英语 常见名词-动物

2020-02-08  本文已影响0人  欣博客


dog 狗

I love dogs 我喜欢狗

Dogs are man's best friends. 狗是人类最好的朋友

The dog is very cute 这条狗很可爱

cat 猫

I have a cat 我有一只猫
The cat is white 猫是白色的
The cat likes sleeping 那只猫喜欢睡觉

puppy 小狗

doggie 小狗

kitty 小猫

rooster 公鸡

It's hard to see a rooster in big cities

I saw a rooster this morning

The rooster is dead 那个公鸡死了

hen 母鸡

My sister keeps a few hens 我的姐姐养了几只母鸡
The hens lay eggs every day 那些母鸡每天都下蛋
The eggs laid by these hens taste yummy 这些母鸡下的蛋味道好极了

chicken 小鸡

My friend gave me three chickens last week 我朋友上周给了我三只鸡
The chickens are very cute 那些小鸡很可爱
My son likes the chickens very much 我儿子非常喜欢鸡

duck 鸭子

Peking Roast Duck 北京烤鸭

duckling 小鸭子

the Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

goose 鹅

A goose is bigger than a duck 鹅比鸭更大

pig 猪

He keeps pigs 他养猪
I don't like pigs 我不喜欢猪
You are such a pig! 你真是一头猪

piggy 小猪

piggy bank 储蓄罐

cow 奶牛,母牛

She is milking the cow

cowboy 西部牛仔,牧童

bull 公牛

Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队

horse 马

I have never ridden a horse before 我以前从来没有骑过马
I'm so hungry! I could eat a horse! 我太饿了!我可以吃一匹马!
a horse race 赛马

donkey 驴,愚蠢或固执的人

I've never seen a donkey before. 我以前从来没见过驴
You stupid donkey! 你这个蠢驴

sheep 绵羊

He is a sheep farmer 他是个养羊人
a black sheep 害群之马,败家子儿

goat 山羊

goat's milk 羊奶
Let me go!You old goat! 放开我!你这个老色鬼!

lamb 羔羊,温顺的人

A lamb is a young sheep. 羔羊是小羊。
Jenny is like a lamb 珍妮像只羔羊
the Silence of the Lambs沉默的羔羊

lion 狮子

Mark is as brave as lion 马克像狮子一样勇敢

Lion King 狮子王

Lioness 母狮子

tiger 老虎

I saw two tigers in the zoo today 我今天在动物园看见两只老虎
a paper tiger 纸老虎

tigress 母老虎

leopard 豹

A leopard can't change its spots 本性难移
Wanna see me be a leopard? 想看我变成一只豹子吗?

wolf 狼

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 他是一只披着羊皮的狼。
Wolf Totem 狼图腾

zebra 斑马

Look!There is a zebra! 看!有一只斑马!
zebra crossing 斑马线

bear 熊

bear market 熊市
He gave me a bear-hug 他给我了个紧紧的拥抱

polar bear 北极熊

panda 大熊猫

giant panda 大熊猫

The panda is a national treasure of China 熊猫是中国的国宝

camel 骆驼

Camels live in deserts 骆驼生活在沙漠里

deer 鹿

复数: deer
The deer is eating grass

giraffe 长颈鹿

A giraffe has a very long neck 长颈鹿的脖子很长

elephant 大象

You can see many elephants in Thailand 在泰国你可以看到很多大象
a white elephant 大而无用之物

fox 狐狸,狡猾的人

Julie is as sly as a fox 朱莉像狐狸一样狡猾
I don't like that sly old fox. 我不喜欢那个狡猾的老狐狸。

kangaroo 袋鼠

Kangaroos are found in Australia 袋鼠在澳大利亚被发现

koala 考拉,树袋熊

I love koalas! They are just so cute. 我爱考拉!他们真可爱。

ostrich 鸵鸟

An ostrich can't fly,but it can run very fast. 鸵鸟不会飞,但它能跑得很快。

rabbit 兔子

Aaron keeps a rabbit as a pet. 亚伦养了一只兔子当宠物。

snake 蛇,阴险的人

Steve was bitten by a snake 史蒂夫被蛇咬了
I am scared of snakes 我怕蛇
Stay away from him.He is a snake 离他远点。他是阴险的人

mouse 老鼠,鼠标

复数: mice
Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
a mouse mat 鼠标垫

squirrel 松鼠

Squirrels like eating nuts 松鼠喜欢吃坚果
The squirrel in the movie Ice Age is very funny 电影《冰河世纪》里的松鼠很有趣

monkey 猴子,顽皮的儿童

Look at the monkey!It's climbing up the tree so fast! 看那只猴子!它爬树太快了!
Stop that, you little monkey! 住手,小猴子!

