

2022-04-11  本文已影响0人  思想筆記

引言的后半部,罗素开始兑现他在preface的承诺,即,本书将在社会政治的背景下理解哲学(“My purpose is to exhibit philosophy as an integral part of social and political life.”)。整部西方哲学史,都在两极的社会政治背景下取舍,一端是社会团结,一端是个人自由。

Social cohesion and individual liberty, like religion and science, are in a state of conflict or uneasycompromise throughout the whole period.






Philosophy, as distinct from theology, began in Greece in the sixth century B.C. After running its course in antiquity, it was again submerged by theology as Christianity rose and Rome fell. Its second great period, from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries, was dominated by the Catholic Church, except for a few great rebels, such as the Emperor Frederick II ( 1195-1250). This period was brought to an end by the confusions that culminated in the Reformation. The third period, from the seventeenth century to the present day, is dominated, more than either of its predecessors, by science; traditional religious beliefs remain important, but are felt to need justification, and are modified wherever science seems to make this imperative.

羅馬帝國歷史由羅馬共和國結束後的公元前27年開始,橫跨十六個世紀。可分為前期(前27年—200年)、中期(200年—395年)和後期(395年—1453年)三個階段。前期由屋大维(Octavius)掌权起算,历经200年左右的和平,至有名的哲學家皇帝馬爾庫斯·奧理略截止。中期由康茂德(Commodus )起算开始衰落,历经君士坦丁一世(274-337)遷都拜占庭,至狄奧西亞一世將基督教定為國教,并在其治下公元395年帝国正式分为东西两部截止。後期,历经476年罗马雇佣兵灭亡西罗马帝国,至1453年奥斯曼土耳其苏丹灭亡东罗马帝国(或称“拜占庭帝国”)截止。



1. 爱城邦和理性思辨


Greek thought down to Aristotle is dominated by religious and patriotic devotion to the City; its ethical systems are adapted to the lives of citizens and have a large political element.

2. 重视个人(相对城邦、集体)和宗教的关系,理性思辨相对受到忽略


Social cohesion, during the six and a half centuries from Alexander to Constantine, was secured, ..., but by force


When the Greeks became subject, first to the Macedonians, and then to the Romans,..., on the one hand, a loss of vigour through the breach with tradition, and, on the other hand, a more individual and less social ethic. The Stoics thought of the virtuous life as a relation of the soul to God, rather than as a relation of the citizen to the State.


religious, gained in relative importance; others, more rationalistic, were discarded
because they no longer suited the spirit of the age


