
Initialization (构造过程下)

2017-01-19  本文已影响29人  金旭峰

Automatic Initializer Inheritance (构造器的自动继承)

As mentioned above, subclasses do not inherit their superclass initializers by default. However, superclass initializersareautomatically inherited if certain conditions are met. In practice, this means that you do not need to write initializer overrides in many common scenarios, and can inherit your superclass initializers with minimal effort whenever it is safe to do so.


Assuming that you provide default values for any new properties you introduce in a subclass, the following two rules apply:

假设你为子类中引入的所有新属性都提供了默认值,以下 2 个规则适用:

Rule 1

If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers, it automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initializers.


Rule 2

If your subclass provides an implementation ofallof its superclass designated initializers—either by inheriting them as per rule 1, or by providing a custom implementation as part of its definition—then it automatically inherits all of the superclass convenience initializers.

如果子类提供了所有父类指定构造器的实现——无论是通过规则 1 继承过来的,还是提供了自定义实现——它将自动继承所有父类的便利构造器。

These rules apply even if your subclass adds further convenience initializers.



A subclass can implement a superclass designated initializer as a subclass convenience initializer as part of satisfying rule 2.

对于规则 2,子类可以将父类的指定构造器实现为便利构造器。

Designated and Convenience Initializers in Action (指定构造器和便利构造器实践)

The following example shows designated initializers, convenience initializers, and automatic initializer inheritance in action. This example defines a hierarchy of three classes calledFood,RecipeIngredient, andShoppingListItem, and demonstrates how their initializers interact.


The base class in the hierarchy is calledFood, which is a simple class to encapsulate the name of a foodstuff. TheFoodclass introduces a singleStringproperty callednameand provides two initializers for creatingFoodinstances:


class Food{

    var name:String

    init(name:String) {



    convenience init() {




The figure below shows the initializer chain for theFoodclass:


Classes do not have a default memberwise initializer, and so theFoodclass provides a designated initializer that takes a single argument calledname. This initializer can be used to create a newFoodinstance with a specific name:


let namedMeat=Food(name:"Bacon")

// namedMeat's name is "Bacon"

Theinit(name: String)initializer from theFoodclass is provided as adesignatedinitializer, because it ensures that all stored properties of a newFoodinstance are fully initialized. TheFoodclass does not have a superclass, and so theinit(name: String)initializer does not need to callsuper.init()to complete its initialization.

Food类中的构造器init(name: String)被定义为一个指定构造器,因为它能确保Food实例的所有存储型属性都被初始化。Food类没有父类,所以init(name: String)构造器不需要调用super.init()来完成构造过程。

TheFoodclass also provides aconvenienceinitializer,init(), with no arguments. Theinit()initializer provides a default placeholder name for a new food by delegating across to theFoodclass’sinit(name: String)with anamevalue of[Unnamed]:

Food类同样提供了一个没有参数的便利构造器init()。这个init()构造器为新食物提供了一个默认的占位名字,通过横向代理到指定构造器init(name: String)并给参数name传值[Unnamed]来实现:

let mysteryMeat=Food()

// mysteryMeat's name is "[Unnamed]"

The second class in the hierarchy is a subclass ofFoodcalledRecipeIngredient. TheRecipeIngredientclass models an ingredient in a cooking recipe. It introduces anIntproperty calledquantity(in addition to thenameproperty it inherits fromFood) and defines two initializers for creatingRecipeIngredientinstances:


class RecipeIngredient:Food{

    var quantity:Int

    init (name:String,quantity:Int) {




    override convenience init(name:String) {




The figure below shows the initializer chain for theRecipeIngredientclass:


TheRecipeIngredientclass has a single designated initializer,init(name: String, quantity: Int), which can be used to populate all of the properties of a newRecipeIngredientinstance. This initializer starts by assigning the passedquantityargument to thequantityproperty, which is the only new property introduced byRecipeIngredient. After doing so, the initializer delegates up to theinit(name: String)initializer of theFoodclass. This process satisfies safety check 1 fromTwo-Phase Initializationabove.

