Dart 语法 学习记录
2022-02-09 本文已影响0人
var name = 'Voyager I';
var year = 1977;
var antennaDiameter = 3.7;
var flybyObjects = ['Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune'];
var image = {
'tags': ['saturn'],
'url': '//path/to/saturn.jpg'
Control flow statements
if (year >= 2001) {
print('21st century');
} else if (year >= 1901) {
print('20th century');
for (final object in flybyObjects) {
for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++) {
while (year < 2016) {
year += 1;
int fibonacci(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1) return n;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
var result = fibonacci(20);
//A shorthand => (arrow) syntax is handy for functions that contain a single statement. This syntax is especially useful when passing anonymous functions as arguments:
flybyObjects.where((name) => name.contains('turn')).forEach(print);
bool isNoble(int atomicNumber) {
return _nobleGases[atomicNumber] != null;
isNoble(atomicNumber) {
return _nobleGases[atomicNumber] != null;
bool isNoble(int atomicNumber) => _nobleGases[atomicNumber] != null;
Dart comments usually start with //.
// This is a normal, one-line comment.
/// This is a documentation comment, used to document libraries,
/// classes, and their members. Tools like IDEs and dartdoc treat
/// doc comments specially.
/* Comments like these are also supported. */
To access APIs defined in other libraries, use import.
// Importing core libraries
import 'dart:math';
// Importing libraries from external packages
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Importing files
import 'path/to/my_other_file.dart';
class Spacecraft {
String name;
DateTime? launchDate;
// Read-only non-final property
int? get launchYear => launchDate?.year;
// Constructor, with syntactic sugar for assignment to members.
Spacecraft(this.name, this.launchDate) {
// Initialization code goes here.
// Named constructor that forwards to the default one.
Spacecraft.unlaunched(String name) : this(name, null);
// Method.
void describe() {
print('Spacecraft: $name');
// Type promotion doesn't work on getters.
var launchDate = this.launchDate;
if (launchDate != null) {
int years =
DateTime.now().difference(launchDate).inDays ~/ 365;
print('Launched: $launchYear ($years years ago)');
} else {
var voyager = Spacecraft('Voyager I', DateTime(1977, 9, 5));
var voyager3 = Spacecraft.unlaunched('Voyager III');
Dart has single inheritance.
class Orbiter extends Spacecraft {
double altitude;
Orbiter(String name, DateTime launchDate, this.altitude)
: super(name, launchDate);
Mixins are a way of reusing code in multiple class hierarchies. The following is a mixin declaration:
mixin Piloted {
int astronauts = 1;
void describeCrew() {
print('Number of astronauts: $astronauts');
//To add a mixin’s capabilities to a class, just extend the class with the mixin.
class PilotedCraft extends Spacecraft with Piloted {
// ···
Interfaces and abstract classes
Dart has no interface keyword. Instead, all classes implicitly define an interface. Therefore, you can implement any class.
class MockSpaceship implements Spacecraft {
// ···
//You can create an abstract class to be extended (or implemented) by a concrete class. Abstract classes can contain abstract methods (with empty bodies).
abstract class Describable {
void describe();
void describeWithEmphasis() {
Avoid callback hell and make your code much more readable by using async and await.
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
// ···
Future<void> printWithDelay(String message) async {
await Future.delayed(oneSecond);
//The method above is equivalent to:
Future<void> printWithDelay(String message) {
return Future.delayed(oneSecond).then((_) {
//As the next example shows, async and await help make asynchronous code easy to read.
Future<void> createDescriptions(Iterable<String> objects) async {
for (final object in objects) {
try {
var file = File('$object.txt');
if (await file.exists()) {
var modified = await file.lastModified();
'File for $object already exists. It was modified on $modified.');
await file.create();
await file.writeAsString('Start describing $object in this file.');
} on IOException catch (e) {
print('Cannot create description for $object: $e');
//You can also use async*, which gives you a nice, readable way to build streams.
Stream<String> report(Spacecraft craft, Iterable<String> objects) async* {
for (final object in objects) {
await Future.delayed(oneSecond);
yield '${craft.name} flies by $object';
To raise an exception, use throw:
if (astronauts == 0) {
throw StateError('No astronauts.');
//To catch an exception, use a try statement with on or catch (or both):
try {
for (final object in flybyObjects) {
var description = await File('$object.txt').readAsString();
} on IOException catch (e) {
print('Could not describe object: $e');
} finally {
//Note that the code above is asynchronous; try works for both synchronous code and code in an async function.