
2019-05-04  本文已影响0人  仍在江湖1998

A balcony is an unenclosed private space with a balustrade on one. two, or three sides, which usually project from the wall of a building, cantilevered or supported by columns or brackets. The Juliette balcony (or French balcony) does not protrude out of the buildingsand has the balustrade on the front and walls on the sides. Spatially,balconies expand indoor spaces; covered balcony can be used in inclement weather.


Balconies may also be used in the interior of buildings such as churches, where the choir is accommodated, or in a banquet hall for musicians. In theaters.,the upper-level balconies provide additional seating.


In urban mixed-use buildings, the protruding balcony above street-level retail helps limit the vertical size of signage. Balconies permit a visual connection between inhabitants and street life, permitting participation without the physical contact.


 In India, women of the palace occupied screened balconies over the courtyard, allowing them to participate in palace life without being seen.


Edouard Manet, The Balcony (1868).Oil on canvas.Musee d Orsay ,Pairs France, The protagonists are depicted frozen, as if enchanted by the view of Parisian street life.爱德华·马奈《阳台》(1868),布面油画,奥赛博物馆(Musee d Orsay),法国巴黎。主角们被描绘得僵住了,仿佛被巴黎街头生活的景色迷住了。  A new apartment building that features recessed (subtractive)and extending (additive) balconies with the same residential units.一个以相同的住宅单元为特色的凹(减)和延伸(加)阳台的新式公寓建筑。  Decorative habitable balconies are a signature feature of Rosemary Beach Florida,the second New Urbanist development after Seaside on the Panhandle Coast.装饰性的宜居阳台是佛罗里达州罗丝玛丽海滩(Rosemary Beach Florida)的一大特色,它是继狭长海岸海滨之后的第二个新城市开发项目。 a stack balcony that encroaches over the public right-of-way in pondicherry,india在印度的本迪切里,一个客栈的阳台侵占了公共通行权