RecipeIngredient类拥有一个指定构造器init(name: String, quantity: Int),它可以用来填充RecipeIngredient实例的所有属性值。这个构造器一开始先将传入的quantity参数赋值给quantity属性,这个属性也是唯一在RecipeIngredient中新引入的属性。随后,构造器向上代理到父类Food的init(name: String)。这个过程满足两段式构造过程中的安全检查 1。

RecipeIngredientalso defines a convenience initializer,init(name: String), which is used to create aRecipeIngredientinstance by name alone. This convenience initializer assumes a quantity of1for anyRecipeIngredientinstance that is created without an explicit quantity. The definition of this convenience initializer makesRecipeIngredientinstances quicker and more convenient to create, and avoids code duplication when creating several single-quantityRecipeIngredientinstances. This convenience initializer simply delegates across to the class’s designated initializer, passing in aquantityvalue of1.

RecipeIngredient还定义了一个便利构造器init(name: String),它只通过name来创建RecipeIngredient的实例。这个便利构造器假设任意RecipeIngredient实例的quantity为1,所以不需要显式指明数量即可创建出实例。这个便利构造器的定义可以更加方便和快捷地创建实例,并且避免了创建多个quantity为1的RecipeIngredient实例时的代码重复。这个便利构造器只是简单地横向代理到类中的指定构造器,并为quantity参数传递1。

Theinit(name: String)convenience initializer provided byRecipeIngredienttakes the same parameters as theinit(name: String)designatedinitializer fromFood. Because this convenience initializer overrides a designated initializer from its superclass, it must be marked with theoverridemodifier (as described inInitializer Inheritance and Overriding).

注意,RecipeIngredient的便利构造器init(name: String)使用了跟Food中指定构造器init(name: String)相同的参数。由于这个便利构造器重写了父类的指定构造器init(name: String),因此必须在前面使用override修饰符(参见构造器的继承和重写)。

Even thoughRecipeIngredientprovides theinit(name: String)initializer as a convenience initializer,RecipeIngredienthas nonetheless provided an implementation of all of its superclass’s designated initializers. Therefore,RecipeIngredientautomatically inherits all of its superclass’s convenience initializers too.


In this example, the superclass forRecipeIngredientisFood, which has a single convenience initializer calledinit(). This initializer is therefore inherited byRecipeIngredient. The inherited version ofinit()functions in exactly the same way as theFoodversion, except that it delegates to theRecipeIngredientversion ofinit(name: String)rather than theFoodversion.

在这个例子中,RecipeIngredient的父类是Food,它有一个便利构造器init()。这个便利构造器会被RecipeIngredient继承。这个继承版本的init()在功能上跟Food提供的版本是一样的,只是它会代理到RecipeIngredient版本的init(name: String)而不是Food提供的版本。

All three of these initializers can be used to create newRecipeIngredientinstances:


let oneMysteryItem=RecipeIngredient()

let oneBacon=RecipeIngredient(name:"Bacon")

let sixEggs=RecipeIngredient(name:"Eggs",quantity:6)

The third and final class in the hierarchy is a subclass ofRecipeIngredientcalledShoppingListItem. TheShoppingListItemclass models a recipe ingredient as it appears in a shopping list.


Every item in the shopping list starts out as “unpurchased”. To represent this fact,ShoppingListItemintroduces a Boolean property calledpurchased, with a default value offalse.ShoppingListItemalso adds a computeddescriptionproperty, which provides a textual description of aShoppingListIteminstance:


class ShoppingListItem:RecipeIngredient{

    var purchased=false

    var description:String{

    var output="\(quantity)x\(name)"

    output+=purchased?" ✔":" ✘"

    return output




ShoppingListItemdoes not define an initializer to provide an initial value forpurchased, because items in a shopping list (as modeled here) always start out unpurchased.


Because it provides a default value for all of the properties it introduces and does not define any initializers itself,ShoppingListItemautomatically inheritsallof the designated and convenience initializers from its superclass.


The figure below shows the overall initializer chain for all three classes:


You can use all three of the inherited initializers to create a newShoppingListIteminstance:


var breakfastList= [





breakfastList[0].name="Orange juice"


for item in breakfastList{



// 1 x Orange juice ✔

// 1 x Bacon ✘

// 6 x Eggs ✘

Here, a new array calledbreakfastListis created from an array literal containing three newShoppingListIteminstances. The type of the array is inferred to be[ShoppingListItem]. After the array is created, the name of theShoppingListItemat the start of the array is changed from"[Unnamed]"to"Orange juice"and it is marked as having been purchased. Printing the description of each item in the array shows that their default states have been set as expected.

