肌肉与力量 9月28日学习记录
一早起来大体浏览了TED Study栏目,这个栏目涵盖了science and technology, humanity and history . 因为自己喜欢用视频学习,所以很早就有用TED演讲积累知识的想法。基于现在定位英语老师的目标,TED会是一个很棒的方式。
感悟:其实现在知识和资料多如牛毛,重要的不再是知识,比如昨晚大体看了一下哈佛和斯坦福的open course ,这些课程在我上大学的时候简直是超级稀有,但是伴随着国外建立的mooc体系,很多通识类的课程被开放出来,我们不但有机会免费接触到优良的知识,更能触碰到西方的文化内涵,比如斯坦福的人文社科类课程,哈佛的心理学、政治哲学的课程,都让我们对西方的科技、知识、底蕴有着更加直观和真实的感受,还有诸如skill share 网站,编程、做菜等等的技能免费习得,问题是我的英语能力能hold 住吗?目前是不能的。
The principle of interaction between people is Win-Win, there are six basic rules we follow to interactive with others , associates and spouse .
1 win-win
2 win- lose
3 win no deal
4 lose-win
5 lose-lose
6 win
Maybe we think the win-win is ideological, but it is realistic , usually we prioritize the win- lose , but how about the revenge feedback? In the short term, we win , what about the future? Can we keep this status permanently, I think the answer is wrong. Like me, I keep peace and tolerate the unfairness , but gradually the people around me think me naive and easy to tinkle . So they sometimes push me the debris of their jobs , now I learn how to keep the distance from this kind of person , they are like dummy , even they are alive physically , but their mental ability wither and shrink , the shallow gabbing take the place of real communication, the mischievous grine supersed the sincere laughter. Win is another common rules we buy, we don't care others benefits , behave selfishly, someday , we will find solitude, like an island , no land connects with it.
How to implement the Win-Win principle?
CNN Student News September 21st
The show includes four parts , part one is about the aid convoys in Syria civil war . Part two is about the grading the fast food chains using the antibiotics . Part three is about the president election between halliry and trump. Part four is about pumpkin paddling.
Part 1 aid convoys were hit
The UN sent 31 trucks loaded with aids to Syria , but 18 were hitted , maybe by air stuck . The secretary firstly kept positive attitude , the situation sinked down , became worse . The most needed area is controlled by rebellions, it locates in the center , not easy to reach , this mirrors the complexity of Syria civil war .
Part 2 antibiotics chicken
Six nonprofit organization test the sample from the most popular chicken fast food chains, including McDonald's , KFC. Only one chain gets a, majority fail to meet basic antibiotics standard, why antibiotics is harmful ?
Antibiotics can kill bacteria, but the farmer use it as a method to kill the potential disease and promote the heath together with weight gain . But if human eat this kind of meat , he ingest the antibiotics indirectly, that will make the bacteria resistant to the antibiotics, when we become ill and take some antibiotics medical to intend to recover , the medina will be futile .
Part 3 Presidential election
Trump is from Republican Party, Halliry is from Democratic Party , so is present president , Obama . Halliry spent 37 million dollars to advertise on TV, really outspent Trump. But they are at close race, there are retirement village , Trump stronghold , 45 miles away in Orlando, more young man , more ethnically, Halliry will pummel trump here . Halliry team invests money and energy to ground game , the situation urges her to take measures .
Part 4
In Wisconsin, people sow seeds of happiness ,they carve out the pumpkin boats, prepare a paddling contest in a pool . The contestants will get bragging right.