2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克

2019-01-02  本文已影响0人  尼克123
2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克

This weekend, the first class (8:20-10:20), there were games organized by the club and the children participated actively. on sunday, the team (6s岁)I was training played 3 games, one win and lost two. The last game lost, they were playing the team older than them (8岁), these kind of games are very important in football training and the development of player.

2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克

2nd class

16 young players were present,  the main topic was dribbling the ball and passing.

1. warm up with the ball: they did different exercises with the, one touch one step dribble, push the ball m, step over, scissor,

warm up without the ball: they run and did coordination exercises

2. dribble and pass

A group of two_ eight groups, around a square of 5m*5m, the first player dribbles and arrives in the square and perform stepover, scissor then goes back dribbling and the second player does the same.

Later, the player after doing the exercises in the square doesnt dribble he passes the ball to his groupmate and run to his postion.

The same exercise, but after doing the exercise the player has yo change the position and pass the ball to another player in the position different from where he came.

3. Normal game

4players went to play against another class, two pitches were set and they played 3vs3

2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克 2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克 2018年12月30-31号 多米尼克
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