
2017-03-08  本文已影响13人  文心雕虫

Step One  单词与词组

(1)disrupt v. to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems 扰乱,使混乱

e.g. climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.

(2)turbine n. 涡轮机;汽轮机

gas turbine 燃气发电涡轮机;wind turbine 风力发电涡轮机

(3)blanket v. to cover something with a thick layer 笼罩;覆盖

be blanketed in /with sth

the rooftops were blanketed in snow.

(4)handsome adj. 钱  可观的;丰厚的 (仅用于名词前)

He managed to make a handsome profit out of the deal

(5)pocket v.把...放入口袋;捞取钱财,赢得奖金

John pocketed $2500 in prize money.

(6)subsidy n.津贴,补贴,补助金 (政府或组织为平抑物价、降低生产成本而提供的)

trade/agricultural subsidies

eg. international disagreement over trade subsidies.

形近词 :subside  v.(感情、痛苦、声音)逐渐减弱;平静下来  die down

Simon waited until the laughter subsided.

(7)anathema n.something that is completely the opposite of what you believe in 因立场相左而讨厌的事物

his political views were anathema to me.

(8)mourn vi. 悼念,哀悼

hundereds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.

they mourned for their children, killed in the war.

(9)incumbent n.在职者,现任者

it is not just bad news for fossil-fuel-era incumbents in the generation and transmission businesses.

(10)perennial adj. 经常出现的;长期的;持久的

Ted bears are a perennial favorite with children.

(11)impose  v.if someone in authority imposes a rule,punishment,tax,they force people to accept it 强制推行;强制实施

the government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory

(12)glut n.&v. 供应过剩

a glut of oil on the world market

(13)mask v.盖住 it cannot be noticed bacause of the stronger one

Liz turned on a radio to mask the noise.

(14)stark adj. unpleasantly clear and impossible to avoid 明摆着的;严酷的 harsh

eg. in Europe the glut of renewables is more starkly seen for what it is.

(15)slump v.(价格、价值或数量)暴跌,骤降

sales slumped by 20% last year.

(16)havoc   u.n.灾难;混乱 a lot of damage or a lack of order ,so it is difficult for somenthing to continue in the normal way

the result has been havoc for the old-style utilities.

(17)write off

(18)merit order

(19)intermittent adj. 间歇的;断断续续的  

反义词:constant  同义词:sporadic

the weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers

(20)cling on v.坚守,设法抓住

they also mean that fossil-fuel production capacity clings on- often in particularly dirty forms, such as German power stations powered by brown coal.

Step Three


这次最大的感想是要向看懂一个行业的情况分析,首先要了解行业的基本结构和运行规则。刚开始对于wholesale price和retail price表示什么都不知道,直到听安妮老师讲了电力行业的主要角色和作用。才知道价格是如何影响新能源行业的发展的。







