
iOS 8人机交互指南(12)

2015-05-27  本文已影响610人  暮春小友

前一篇:iOS 8人机交互指南(11)

12. 术语与文案(Terminology and Wording)

Every word you display in an app is part of a conversation you have with users. Use this conversation as an opportunity to provide clarity and to help people feel comfortable in your app.

app 界面显示的每一个字都是开发者与用户对话的一部分。将该对话作为一个为用户提供清晰指引、帮用户感到舒适的机会。

设置 app

(设置对所有用户而言都是一个基础且重要的 app,所以它采用简单、直接的语言来告知用户该如何操作。例如,设置--勿扰模式,这里解释了多个选项的效果,但并未使用让普通用户难于理解的技术术语)

Use terminology that you’re sure your users understand. Use what you know about your users to determine whether the words and phrases you plan to use are appropriate. For example, technical jargon is rarely helpful in an app aimed at unsophisticated users, but in an app designed for technically savvy users, it might be appreciated.

Use a tone that’s informal and friendly, but not too familiar. You want to avoid being stilted or too formal, but you don’t want to risk sounding falsely jovial or patronizing. Remember that users are likely to read the text in your UI many times, and what might seem clever at first can become irritating when repeated.

使用那些用户能够理解的术语。基于对用户的理解,决定哪些文字和短语对用户而言是合适使用的。例如,技术术语对于目标人群为普通用户的 app 而言几乎没什么帮助,但在为懂技术的用户而设计的 app 中使用可能是合适的。

使用非正式且友好的表达方式,但不要太相似。应当避免生硬或太正式的表达,但也要避免听上去装作快乐或傲慢的风险。记得用户很可能在 app 中多次读到这些文案,一开始可能看上去很聪明,但重复多了就会让用户感到不适。

Think like a newspaper editor, and watch out for redundant or unnecessary words. When your UI text is short and direct, users can absorb it quickly and easily. Identify the most important information, express it concisely, and display it prominently so that people don’t have to read too many words to find what they’re looking for or to figure out what to do next.

Give controls short labels or use well-understood icons. People should be able to tell at a glance what a control does.

像报纸编辑那样思考,当心那些多余或不必要的文字。当 UI 上的文案简短、直接时,用户可以快速且容易地理解。找出那些最重要的信息,予以简明表达和明显展示,使得用户不必阅读过多文字来寻找或了解下一步该做什么。


Take care to be accurate when describing dates. It’s often appropriate to use friendly terms such as today and tomorrow when you display date information in your UI. But it can be confusing if you don’t account for the user’s current locale. For example, consider an event that starts just before midnight. To users in the same time zone, the event starts today, but to users in an earlier time zone, the same event may have started yesterday.

描述日期时要准确无误。当 UI 中需要显示日期信息时,使用友好的术语如“今天”、“明天”通常是合适的。但如果没有考虑到用户当前所处时区,那这样的表达就是使人困惑的。例如,假设一个事件刚刚在午夜前发生。对于同一时区的用户,该事件是今天开始的,但对前一个时区的用户,同样一件事可能是昨天开始的。

Make the most of the opportunity to communicate with potential users by writing a great App Store description. In addition to describing your app accurately and highlighting the qualities you think people are most likely to appreciate, be sure to:

1. Correct all spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors. Although such errors don’t bother everyone, in some people they can create a negative impression of your app’s quality.

2. Keep all-capital words to a minimum. Occasional all-capital words help draw people’s attention, but when an entire passage is capitalized, it’s difficult to read and it can be interpreted as shouting.

3. Consider describing specific bug fixes. If a new version of your app contains bug fixes that customers have been waiting for, it can be a good idea to mention this in your description.

通过在 App Store 中写一段了不起的介绍来最大可能与潜在用户交流。除了准确描述 app、强调那些用户最可能欣赏的品质之外,还要注意:

1. 确保拼写、语法、标点都正确。虽然这样的错误未必让每个用户都不爽,但给某些用户确实会留下不好的印象。

2. 将全大写单词改为小写。在有些情况下,全大写单词有助于吸引用户注意力,但整个段落都大写时,就很难阅读、易被打断。

3. 考虑描述某些特定的 bug 被修复。如果 app 的新版本包含了用户期待已久的某些 bug 的修复,那最好在描述中有所提及。


后一篇:iOS 8人机交互指南(13)


