
2018-12-19  本文已影响3人  f2698f382077



  1. 强调句

  比如:(剑桥7,It was only thirty years ago that the building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors.)

  理解强调句的时候可以先将其还原成正常语序的句子,便于理解。 The building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors only thirty years ago.建筑行业才开始有信心去建立办公大楼,办公大楼是钢筋混凝土结构,办公大楼超过12层,尽仅仅30年前。重新组合一下这些短句的顺序,就变成建筑行业是从30年前才开始有信心建造超过12层楼高的钢筋混凝土结构的办公大楼。

  2. 倒装句

  比如:(Down came the “white only” notices in buses, hotels, trains,restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the South.)

  这句话因为把down放句首了,用了倒装的结构,正常顺序应该是the “white only” notices came down in buses,hotels, trains, restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the South. ‘in buses,hotels,trains,restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on parkbenches’这个介词短语作为后置定语修饰notices。介词短语后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰notices。对倒装完成没有概念的同学看到这句话后说不定还会觉得这个句子写错了。

  3. the more..., the more... 句型, 翻译成越...,越...

  比如:(剑桥6,In fact, Newman believes the main reason for adopting one sort of transport over another is politics: ‘ The more democratic the process, the more public transport is favored.’)


  4. 宾语+宾补

  比如:(剑桥7,Food production has kept pace with soaring population mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food.)

  主干是food production has kept pace with soaring population 粮食生产跟上了人口飙升的步伐,后面跟了一个because of artificial irrigation短语作原因状语,并且在irrigation systems后面还跟了一个定语从句that make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food 来修饰irrigation systems。在这个定语从句里, make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food这个就是宾语加宾语补足语的结构,the growth of 40% of the world’s food是宾语,possible是补充说明宾语的结果,合起来就是make the growth of 40% of the world’s food possible。但是为了不让只有一个单词possible作补语看起来太单薄,就将它和he growth of 40% of the world’s food换了位置。但是学生在读句子的时候,应该要自动帮它们还原。



