
2019-06-21  本文已影响0人  yanmai707277




1 If I do a sequel of yesterday, it's probably going to be fun.

2 it was posted thay I died in a car accident.

3 Actually, I'm not dead, I survived the accident, I'm just disfigured.如果写昨天的续集会很有趣儿。在这场车祸中没有屎,仅仅是毁了容。

4 I lived alone in the forest now.

It is entirely strange environment for me.我现在一个人生活在森林中,这里对我一切都是陌生的。

5 these days Strange things have happened  ,  there are some strange circles in the corn field in the morning.这些天每天早上醒来的时候,看到一些奇怪的事情,在苞米地里有一个怪圈.

6 What creature left it?

It must have been left by my son and my little girlfriend.

My son is asshole ,he is a monster.

He lured my girlfriend.是谁干的呢?是什么生物干的呢?一定是我那个小老婆和儿子干的。

7  It's it's must be done by them.

is it left by my little girl friend? It is impossible that she is not so bold now.是我的小老婆干的吗?不可能她还没有这么大的胆子。

8That can't be left by aliens.

Who left it?

It is so mysterious.

it makes me headache.那也不能是外星人干的,到底是谁留下来的呢?太奇怪了。哦,头疼。

9 This stupid heart(girlfriend).

we Once make love in cornfield.

10 You must have forgotten all that, all joys and tears.那个笨女人,我们曾经在苞米地里做爱.


11 we conquered green mountains together.我记得,我们一起爬山。

Now she is trying to kill me now.

12What makes me most angry is that she is do that with my 亲 son.现在这个绿茶婊想杀了我,最让我生气的是而且是跟我的亲儿子。

13I'm going back in town tonight to find her and ask her why?今天晚上就回到城里找到她,问她到底为什么。


