政治正确故事-politically correct bedti

2019-01-14  本文已影响5人  君子地

Modern Tales for Our Life and Times

James Finn Garner







[if !supportLists]1.        [endif]little red riding hood

[if !supportLists]2.        [endif]the emperor’s new clothes2018.12.18

[if !supportLists]3.        [endif]the three little pigs

[if !supportLists]4.        [endif]rumpelstiltskin

[if !supportLists]5.        [endif]the three codependent go2018.12.19

[if !supportLists]6.        [endif]rapunzel

[if !supportLists]7.        [endif]Cinderella 12.23

[if !supportLists]8.        [endif]Goldilocks 12.27

[if !supportLists]9.       [endif]snow white 2019.1.4

[if !supportLists]10.    [endif]chicken little 2019.1.4

[if !supportLists]11.    [endif]the frog prince 2019.1.4

[if !supportLists]12.    [endif]jack and the beanstalk

[if !supportLists]13.    [endif]the pied piper of Hamelin 2019/1/11


I have inadvertently displayed any sexist, racist,

culturalist, nationalist, regionalist, ageist, lookist, ableist, sizeist, speciesist,

intellectualist, socioeconomicist, ethnocentrist, phallocentrist, heteropatriarchalist,

or other type of bias as yet unnamed, i apologize andencourageyour suggestions for rectification.


Was confident enough in herown budding(发芽的) sexuality

His willful invasion of her personal space

He saw melee 混战there and tried to intervene


Years of living outside the bounds of normal society

had forced the tailor to develop his own moral code that obliged him to

swindle 诈骗and embarrass the emperor

How years of exploiting the peasantry had turned his body into an ugly mass ofpuffy white flesh

The parade began with great hoopla.喧闹

A hush fell over the crowd, 突然沉默untilonequick-thinking peasant shouted:


Using materials that were indigenous 本地的 to the area, they eachbuilt a beautiful house.

But their idyll was soon shattered. 田园生活

with the wolf in hot pursuit 狂热追赶

At this, the wolf chuckled condescendingly. 谦虚地笑了

the wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks

the pigs ran to the house of bricks, with the wolf close at their

heels. 狼紧跟着脚后跟

 not to meddle 不要管闲事in their internalaffairs.


there lived a miller who was very economically

disadvantaged. 穷

"If only I could get my daughter to marry a rich man," he

mused若有所思, in a sexist 性别歧视和观念古旧and archaic way, "

As greedy and gullible容易受骗 as most men of his station,

With no alternative, Esmeralda gave her assent 给予了同意


they would travel up the mountainside to where thepasture 草场was sweeter

the goats had to cross a bridge over a wide chasm峡谷

goat was the leastchronologically

accomplished of the siblings最小只

Over the railing and onto the bridge leaped a troll 巨人

"If eating me would help you become amore complete troll, nothing would please me more.  如果吃掉我能让你变得完整,那我不胜荣幸


"I'll rush back here as soon as we reach a consensus," 达成一致

The troll felt his physical-intimidation prerogative 因物理而产生的威胁特权fading fast.

As fear turned his insides into jelly, the troll sank to his knees and pleaded,吓尿了,开始求饶


beautiful damsel,美丽的少女

your eyes will be gouged out and you'llwander

the countryside cursing your bad luck for the rest of your life! 戳瞎你的眼

 Different, kind of catchy,吸引人注意

you can unleash 释放her talent

on the world and we can all rake in the cash. 得到大量现金

her demeanor visiblysoftened.态度和缓


had been exploited for the transportational needs of others. Sth be exploited

for 受到什么用处

rapaciousness does not dependsolely

on gender," she realized with a sigh. 贪婪


They began to plan the expensive clothes they would use to alterand

enslave their natural body images to emulate an unrealistic standard offemininebeauty.


Cinderella helped her mother- andsisters-of-step

into their ball gowns. A formidable task: 巨大的任务

迎合男人的审美bind yourself into the  male concept of beauty?

Paint your face with chemicals and make-up that have beentested

on nonhuman animals? 往你脸上涂抹经过动物非人体测试的化妆品


dressed in a clinging gown woven of silk stolen from unsuspectingsilk-worms.穿真丝礼袍

as if for the boudoir 化妆室

snow white

she defined herself solely in regard to her personal appearance. 只以外貌来自我评价

See that? Internecine female vindictiveness!" 女人;两败俱伤的斗争

"Don't try and play the victim with us, kid!" 不要装可怜

White quickly realized that hewas

their leader and that her fate rested in his hands. 我的命运掌握在你的手里

such a rape ofthe

planet was immoral and short-sighted 挖矿是短视的做法

economically marginalized穷人

I meditate, work out in step aerobics three hours a day; and eat onlyhalf-portions

of anything placed in front of me. 我冥想、每天有氧运行3小时,任何摆在我面前的东西我只吃一半。

could you guystake

five and let me… ? take five 休息一下下

frog prince

I would never enslave anmember of anotherspecies to work for my selfish desires. 不会奴役其他物种,只为我自己的私欲

Sorcerer 魔术师,男的


lower-than-average weight for his size 瘦子

You promised me 100pieces of gold," he said, growing visibly angry. "Now pay up or suffer the consequences.要么给钱,要么承担后果


