
2017-09-02  本文已影响0人  狮子和羊
“别人”家的基督徒 “19我靠主耶稣指望快打发 提摩太 去见你们,叫我知道你们的事,心里就得着安慰。 20因为我没有别人与我同心,实在挂念你们的事。 21别人都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。 22但你们知道 提摩太 的明证;他兴旺福音,与我同劳,待我像儿子待父亲一样。 23所以,我一看出我的事要怎样了结,就盼望立刻打发他去; 24但我靠着主自信我也必快去。”腓立比书 2:19-24



Philippians 2:19-24

What is seeking the things of God?
This passage introduces two types of believers with two different pursuits. The first is that of the others who seek their own pleasure. Paul describes them here as ‘seeking their own things’ (verse 21). Though we are unsure what these things are, but we know for sure that unlike Timothy, these ‘others’ do not truly care for their Christian brothers and sisters in Philippi, and they are not willing to co-suffer with Paul to further the gospel. The second type is that of Timothy, who is described as truly caring for the Philippi church (verse 20) and hence was ‘seeking the things of Jesus Christ’ (verse 21).
Paul gives us a hint what it means to seek the things of Jesus - to co-suffer with our spiritual oversight as children serves a father, in the furtherance of the gospel (verse 22). This is the acid test to see which type we belong to: Only the Timothy-s are willing to give up pleasure for building the faith of weaker Christians, and are willing to support the work of our spiritual leaders in obedience. Where ‘others' might complain, Timothy serves as a son towards a father for the work of the gospel.

We can all be like Timothy but it requires hardwork. Instead of seeking peoples' praise, or personal satisfaction and pride in our actions, whether in the church or in the workplace, we are to start caring about the people whom God has placed in our community. Instead of using people for our pleasure and focusing on what they can do for us, we need to start learning about how we can serve them in order that Jesus becomes real for them and that one day they may call Jesus as Lord. Indeed, then we will be seeking what Jesus truly cares about.