如上所述,例子中通过字面量方式创建了一个数组breakfastList,它包含了三个ShoppingListItem实例,因此数组的类型也能被自动推导为[ShoppingListItem]。在数组创建完之后,数组中第一个ShoppingListItem实例的名字从[Unnamed]更改为Orange juice,并标记为已购买。打印数组中每个元素的描述显示了它们都已按照预期被赋值。

Failable Initializers (可失败构造器)

It is sometimes useful to define a class, structure, or enumeration for which initialization can fail. This failure might be triggered by invalid initialization parameter values, the absence of a required external resource, or some other condition that prevents initialization from succeeding.


To cope with initialization conditions that can fail, define one or more failable initializers as part of a class, structure, or enumeration definition. You write a failable initializer by placing a question mark after theinitkeyword (init?).



You cannot define a failable and a nonfailable initializer with the same parameter types and names.


A failable initializer creates anoptionalvalue of the type it initializes. You writereturn nilwithin a failable initializer to indicate a point at which initialization failure can be triggered.

可失败构造器会创建一个类型为自身类型的可选类型的对象。你通过return nil语句来表明可失败构造器在何种情况下应该“失败”。


Strictly speaking, initializers do not return a value. Rather, their role is to ensure thatselfis fully and correctly initialized by the time that initialization ends. Although you writereturn nilto trigger an initialization failure, you do not use thereturnkeyword to indicate initialization success.

严格来说,构造器都不支持返回值。因为构造器本身的作用,只是为了确保对象能被正确构造。因此你只是用return nil表明可失败构造器构造失败,而不要用关键字return来表明构造成功。

The example below defines a structure calledAnimal, with a constantStringproperty calledspecies. TheAnimalstructure also defines a failable initializer with a single parameter calledspecies. This initializer checks if thespeciesvalue passed to the initializer is an empty string. If an empty string is found, an initialization failure is triggered. Otherwise, thespeciesproperty’s value is set, and initialization succeeds:


struct Animal{

    let species:String

    init?(species:String) {

    if species.isEmpty{returnnil}




You can use this failable initializer to try to initialize a newAnimalinstance and to check if initialization succeeded:


let someCreature=Animal(species:"Giraffe")

// someCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal

if let giraffe=someCreature{

    print("An animal was initialized with a species of\(giraffe.species)")


// Prints "An animal was initialized with a species of Giraffe"

If you pass an empty string value to the failable initializer’sspeciesparameter, the initializer triggers an initialization failure:


let anonymousCreature=Animal(species:"")

// anonymousCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal

if anonymousCreature==nil{

print("The anonymous creature could not be initialized")


// Prints "The anonymous creature could not be initialized"


Checking for an empty string value (such as""rather than"Giraffe") is not the same as checking fornilto indicate the absence of anoptionalStringvalue. In the example above, an empty string ("") is a valid, nonoptionalString. However, it is not appropriate for an animal to have an empty string as the value of itsspeciesproperty. To model this restriction, the failable initializer triggers an initialization failure if an empty string is found.


Failable Initializers for Enumerations (枚举类型的可失败构造器)

You can use a failable initializer to select an appropriate enumeration case based on one or more parameters. The initializer can then fail if the provided parameters do not match an appropriate enumeration case.


The example below defines an enumeration calledTemperatureUnit, with three possible states (kelvin,celsius, andfahrenheit). A failable initializer is used to find an appropriate enumeration case for aCharactervalue representing a temperature symbol:


enum TemperatureUnit{

    case kelvin,celsius,fahrenheit

    init?(symbol:Character) {

        switch symbol{


                  self= .kelvin


                  self= .celsius    


                  self= .fahrenheit


                 return nil




You can use this failable initializer to choose an appropriate enumeration case for the three possible states and to cause initialization to fail if the parameter does not match one of these states:


let fahrenheitUnit=TemperatureUnit(symbol:"F")

if fahrenheitUnit!=nil{

    print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")


// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."

let unknownUnit=TemperatureUnit(symbol:"X")

if unknownUnit==nil{

print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")


// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."

Failable Initializers for Enumerations with Raw Values (带原始值的枚举类型的可失败构造器)

Enumerations with raw values automatically receive a failable initializer,init?(rawValue:), that takes a parameter calledrawValueof the appropriate raw-value type and selects a matching enumeration case if one is found, or triggers an initialization failure if no matching value exists.


You can rewrite theTemperatureUnitexample from above to use raw values of typeCharacterand to take advantage of theinit?(rawValue:)initializer:


enum TemperatureUnit:Character{

    case kelvin="K",celsius="C",fahrenheit="F"


let fahrenheitUnit=TemperatureUnit(rawValue:"F")

if fahrenheitUnit!=nil{

    print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")


// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."

let unknownUnit=TemperatureUnit(rawValue:"X")

if unknownUnit==nil{

    print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")


// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."

