

2019-02-20  本文已影响0人  之后你的人生才开始


香奈儿艺术总监老佛爷去世 ,享年85岁.

Lagerfeld, chanel's artistic director, has died at the age of 85.

香奈儿宣布Virginie viard 将成为老佛爷接班人.

Chanel announced that Virginie viard will become  successor.

Virginie viard 协助卡尔工作三十余年,曾任香奈儿精品部创意工作室总监.

Virginie viard has worked with Karl for over 30 years  as creative studio director of the chanel boutique department.


Virad joined chanel as an intern in 1987 and worked with Karl at Chloe in the 1990s.

内部成长起来的Viard 不仅与老佛爷相当默契,而且对香奈儿的运作管理轻车熟路.

Growing up inside, Viard not only had a tacit understanding with lagerfeld, but also was familiar with the operation and management of chanel

2018年10月,香奈儿2019巴黎春夏时装周结尾,老佛爷和Viard 一起谢幕.

Lagerfeld and viard take a curtain call at the end of chanel's spring/summer 2019 Paris fashion week in October 2018.

1月22日Chanel 2019春夏高定大秀,老佛爷因身体原因缺席,当天代为谢幕的就是Viard.

January 22 chanel 2019 spring and summer high show, galeries lafayette due to physical reasons, the day of the curtain call is viard


