第二章 Reign of the Aegon 9
The king was weary of war, all men agreed, but granting the Dornishmen peace without submission would be tantamount to saying that his beloved sister Rhaenys had died in vain, that all the blood and death had been for naught. The lords of his small council further cautioned that any such peace could be seen as a sign of weakness and might encourage fresh rebellions, which would then need to be put down. Aegon knew that the Reach, the stormlands, and the marches had suffered grievously during the fighting, and would neither forgive nor forget. Even in King's Landing, the king dared not let the Dornish outside the Aegonfort without a strong escort, for fear that the small folk of the city would tear them to pieces. For all these reasons, Grand Maester Lucan wrote later, the king was on the point of refusing the Dornish proposals and continuing the war.
It was then that Princess Deria presented the king with a sealed letter from her father. "For your eyes only, Your Grace."
King Aegon read Prince Nymor's words in open court, stone-faced and silent, whilst seated on the Iron Throne. When he rose afterward, men said, his hand was dripping blood. He burned the letter and never spoke of it again, but that night he mounted Balerion and flew off across the waters of Blackwater Bay, to Dragonstone upon its smoking mountain. When he returned the next morning, Aegon Targaryen agreed to the terms proposed by Nymor. Soon thereafter he signed a treaty of eternal peace with Dorne.
To this day, no one can say with certainty what might have been in Deria's letter. Some claim it was a simple plea from one father to another, heartfelt words that touched King Aegon's heart. Others insist it was a list of all those lords and noble knights who had lost their lives during the war. Certain septons even went so far as to suggest that the missive was ensorcelled, that it had been written by the Yellow Toad before her death, using a vial of Queen Rhaenys's own blood for ink, so that the king would be helpless to resist its malign magic.
Grand Maester Clegg, who came to King's Landing many years later, concluded that Dorne no longer had the strength to fight. Driven by desperation, Clegg suggested, Prince Nymor might have threatened that, should his peace be refused, he would engage the Faceless Men of Braavosi to kill King Aegon's son and heir, Queen Rhaenys's boy, Aenys, then but six years old. It may be so ... but no man will ever truly know.
The Yellow Toad of Dorne had done what Harren the Black, the Two Kings, and Torrhen Stark could not; she had defeated Aegon Targaryen and his dragons, Yet north of the Red Mountains, her tactics earned her only scorn. "Dornish courage" became a mocking name for cowardice amongst the lords and knights of Aegon's kingdoms. "The toad hopes into her hole when threatened," wrote one scribe. Another said, "Meria fought like a woman, with lies and treachery and witchery." The Dornish "victory" (if victory it was) was seen to be dishonorable, and the survivors of the fight, and the sons and brothers of those who had fallen, promised one another that another day would come, and with it a reckoning.
多恩的黄蛤蟆完成了黑心赫伦,两任国王,托伦史塔克都没做完的事;她打败了伊耿·坦格利安和他的龙,尽管在赤红山脉以北,她的战术赢得的只有蔑视。“多恩的勇气”在伊耿王国的领主和骑士中成了懦弱的一个嘲讽的名字。一个抄写员写下“当遇到危险时蛤蟆希望钻进她的洞里” 。另一个说“梅莉亚像带有谎言背叛与巫术的女人一样打仗。” 多恩人的胜利(如果称得上是胜利的话)被视为是无耻的,战争中的幸存者,死者的孩子与兄弟相互宣誓,总有一天一切会再行清算。
Their vengeance would need to wait for a future generation, and the accession of a younger more bloodthirsty king. Though he would sit the Iron Throne for another twenty-four years, the Dornish conflict was Aegon the Conqueror's last war.
tantamount:adj 等同于
naught:adj 无价值的,无用的
rebellions:n 反抗。反叛
grievously:adj 令人悲伤的
tear:vt 撕碎
stone-faced :adv 面无表情
eternal:adj 永恒的
plea: n 恳求,请求
missive: n 公文,信件
ensorcel:vt 迷惑
vial: n小瓶
desperation:n 绝望
engage:vt 雇佣
tactics:n 策略,战术
scribe:n 抄写员
reckoning: vt 计算,清算