欧米茄团队是这家公司的灵魂。虽然该公司其他部门通过开发各种狭义人工智能(narrow AI)的商业应用赚得盆满钵满,让公司得以按部就班地运转下去,但欧米茄团队却一直秉承并追寻着公司CEO的梦想:建造通用人工智能(Artificial General Intelligence,简称AGI)。因此,其他部门的员工都亲切地称他们为“欧米茄”,并把他们视为一群不切实际的梦想家,因为他们似乎总是与自己的目标差着几十年的距离。但是,人们喜欢纵容这些人,因为欧米茄团队的前沿工作为公司带来了声望,他们为此感到高兴。同时,欧米茄团队偶尔会改进一些算法供其他部门使用,这让他们十分感激。
The Omega Team was the soul of the company. Whereas the rest of the enterprise brought in the money to keep things going, by various commercial applications of narrow AI, the Omega Team pushed ahead in their quest for what had always been the CEO’s dream: building generalartificial intelligence. Most other employees viewed “the Omegas,” as they affectionately called them, as a bunch of pie-in-the-sky dreamers, perpetually decades away from their goal. They happily indulged them, however, because they liked the prestige that the cutting-edge work of the Omegas gave their company, and they also appreciated the improved algorithms that the Omegas occasionally gave them.