
2017-10-31  本文已影响19人  pphdsny



Declaring Dependencies

Satisfying Dependencies(满足依赖)

By default, Dagger satisfies each dependency by constructing an instance of the requested type as described above. When you request a CoffeeMaker, it’ll obtain one by calling new CoffeeMaker() and setting its injectable fields.

But @Inject doesn’t work everywhere:


For these cases where @Inject is insufficient or awkward, use an @Provides-annotated method to satisfy a dependency. The method’s return type defines which dependency it satisfies.

For example, provideHeater() is invoked whenever a Heater is required:

@Provides static Heater provideHeater() {
  return new ElectricHeater();

It’s possible for @Provides methods to have dependencies of their own. This one returns a Thermosiphon whenever a Pump is required:(自己也可以通过@Provides对外提供实例)

@Provides static Pump providePump(Thermosiphon pump) {
  return pump;


All @Provides methods must belong to a module. These are just classes that have an @Module annotation.

class DripCoffeeModule {
  @Provides static Heater provideHeater() {
    return new ElectricHeater();

  @Provides static Pump providePump(Thermosiphon pump) {
    return pump;

By convention, @Provides methods are named with a provide prefix and module classes are named with a Module suffix.


The @Inject and @Provides-annotated classes form a graph of objects, linked by their dependencies. Calling code like an application’s mainmethod or an Android Application accesses that graph via a well-defined set of roots.

In Dagger 2, that set is defined by an interface with methods that have no arguments and return the desired type. By applying the @Component annotation to such an interface and passing the module types to the modules parameter, Dagger 2 then fully generates an implementation of that contract.

@Component(modules = DripCoffeeModule.class)
interface CoffeeShop {
  CoffeeMaker maker();

The implementation has the same name as the interface prefixed with Dagger. Obtain an instance by invoking the builder() method on that implementation and use the returned builder to set dependencies and build() a new instance.

CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.builder()
    .dripCoffeeModule(new DripCoffeeModule())

Note: If your @Component is not a top-level type, the generated component’s name will be include its enclosing types’ names, joined with an underscore. For example, this code:

class Foo {
  static class Bar {
    interface BazComponent {}

would generate a component named DaggerFoo_Bar_BazComponent.

Any module with an accessible default constructor can be elided as the builder will construct an instance automatically if none is set. And for any module whose @Provides methods are all static, the implementation doesn’t need an instance at all. If all dependencies can be constructed without the user creating a dependency instance, then the generated implementation will also have a create() method that can be used to get a new instance without having to deal with the builder.

CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.create();

create() {
    return new Builder().build();

Now, our CoffeeApp can simply use the Dagger-generated implementation of CoffeeShop to get a fully-injected CoffeeMaker.

public class CoffeeApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.create();



public class FoodModule {

    Chopsticks provideChopsticks() {
        return new Chopsticks();

@Component(modules = FoodModule.class)
public interface FoodComponent {
    Person injectPerson();

this.provideChopsticksProvider =

instance.chopsticks = chopsticksAndChopsticks2Provider.get();


public final class DoubleCheck<T> implements Provider<T>, Lazy<T> {
  private static final Object UNINITIALIZED = new Object();

  private volatile Provider<T> provider;
  private volatile Object instance = UNINITIALIZED;

  private DoubleCheck(Provider<T> provider) {
    assert provider != null;
    this.provider = provider;

  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // cast only happens when result comes from the provider
  public T get() {
    Object result = instance;
    if (result == UNINITIALIZED) {
      synchronized (this) {
        result = instance;
        if (result == UNINITIALIZED) {
          result = provider.get();
          /* Get the current instance and test to see if the call to provider.get() has resulted
           * in a recursive call.  If it returns the same instance, we'll allow it, but if the
           * instances differ, throw. */
          Object currentInstance = instance;
          if (currentInstance != UNINITIALIZED && currentInstance != result) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Scoped provider was invoked recursively returning "
                + "different results: " + currentInstance + " & " + result + ". This is likely "
                + "due to a circular dependency.");
          instance = result;
          /* Null out the reference to the provider. We are never going to need it again, so we
           * can make it eligible for GC. */
          provider = null;
    return (T) result;

  /** Returns a {@link Provider} that caches the value from the given delegate provider. */
  public static <T> Provider<T> provider(Provider<T> delegate) {
    if (delegate instanceof DoubleCheck) {
      /* This should be a rare case, but if we have a scoped @Binds that delegates to a scoped
       * binding, we shouldn't cache the value again. */
      return delegate;
    return new DoubleCheck<T>(delegate);



Scope起的更多是一个限制作用,比如不同层级的Component需要有不同的scope,注入PerActivity scope的component后activity就不能通过@Inject去获得SingleTon的实例,需要从application去暴露接口获得(getAppliationComponent获得component实例然后访问,比如全局的navigator)。




public @interface FoodForDefault {

public @interface FoodForDefault {

public class FoodModule {

    Food provideFood() {
        return new Food();

    Food provideFoodForSomeThing() {
        return new Food("哈哈哈");

public class Person {

    Food food;

    Food food1;






public class CoffeeMachine {
    private CoffeeMaker maker;
    public CoffeeMachine(Cooker cooker){
        maker = new SimpleMaker(cooker);
    public String makeCoffee(){
        return maker.makeCoffee();


public class CoffeeMachinWithInjection implements InjectMaker{
    private CoffeeMaker maker;
     *No.1  构造函数注入
    public CoffeeMachinWithInjection(CoffeeMaker maker){
        this.maker = maker;
    //No.2  Setter注入
    public void setMaker(CoffeeMaker maker){
        this.maker = maker;
    // //No.3 接口注入
    public void injectMaker(CoffeeMaker maker) {
        this.maker = maker;
    public String makeCoffee(){
        return maker.makeCoffee();



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