢天谢地,asking for luck。


这个习惯用语往往是用在表达某种愿望之后,意思是“但愿有这种好运”。一般在说 knock on wood的时候都会用手指敲两下桌子,但是现在都已经成了习惯的动作,不太考虑是木头还是塑料了。其实,不敲也可以。

example-1:I'm devastated. One of my old friends was just diagnosed with cancer. It was so unexpected. He seemed so healthy. I just pray nothing like that ever happens to my family, knock on wood.


example-2:The only way you can get in trouble is if they audit your tax returns. But many people go their entire lives without getting audited. So don't worry too much. I am sure they won't audit you this year, knock on wood.

A: You broke your arm again?

B: Yeah. This is my third time.

A: I've never broken my arm. Knock on wood!

B: It's no big deal~

031 Count me out/in. 不要算我/算我一个。

解释: Count … in, 意思是把…算进去;count me in, 意思是算我一个,也即to include sb。


Sound great. Count me in. 听起来不错,算我一个。

If you are going to a moive, count me in. 如果你们能要去看电影,算我一个。

That’s a good idea! Count me in. 这个建议很好哇!算我一份。

Do count me in for the barbecue this weekend. 这个周末的烧烤一定算我一个。

A: Did you hear? The boss is looking for volunteers.

B: For what?

A: To help wash his car.

B: Count me out. I'd rather get fired.

A: He can count me in! I love the boss.

032 To rain on your parade.

解释:parade游行。当某人的计划不得不因为事或人而告停时,就可以用表达 “rain on someone’s parade”,也就是汉语里说的 “泼冷水,扫兴”。

I hate to rain on your parade, but you’re not going home until you’ve finished that. 我不想煞风景,但是你完成这件事之前不准回家。

They had planned to go to the beach at the weekend, but the weather just rained on their parade. 他们原本计划这周末去海滩玩,但糟糕的天气让他们很扫兴 。

He was going to have a party on Friday, but his friends rained on his parade when they said that they were all busy. 他本想在周五开派对,但他的朋友们却泼了他一头冷水,都说太忙去不了。

A: What's that? A present?

B: Diamond earring. They're for Sue!

A: Wow! Uh...I don't want to rain on your parade, but Sue just got engaged.

B: What? Engaged? She's gonna get married? What???

033 I'm broke!

解释:我破产了,我身无分文,I have no money。

A: Let's go eat lunch.

B: 'Kay. Burgers?

A: Nah, I want something healthy.

B: Healthy? Healthy means expensive. I can't. I'm broke.

034 sell someone out.

解释:出卖,to betray sb。


Hey, do you wanna sell him out to your head teacher? 你想在班主任那出卖他吗?

A: I can't believe you sold me out to mom.

B: You're always selling me out.

A: Okay, let's make a truce.

B: Okay. From now on, we lie for each other to mom.

A: Good.

C: I heard that~

035 It will all come down to

解释:to come down to sth/me/you/the final exam/God, It=the result, all=completely,取决于,降至;归结起来;变为;归结为。


A: In order to win the tournament, he must make this putt.

B: It will all come down to this putt.

A: It all comes down to this shot...

B: It all comes down to his concentration...

A: NO! He missed! He's a loser!

036 I beg to differ.

解释:I'm sorry but I disagree with you, I don't think so,。

用法:这个用法很礼貌,强调意见不一致,意思比Maybe,however,I think 强。

A: Don't these uggs look good on me?

B: I beg to differ.

A: What?

B: You look like a gay cowboy. Uggs are for women.

037 Luck Lock and Look

Luck, Lock, Look的发音区别。

A: Where're you going?


B: To the library. I want to look for a book.


A: Good luck. They locked up already.


B: It's that late?


To the library,口语中省略句子里前面提到的部分,I'm going to the library是完整的表达。

look这次是用来对比其他两个单词的读音,look for这个短语我们之前学过,这里是寻找的意思。

good luck除了可以<u>真心的表示祝对方好运</u>之外,细微的语调差别,比如这里<u>略带升调</u>则可以<u>表示一种调侃的语气。</u>

already一般和现在完成时搭配使用,但在<u>口语中也经常直接用过去式表示</u>,lock作名词是锁的意思,动词组lock it up或lock up是<u>上锁</u>的意思。


038 Don't sweat it!

don't中,n会cancel t,don这里会停顿,有人不停顿。sweat it 会连读。

sweat英 [swet] 美 [swɛt] vi.流汗;烦恼,焦急;vt.使出汗;n.汗水;担心,焦虑

放轻松,别担心。Don't worry about it. Don't be too stressed out.