Propagation of Initialization Failure (构造失败的传递)

A failable initializer of a class, structure, or enumeration can delegate across to another failable initializer from the same class, structure, or enumeration. Similarly, a subclass failable initializer can delegate up to a superclass failable initializer.


In either case, if you delegate to another initializer that causes initialization to fail, the entire initialization process fails immediately, and no further initialization code is executed.



A failable initializer can also delegate to a nonfailable initializer. Use this approach if you need to add a potential failure state to an existing initialization process that does not otherwise fail.


The example below defines a subclass ofProductcalledCartItem. TheCartItemclass models an item in an online shopping cart.CartItemintroduces a stored constant property calledquantityand ensures that this property always has a value of at least1:


class Product{

    let name:String

    init?(name:String) {

        if name.isEmpty{returnnil}




class CartItem:Product{

let quantity:Int

 init?(name:String,quantity:Int) {

  if quantity<1{returnnil}





The failable initializer forCartItemstarts by validating that it has received aquantityvalue of1or more. If thequantityis invalid, the entire initialization process fails immediately and no further initialization code is executed. Likewise, the failable initializer forProductchecks thenamevalue, and the initializer process fails immediately ifnameis the empty string.

CartItem可失败构造器首先验证接收的quantity值是否大于等于 1 。倘若quantity值无效,则立即终止整个构造过程,返回失败结果,且不再执行余下代码。同样地,Product的可失败构造器首先检查name值,假如name值为空字符串,则构造器立即执行失败。

If you create aCartIteminstance with a nonempty name and a quantity of1or more, initialization succeeds:

如果你通过传入一个非空字符串name以及一个值大于等于 1 的quantity来创建一个CartItem实例,那么构造方法能够成功被执行:

if let twoSocks=CartItem(name:"sock",quantity:2) {

    print("Item:\(twoSocks.name), quantity:\(twoSocks.quantity)")


// Prints "Item: sock, quantity: 2"

If you try to create aCartIteminstance with aquantityvalue of0, theCartIteminitializer causes initialization to fail:

倘若你以一个值为 0 的quantity来创建一个CartItem实例,那么将导致CartItem构造器失败:

if let zeroShirts=CartItem(name:"shirt",quantity:0) {

    print("Item:\(zeroShirts.name), quantity:\(zeroShirts.quantity)")

} else {

    print("Unable to initialize zero shirts")


// Prints "Unable to initialize zero shirts"

Similarly, if you try to create aCartIteminstance with an emptynamevalue, the superclassProductinitializer causes initialization to fail:


if let oneUnnamed=CartItem(name:"",quantity:1) {

    print("Item:\(oneUnnamed.name), quantity:\(oneUnnamed.quantity)")

} else {

    print("Unable to initialize one unnamed product")


// Prints "Unable to initialize one unnamed product"

Overriding a Failable Initializer (重写一个可失败构造器)

You can override a superclass failable initializer in a subclass, just like any other initializer. Alternatively, you can override a superclass failable initializer with a subclassnonfailableinitializer. This enables you to define a subclass for which initialization cannot fail, even though initialization of the superclass is allowed to fail.


Note that if you override a failable superclass initializer with a nonfailable subclass initializer, the only way to delegate up to the superclass initializer is to force-unwrap the result of the failable superclass initializer.



You can override a failable initializer with a nonfailable initializer but not the other way around.


The example below defines a class calledDocument. This class models a document that can be initialized with anameproperty that is either a nonempty string value ornil, but cannot be an empty string:


class Document{

    var name:String?

// this initializer creates a document with a nil name value

init() {}

// this initializer creates a document with a nonempty name value

init?(name:String) {

    if name.isEmpty{returnnil}




The next example defines a subclass ofDocumentcalledAutomaticallyNamedDocument. TheAutomaticallyNamedDocumentsubclass overrides both of the designated initializers introduced byDocument. These overrides ensure that anAutomaticallyNamedDocumentinstance has an initialnamevalue of"[Untitled]"if the instance is initialized without a name, or if an empty string is passed to theinit(name:)initializer:


class AutomaticallyNamedDocument:Document{

    override init() {




    override init(name:String) {


        if name.isEmpty{


    } else {





TheAutomaticallyNamedDocumentoverrides its superclass’s failableinit?(name:)initializer with a nonfailableinit(name:)initializer. BecauseAutomaticallyNamedDocumentcopes with the empty string case in a different way than its superclass, its initializer does not need to fail, and so it provides a nonfailable version of the initializer instead.


