大师游戏II 164~捕食者
今天是大师游戏第164天星期五,继续读《Dark NLP》
You will be given advice on how to progress to the ultimate aim of Dark NLP - to become a constant predator.
Dark NLP的终极目的竟然是成为一个捕食者,终于感觉到了Dark的感觉。
The first stage of learning Dark NLP can be called tentative exploration. In this stage, someone who has heard about this unique perspective on life for the first time begins to consider its ideas and gradually weigh them up against their own perception of the world.
Dark NLP的第一阶段叫“初探”,在这个阶段你会以将信将疑的态度对待和应用NLP的一些想法。为了超越这个阶段,可以持有开放的态度多在生活中应用NLP的一些方法,并感受它给你生活带来的变化。
This stage of the process can be termed cautious acceptance. During this time, you will learn to start to see things through a Dark NLP lens, although to do so will require conscious effort. You will begin to notice that Dark NLP ideas are more apparent to you than they were previously. You may also begin to question your understanding of morality.
第二阶段称为“慎接”,就是慎重地接受,在这个阶段你更加有意识地应用Dark NLP,并且尝到了一些甜处。
Following cautious acceptance, you will progress to a level of Dark NLP usage that can be termed casual competence. At this stage, you will begin to naturally think in terms of Dark NLP concepts, and this will require progressively less effort from you. You will also find yourself using Dark NLP to take control of your own life and influence others without having to think about it.
第三阶段成为“习惯”,在这个阶段,Dark NLP逐渐融入你的血液,你开始自然而然地使用Dark NLP影响自己和他人。最重要的标识是你开始影响他人,但是你自己并无愧疚感。
The levels beyond casual competence all involve mastery of Dark NLP to extent or another. There are no longer so much distinct levels of progress as there are gradual degrees of improvement. Signs that someone has reached the mastery stage of Dark NLP include the ability to read the power balance of any interaction effortlessly and without conscious thought, a clear and constant focus on achieving your outcome in any given situation and the ability to mirror someone else without a second thought and influence them based on a deep, artificial rapport that you create without effort.
Your mastery of Dark NLP is reliant on your willingness to absorb the techniques and concepts described in this book. You must be willing to take massive action within your life and attempt to exert as much influence through the use of Dark NLP as possible. You must always be willing to identify patterns of success that you can model, implement and use to reach the next level of your mastery in the shortest space of time possible.
为了达到精通的阶段,你需要愿意相信Dark NLP的魔力,并进行大量的练习,持续地回顾、反思和萃取适合自己的有效点。