Logistic Regression
2020-12-11 本文已影响0人
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Logistic function
- Model
- Loss function
- Cost function
- Gradient descent
Logistic regression is a statistical model that in its basic form uses a logistic function to model a binary dependent variable.
Logistic function
Logistic function is a common example of a sigmoid function.
where is the threshold.
Loss function
Cross-entropy is used as the loss function in Logistic Regression.
Cost function
Just sum up you can get the cost function.
Gradient descent
You can use gradient descent to find the optimum parameters
Initialize and
Compute and using chain rule
So we can obtain
Update and
where is the learning rate.
Repeat step 2&3 until the improvement drops below a threshold or it reaches the maximum number of iterations.