
2020-02-05  本文已影响0人  心若颜

今天一位来自欧洲的英语老师在课堂上问大家关于中国历史文化的问题。他问中国文化到底有多少年?结果大家基本上都回答是大约5000年。他问为什么?他说前些天有几个儿童学生告诉他是7000年。他说为什么你们说的不一致,他很想知道到底是多少年?对于他的继续追问,在线的学生没有一个能够回答得出来。我当时被他这么一问也很疑惑。因为从来没有就这个问题而去思索或者是推敲过。但同时又很恼火这位老师刨根问底,心想他自己不知道去网上搜索的吗? 但后来我情绪平复后,开始了反思:我们作为中国人,有多少中国的文化我们了解得很清楚呢?我们对于我们自己文化的好奇心甚至还抵不上一些国外的人。为什么会这样?



Acturelly, there are a lot of disputes about the years of Chinese culture from its birth to now. Here are the three main different views FYI:
1. About 3700 years. It's from Shang Dynasty. Because the earlist Chinese Characters can only date back to the Shang Dynasty. And we can call "Chinese civilization" because of words generated. (And this view is the one which is Interenationally accepted.)
2. About 7000 years. Before Shang Dynasty, we have a lot of "Culture" such as "Yang Shao culture generated from Yellow River"  Which generated about 7000 years ago.
3. About 5000 years.  And we also has the legend of "the three sovereigns and the five emperors" , which has about 5000 years history.  (About this legend, the earliest extant written records can be found in shi ji : 'the first book of qin shi huang' , and this view has being popular from period of " the Republic of China (1912-1949)"). 

总之呢,今天的这堂课给了我很深的触动。一个作为中国人却无法很好解释中国文化的羞愧。不过好在我还有机会学习,如今00后一代年轻人将咱们传统的中国文化开始推向了新的发展阶段。他们开始追捧古风,古诗词等,这些现象是非常好的。作为80 90年代的我,不能找借口不去继续学习和传承中国的传统文化呀。

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