

2019-06-02  本文已影响65人  Y大宽



samtools mpileup [options] in1.bam [in2.bam [...]]
Input options:
  -6, --illumina1.3+      quality is in the Illumina-1.3+ encoding
  -A, --count-orphans     do not discard anomalous read pairs
  -b, --bam-list FILE     list of input BAM filenames, one per line
  -B, --no-BAQ            disable BAQ (per-Base Alignment Quality)
  -C, --adjust-MQ INT     adjust mapping quality; recommended:50, disable:0 [0]
  -d, --max-depth INT     max per-file depth; avoids excessive memory usage [8000]
  -E, --redo-BAQ          recalculate BAQ on the fly, ignore existing BQs
  -f, --fasta-ref FILE    faidx indexed reference sequence file
  -G, --exclude-RG FILE   exclude read groups listed in FILE
  -l, --positions FILE    skip unlisted positions (chr pos) or regions (BED)
  -q, --min-MQ INT        skip alignments with mapQ smaller than INT [0]
  -Q, --min-BQ INT        skip bases with baseQ/BAQ smaller than INT [13]
  -r, --region REG        region in which pileup is generated
  -R, --ignore-RG         ignore RG tags (one BAM = one sample)
  --rf, --incl-flags STR|INT  required flags: skip reads with mask bits unset []
  --ff, --excl-flags STR|INT  filter flags: skip reads with mask bits set
  -x, --ignore-overlaps   disable read-pair overlap detection

Output options:
  -o, --output FILE       write output to FILE [standard output]
  -O, --output-BP         output base positions on reads
  -s, --output-MQ         output mapping quality
      --output-QNAME      output read names
  -a                      output all positions (including zero depth)
  -a -a (or -aa)          output absolutely all positions, including unused ref. sequences


-f用samtools faidx对参考序列建index.fai文件,其他软件也可以

$ samtools mpileup -f genome.fasta abc.bam > abc.txt
$ samtools mpileup -gSDf genome.fasta abc.bam > abc.bcf
$ samtools mpileup -guSDf genome.fasta abc.bam |bcftools view -cvNg - > abc.vcf



[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
chr1    10105   N       8       AAAAcAAA        kuuu>6uK
chr1    10106   N       10      CCCCcCCCC^$c    uuuukAuuAK
chr1    10107   N       10      CCCCcCCCCc      upukaFfuKF
chr1    10108   N       9       CCCCcCCCC       ukup7K\uK
chr1    10109   N       10      AA$AAaAAAA$a    kpuuBKppFA
chr1    10110   N       7       AA$A$aAAA       kupkFkp
chr1    10111   N       6       CcCCCc  QuApuK
chr1    10112   N       6       CcCCCc  \uKppK
chr1    10113   N       6       C$cCCCc \uKkpK
chr1    10114   N       5       tTTTt   k7fpF


  • 参考序列名(染色体)
  • 位置
  • 参考序列的碱基
  • 比对上的read数目
  • 比对的情况
  • 比对上的碱基的质量


chr1    10056   N       7       AAAA*AA kfuufKK
chr1    2003928 N       5       CCC+6GGGCCGC+6GGGCCGC   uupu<
chr1    10106   N       10      CCCCcCCCC^$c    uuuukAuuAK
chr1    737247  N       3       Cc^5c   KKK
chr1    1197931 N       3       T-6NNNNNNT-6NNNNNNt-6nnnnnn     uuK
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