Day53_Ivy_20170608_Tsinghua Bili
Dr.Seuss-ABC,DRY BONES,Go Away Big Green Monster,Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too,five little ducks,Fox in Socks, Unit 0b 3-4
2 story books
The very hungry caterpillar,Do you want to be my friend
Heinimann GL 13 books
The Mitten,All aboutpenguins,our pets, The little three bears, The little three pigs, Meli on the stairs, Looking for Taco, the storm, All about animal babies,Little lizard big lizard, My five senses, A visit from aunt bee, The storm,All about spiders
Chinese story, Ba ba de lv xing
The very hungry caterpillar
Ivy wrapped herself in the blanket.
Mom:Are you a caterpillar?
Ivy: Yes. an egg.
Mom:The caterpillar is an egg. Do you want to eat some carrot?
Ivy: no, Apple.
Ivy mom read the book for her.
mom:Okay, let me find that book.
Ivy: raccoon.
mom: No, The teacher is not in the racoon, but it is in a cocoon.Now what are you?
Ivy: A butterfly.
mom:You are not a caterpillar, you are a butterfly.
Mom: Do you want to eat some potatoes?
Ivy: You are red tamato.
Mom: I am red tomato?
Ivy: I am yellow potato.
mom: what do you draw?
Ivy: monster.