**A: I need you to finish this report, okay? **


B: By when?


A: By next Tuesday.


B: That gives me only Thursday, Friday and Money to work on it.


A: Don't sweat it! You can come in on the weekend.

没事儿 你可以周末来加班



that gives me用在该语境下表示前面的内容造成的影响,有时候也用that leaves me...;work on it<u>在某件事情上花时间去工作</u>,和中文口语里的“<u>弄</u>”的意思差不多。

come in有很多意思,最常见的是“<u>请进</u>”;这里的意思是<u>上班</u>,而且是在公司上班,时间状语是周末,所以理解为<u>加班</u>;有些工种比如水管工,就是上家(检查或者维修)。


039 Go all out~

解释:to go all out=to do one hundred and ten perent of your energy/passion,全力以赴,不惜一切代价。

用法:to go all out

A: Look at all the bags!

B: Christmas shopping! I went all out this year~

A: Did you get one for me?

B: No. You said you didn't believe in Santa.

040 ~ already


用法:Where are you already? You should be done already.

A: Where is my fried chicken already? I ordered 30 minutes ago.

B: Here's your order, sir.

A: I thought you forgot about me.

B: With your beautiful voice? How could I?

041 Come down with

解释:I think I'm coming down with something. => I think I'm getting sick

用法:coming down with +疾病。I think I'm coming down with a cold/the flue/a virus/a headache/a stomachache.

A: You don't look too good.

B: I feel terrible.

A: Are you coming down with a cold?

B: I think so. I'd better buy lots of vitamin C.

042 Go down

解释:to go down=>down 有三种解释 1. the south(上北下南左西右东)。2. 空间的上和下,down the hill/elevator。3. 郊区,urban area, downtown,the hall。


A: Are you going down to the store today?

B: I went down yesterday.

A: Please? I need some more beer!

B: Go get it yourself.

043 Steal my thunder

解释:to steal someone's thunder,thunder=>big day, big moment,抢了某人的风头。


A: Aren't you inviting Amanda to eht wedding?

B: No way. She always tries to steal my thunder.

A: How? Because she always tries to be the queen?

B: That's right. That's MY day and I'm not gonna let ANYONE steal my thunder.

044 a pain in the neck

解释:讨厌鬼,烦心事(英国英语亦用a pain in the arse, a pain in the backside等,美国英语亦用a pain in the ass, a pain in the butt等,但多数人认为具冒犯意味)

用法:to be a pain in the neck(in the读快接近in nuh),也可简化为 a pain。

A: Oh, this traffic is such a pain in the neck.

B: Well, it's Friday night. It's always bad.

A: Next time, let's take the subway or bus.

B: Oh, but standing on the bus is such a pain in the neck, too!

045 to come in on


用法:to come in on 后加具体星期几Monday等, 周末周中Weekend、Weekdays、数字日期(the 10th of May),预约日期的时候可以使用。

A: Can you come in on a weekend?

B: No. I can only go in on weekdays.

A: Can you come in of Friday?

B: No, I'm Muslim. That's my weekend. Sunday?

046 to turn in

解释:1. 睡觉=go to bed。2. 举报。3.提交。

用法:1. When did you turn in last night? 2. Turn in the weapons to the police. 3. Turn in the proposal to the boss.

A: Did you turn in the assignment?

B: Yes! Now I'm free~

A: So, what are you gonna do?

B: I'm gonna turn in early tonight. I'm tired~~

047 to lack something

解释:to be missing something,to be short of sth,缺少的,不足的

用法:laking something

A: Any advice? How do I get more YouTube viewers?

B: Well. you are lacking something.

A: What? Energy?

B: Hair. You might want to get a toupee.

048 I'm down.


用法:I am down.=>I'm down.

A: You wanna go watch the basketbal game tonight?

B: You paying?

A: No need~Free tickets!

B: Cool! I'm down!

049 to kick it up a notch.

解释:to kick up=> to increase,增加;a notch=>a space, a hole,a little 一档。


A: It's pretty cool in here.

B: The thermostas's at 24.

A: Can we kick it up a notch?

B: Okay. Ooh! That's my favorite song!

A: Me, too! Let's kick that up a notch, too!

050 happy holidays.

解释:holidays, 和习俗有关,日历中标红的节日;vacation ,学校、工作假期;weekend 周末。


A:What are you up to on the holiday?

B: Just staying at home. I start my vacation next week.

A: Why so late?

B: Holiday traffic! It's too much!

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