You can use forced unwrapping in an initializer to call a failable initializer from the superclass as part of the implementation of a subclass’s nonfailable initializer. For example, theUntitledDocumentsubclass below is always named"[Untitled]", and it uses the failableinit(name:)initializer from its superclass during initialization.


class UntitledDocument:Document{

    override init() {




In this case, if theinit(name:)initializer of the superclass were ever called with an empty string as the name, the forced unwrapping operation would result in a runtime error. However, because it’s called with a string constant, you can see that the initializer won’t fail, so no runtime error can occur in this case.


The init! Failable Initializer (可失败构造器 init!)

You typically define a failable initializer that creates an optional instance of the appropriate type by placing a question mark after theinitkeyword (init?). Alternatively, you can define a failable initializer that creates an implicitly unwrapped optional instance of the appropriate type. Do this by placing an exclamation mark after theinitkeyword (init!) instead of a question mark.


You can delegate frominit?toinit!and vice versa, and you can overrideinit?withinit!and vice versa. You can also delegate frominittoinit!, although doing so will trigger an assertion if theinit!initializer causes initialization to fail.


Required Initializers (必要构造器)

Write therequiredmodifier before the definition of a class initializer to indicate that every subclass of the class must implement that initializer:


class SomeClass{

    required init() {

    // initializer implementation goes here



You must also write therequiredmodifier before every subclass implementation of a required initializer, to indicate that the initializer requirement applies to further subclasses in the chain. You do not write theoverridemodifier when overriding a required designated initializer:


class SomeSubclass:SomeClass{

    required init() {

    // subclass implementation of the required initializer goes here




You do not have to provide an explicit implementation of a required initializer if you can satisfy the requirement with an inherited initializer.


Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function (通过闭包或函数设置属性的默认值)

If a stored property’s default value requires some customization or setup, you can use a closure or global function to provide a customized default value for that property. Whenever a new instance of the type that the property belongs to is initialized, the closure or function is called, and its return value is assigned as the property’s default value.


These kinds of closures or functions typically create a temporary value of the same type as the property, tailor that value to represent the desired initial state, and then return that temporary value to be used as the property’s default value.


Here’s a skeleton outline of how a closure can be used to provide a default property value:


class  SomeClass{

    let someProperty:SomeType= {

   // create a default value for someProperty inside this closure

    // someValue must be of the same type as SomeType

   return someValue



Note that the closure’s end curly brace is followed by an empty pair of parentheses. This tells Swift to execute the closure immediately. If you omit these parentheses, you are trying to assign the closure itself to the property, and not the return value of the closure.

注意闭包结尾的大括号后面接了一对空的小括号。这用来告诉 Swift 立即执行此闭包。如果你忽略了这对括号,相当于将闭包本身作为值赋值给了属性,而不是将闭包的返回值赋值给属性。


If you use a closure to initialize a property, remember that the rest of the instance has not yet been initialized at the point that the closure is executed. This means that you cannot access any other property values from within your closure, even if those properties have default values. You also cannot use the implicitselfproperty, or call any of the instance’s methods.


The example below defines a structure calledChessboard, which models a board for the game of chess. Chess is played on an 8 x 8 board, with alternating black and white squares.


To represent this game board, theChessboardstructure has a single property calledboardColors, which is an array of 64Boolvalues. A value oftruein the array represents a black square and a value offalserepresents a white square. The first item in the array represents the top left square on the board and the last item in the array represents the bottom right square on the board.


TheboardColorsarray is initialized with a closure to set up its color values:


struct Chessboard{

    let boardColors: [Bool] = {

    var temporaryBoard= [Bool]()

    var isBlack=false

    for i in1...8{



          isBlack= !isBlack


   isBlack= !isBlack


return temporaryBoard


func squareIsBlackAt(row:Int,column:Int) ->Bool{

return boardColors[(row*8) +column]



Whenever a newChessboardinstance is created, the closure is executed, and the default value ofboardColorsis calculated and returned. The closure in the example above calculates and sets the appropriate color for each square on the board in a temporary array calledtemporaryBoard, and returns this temporary array as the closure’s return value once its setup is complete. The returned array value is stored inboardColorsand can be queried with thesquareIsBlackAtRowutility function:


let board=Chessboard()


// Prints "true"


// Prints "false"

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