
2019-12-08  本文已影响0人  cppUncleSix

Which object? The function definitions say that the reference is to the object used to evoke the operator.

verb /ɪ'vok/

to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone

to bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind

to cause (a particular reaction or response) to happen

to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind

to make someone remember something or feel an emotion

To evoke a particular memory, idea, emotion, or response means to cause it to occur.

The photographs evoked strong memories of our holidays in France.

His appearanceis bound toevoke sympathy.[be bound to to = be very likely to do or feel a particular thing]

Her speech evoked a hostile response.

The old house evoked memories of his childhood.

His photographs evoke the isolation and solitude of the desert.

His wisecrack/'waɪzkræk/ evoked [=elicited /ɪˈlɪsɪt/] snickers from around the classroom.

Her remarks have evoked [=provoked] an angry response.

The music evoked memories of her youth.

His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.

That smell always evokes memories of my old school.

a detergent/dɪ'tɝdʒənt/ designed to evoke the fresh smell of summer meadows

to bring a particular emotion, idea, or memory into your mind

The recent flood evoked memories of the great flood of 1972.

the scene evoking memories of those old movies...

A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriate furniture.

evocation noun /ˌɛvo'keʃən/

to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone

the act of bringing something into the mind or memory

the act of evoking something

something such as words, pictures, or music that creates a clear image of something

An evocation of something involves creating an image or impression of it.

The poem is an evocation of lost love.

rich evocations of the sights, sounds, and smells of the carnival

the evocation of a simpler time

a brilliant evocation of childhood in the 1940s

Her novel is a brilliant evocation of life in eighteenth-century England.

a perfect evocation of the period.

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