

2020-05-19  本文已影响0人  柳誉鸣


1 收入等式
revenues-expenses= net income
收入表报告公司一定期间内的收入和费用。在IFRS标准下可与其他综合性收入合并为statement of comprehensive income, 也可以分别展示输入表和综合性收入表。美国GAAP准则下此规则相同。

2 净收入 net revenue
revenue- adjustments for estimated returns and allowances= net revenue
"turnover" 在很多国家代替revenue.

3 费用 expenses
Group expenses by nature: all depreciation expenses
Group expenses by function: manufacturing costs

4 净利润 net income
net income=income- expenses= revenues - ordinary expense+ other income- other expense+ gains- losses

5 收入表格式示例

Income Statement

6 总收益(毛利) Gross profit
Gross profit 减去营运费用(销售费用,一般费用,管理费用)得到operating profit营运利润。对非金融企业而言这是税前、扣除利息费用前净利润。

7 收入确认准则 revenue recognition standards
Percentage of completion method: 若长期合约的结果可以被可靠估计,国际和美国会计准则都使用此方法。收入和成本都以已产生成本/总估计成本的百分比来核算。
在美国GAAP准则下,completed contract method 要求成本和收入都在合约结束时核算。

8 总收入报告和净收入报告
Gross revenue reporting has higher sales than net revenue.

9 费用确认匹配准则
Matching principle- expenses to generate revenue are recognized in the same period as the revenue. Inventory provides a good example. 若存货在第二年卖出,第一年买入,收入和费用(购货成本)都在第二年确认。
期间费用,period costs如管理费用在每期发生时确认。

10 存货费用确认
FIFO is appropriate for inventory that has a limited shelf life.
LIFO 最近购入成本计算整个期间成本,适用于耐久品。(IFRS禁止)
Weighted Average Cost 计算的成本将介于前两个方法之间。

11 折旧费用确认
Straight-Line depreciation直线折旧法。SL depreciation expense=(cost-residual value)/useful life
Accelerated depreciation加速折旧。Declining Balance method, 固定加速度。最常用双倍折旧法 Double DB depreciation expense=(2/useful life)(cost- accumulated depreciation), 扣减到残值时停止折旧。

12 无形资产摊销 amortization
Amortization is the allocation of the cost of an intangible asset, 摊销费用应当与无形资产在期间的经济利益相匹配。商誉等无限期无形资产不摊销,至少要年度轧差。

13 每股收益 EPS
Basic Earnings Per Share=(net income- preferred dividends)/weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
A stock dividends distributes additional shares to each shareholder.(与Stock Split对比)
Diluted EPS- Diluted Securities 可能稀释股权,降低EPS。
Diluted EPS=(net income- preferred dividends+ convertible preferred dividends+ convertible debt interest) / (weighted average shares+ shares from conversion of convertible preferred shares+ shares from conv. debt+ shares issuable from options)

14 基于收入表的财务分析
Gross profit margin=gross profit/revenue
Net profit margin=net income/revenue


