
2018-10-26  本文已影响0人  Evamiss1


万圣节将至,熊孩子们 Trick or Treat (不给糖就捣蛋)的脚步近了,都市男女们也都开始蠢蠢欲动地准备聚会上的恐怖装扮。如果你不喜热闹,那么约上二三好友一起观看一部恐怖片,也是度过如此“佳节”的好方式。

有这样一部恐怖片,它位列世界十大恐怖片之列,在当年上映时以小博大,凭借着区区32.5万美元的制作成本,获得了上千万的票房收入。这部影片就是著名的 Halloween ,中文名译为《月光光心慌慌》。

Halloween 由约翰·卡朋特执导,于1978年10月25日在美国上映。该片讲述了麦尔斯杀死十七岁姐姐后,被父母送进精神病院,十五年后逃出来继续杀人的故事。影片对恐怖的表达方式简单直白,却是电影史上艺术与商业完美结合的经典案例之一。

本篇课程首发于2018年10月26日,节选自 The New York Times



'Halloween' 1978: The Times Finally Reviews a Horror Classic

① The original "Halloween" always struck me as an experimental art film in a bloody exploitation mask.

② John Carpenter's relentlessly terrifying masterpiece about babysitters and the murderous Michael Myers has been imitated, paid homage to and remade so many times since its premiere in 1978 that its radicalism is easy to overlook.

③ Most great horror monsters are stand-ins for some cultural anxiety like fear in the atomic age or scientific overreach or racism.

④ But part of the reason "Halloween" has aged so well is that it plays no topical notes and wastes little time on character development, plot, theme or any other elements extraneous to the critical business of sending shudders down your spine.

⑤ "Halloween" certainly is ruthlessly simple. But what's onscreen is a marriage of commerce and art.

⑥ In horror, the jack-in-the-box scare is the quickest way to get a scream, but the still shocks are the ones that linger with you. "Halloween" has them both.


Halloween /ˌhæləʊˈiːn/: n. 万圣节(文中指电影名)

review /rɪˈvjuː/: vt. 回顾;评论 n. 评论

· film review: 影评

Horror Classic: 经典恐怖片

· horror /ˈhɒrə, ˈhɔːrər/: n. 恐怖片(电影);令人恐怖的事物

· thriller /ˈθrɪlə(r)/: n. 惊悚片(电影);使人毛骨悚然的东西

strike someone as /straɪk/: 使对某人或某事产生某种特定的印象/感觉

· strike sb. as odd: 对某件事感到奇怪

His sudden departure struck me as odd.


It struck me as odd that he left without a word.


· I think…: 我认为……

· in my opinion: 在我看来

· as I see it: 在我看来

experimental art /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentəl/: 实验艺术

exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/: n. 剥削;利用

mask /mɑːsk/: n. 面具

relentlessly /rɪˈlentləsli/: adv. 残酷无情地;不屈不挠地

masterpiece /ˈmɑːstəpiːs/: n. 佳作;杰作

babysitter /ˈbeɪbisɪtər/: n. 保姆

murderous /ˈmɜːdərəs/: adj. 杀人的;谋杀的

imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt/: vt. 模仿

pay homage to: 向……致敬

· homage/ˈhɒmɪdʒ/: n. 尊崇;敬意

· pay /peɪ/: vt. 给予(某种正面的情感回馈)

pay attention/respect/gratitude to: 给予关注/尊重/谢意

remake /ˈriːmeɪk/: vt./n. 翻拍

premiere /ˈpremieə, prɪ'mɪr/: n.(电影的)首映;(话剧、音乐剧等的)首演

radicalism /ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm/: n. 激进主义

stand-in: 替身;代表;象征

atomic age /əˈtɒmɪk/: 原子时代

scientific overreach: 科学的无序发展

overreach /ˌəʊvəˈriːtʃ/: n. 不择手段地发展;因为野心过大而失败

· overestimate /ˌəʊvərˈestɪmeɪt/: vt. 过高估计

· overdone /ˌəʊvəˈdʌn/: adj. 做过了的

· well-done: 做得恰如其分的

· underdone /ˌʌndəˈdʌn/: adj. 做得不够好的

racism /ˈreɪsɪzəm/: n. 种族主义;种族歧视

age well: 越老越好;优雅体面地变老

play no topical note: 没有涉及深度主题

character development: 人物发展

extraneous to /ɪkˈstreɪniəs/: 和……无关

· irrelevant to: 和……不相关

critical business: 核心业务

send shudders down one's spine: 把战栗灌注进某人的骨髓(让人脊柱发凉,让人害怕得发抖)

ruthlessly /ˈruːθləsli/: adv. 残酷无情地

ruthlessly simple: 简单地可怕;特别简单

marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/: n. 密切结合;婚姻

· combination /ˌkɒmbəˈneɪʃən/: n. 结合;组合

jack-in-the-box scare: 一惊一乍式的惊悚

still shocks: 不动声色的惊悚

linger /ˈlɪŋɡə(r)/: vi. 徘徊不去;萦绕;逗留



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