Day 18, page 196-205

2017-06-26  本文已影响0人  Michelle818287

1. words and phrases

1) You know, this class favorites thing has really got my gears turning.

Get one's gears turning: they are thinking (hard) and coming to revelations and conclusions.

e.g.: The American Independent party has really got my gears turning.

2) Even if you don't lived up to what you got picked for, it doesn't really matter, because it's our permanent record.

Live up to: 不辜负…的期望

e.g.: No worry, I won't stop loving you even if you don't lived up to my expectation and became a musician.

3) We still run into him at the Food Barn every once in a while.

Run into: 偶然碰见,撞上

e.g.: In Cambodian, we ran into these guys from Indonesia all the time.

4) Anyway, Mom totally foiled my plan to win class clown.

Foil: 挫败;打破(对方策略)。

e.g.: He appeared suddenly, and that totally foiled my plan to travel with my friends.

5) I almost lost my lunch when Mr. Worth dropped his chalk in History class.

Lose (one's) lunch: to vomit.

e.g.: I almost lost my lunch when he said he loved me regardless of my marriage.

2. Sentences

1) I'm glad I can just do whatever I want without having to worry about carrying all that dead weight around.

e.g.: I'm glad I can go to Taiwan where I have dreamed about many years without having to worry about leaving my kids at home.

2) I've been trying to think of a category I have a shot at.

e.g.: It's a difficult job, but I would like to have a shot at it.

3. Dairy

  Today I received a message from my friend: "Yesterday, I really wanted a burrito. Today I am eating a burrito. Follow your dreams." This is called Monday Inspiration. However, I want a big diamond. How could I follow my dreams? Hahaaa, just kidding. But I do want to get a good job. I do want to travel around the world and I do want to speak English well. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". If I just saying, but without doing anything, I would never get anything I want. Don't let excuse foil your plan. Stick on it and follow your dreams, you will be successful one day. 

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