
French fries

2019-03-08  本文已影响0人  极客与宽客

Someone once told me that French fries are not French. There must be some connection between fries and France, otherwise, they wouldn’t be called French Fries.

Wherever they are from, I love them. I guess they’re the most popular food in the world. Everyone eats French fries. They are very versatile(多功能的) – you can eat them with so many things. You can even have a French Fries sandwich. People put all sorts of things on top of French fries. I love ketchup and mayonnaise(蛋黄酱) on my fries – both together. You have to have salt.

The only time I don’t like fries is when they are cold. I get angry if I get fries that aren’t hot in a fast food restaurant. I take them back immediately. All of this talk of French fries has made me want to eat some.

备注:薯条真正的来源地是比利时。早在1680年的时候,比利时人就开始制作这种薯条了。之所以会叫French Fries,原因在于:在第一次世界大战的时候,美国士兵在比利时吃到了这种薯条,觉得特别美味,而当时在比利时军队中的通用语言是法语,他们就以为是“法国的薯条”了,便想当然的称其为“ French Fries”。

参考资料:listen aminute