turkey 火鸡,火鸡肉

roast turkey 烤火鸡
People eat turkey on Thanks-giving Day 人们在感恩节吃火鸡

lizard 蜥蜴

A lizard is a reptile with short legs and a long tail 蜥蜴是一种腿短尾长的爬行动物

penguin 企鹅

A penguin is a type of sea bird. It ca not fly but it can swim 企鹅是一种海鸟。它不会飞但会游泳

swan 天鹅

Swan Lake 天鹅湖
She is as graceful as a swan. 她像天鹅一样优雅。

frog 青蛙

the Frog Prince 青蛙王子

frogman 蛙人,潜水员

crocodile 鳄鱼,鳄鱼皮

a crocodile handbag 鳄鱼皮手提包
crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪

rhinoceros 犀牛

不正式的叫法犀牛 rhino

hippopotamus 河马

简称: hippo

gorilla 大猩猩

A gorilla is a very large ape 大猩猩是一种很大的类人猿

peacock 孔雀

Peter is as proud as a peacock 彼得像孔雀一样骄傲
peacock blue 孔雀蓝

dinosaur 恐龙

Boys usually like dinosaurs 男孩子通常喜欢恐龙
If you want to see dinosaurs, go to Beijing Museum of Natural History 如果你想看恐龙,去北京自然历史博物馆

ant 蚂蚁

Ants live in large groups 蚂蚁群居
I hate to see ants in my house 我讨厌看到蚂蚁在我家里

spider 蜘蛛

Many girls are afraid of spiders. 许多女孩害怕蜘蛛。
Spider-Man 蜘蛛侠

bird 鸟

The early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃
You are an early bird 你是个早起的人
A little bird told me that you've got engaged 我听说你订婚了

parrot 鹦鹉

I have a parrot named Henry 我有一只鹦鹉叫亨利
The parrot can say 'Good morning' and 'Good night' 鹦鹉会说“早上好”和“晚上好”

magpie 喜鹊,爱收集或贮藏东西的人,爱饶舌的人

Magpies are common birds in China. 喜鹊是中国常见的鸟类。
She is quite a magpie 她真是个爱收集东西的人

sparrow 麻雀

There are several sparrows twittering outside my window 有几只麻雀在我窗外叽叽喳喳地叫

swallow 燕子

One swallow does not make a summer 一燕不成夏

dove 鸽子

dove of peace 和平鸽

crow 乌鸦

She thinks something bad is going to happen because she saw a crow this morning 她认为会有不好的事情发生,因为她今天早上看到一只乌鸦

owl 猫头鹰

An owl usually sleeps with one eye open and the other closed 猫头鹰睡觉时通常睁一只眼闭一只眼
a night owl 夜猫子

eagle 鹰

An eagle is flying in the sky 鹰在天空飞翔
The teacher's eagle eye was always on us 老师的敏锐的目光总是盯着我们
Hotel California 加州酒店 ---Eagles 老鹰乐队

bee 蜜蜂

John is as busy as a bee 约翰忙得不可开交
I was stung by a bee 我被蜜蜂蜇了

bumblebee 大黄蜂

dragonfly 蜻蜓

There are many dragonflies flying over the river 河上有许多蜻蜓在飞翔

dragon 龙

butterfly 蝴蝶

I saw many beautiful butterflies in Melbourne zoo 我在墨尔本动物园看到许多美丽的蝴蝶
the Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应

fly 苍蝇

In summer you can see many flies near the river 夏天你可以在河边看到许多苍蝇

My dog wouldn't hurt a fly 我的狗不会伤害苍蝇的

mosquito 蚊子

I was bitten by a mosquito 我被蚊子咬了

There is one thing I don't like about summer too many mosquitoes 有一件事我不喜欢夏天蚊子太多

bat 蝙蝠

A bat can fly around at night. 蝙蝠可以在晚上飞。
Batman 蝙蝠侠

seagull 海鸥

Seagulls live near the sea

fish 鱼

复数: fish
fish and chips 炸鱼薯条
a big fish in a little pond 小池塘里的大鱼
a cold fish

tuna 金枪鱼

或者 tuna fish
tuna fish sandwich 金枪鱼三明治

dolphin 海豚

a dolphin show 海豚表演
The dolphin is a smart animal 海豚是一种聪明的动物

whale 鲸

The whale is not a fish 鲸鱼不是鱼
The whale is a kind of mammal 鲸鱼是一种哺乳动物

seal 海豹

Do you know a sea lion is a large type of seal? 你知道海狮是一种大型海豹吗?

sea lion 海狮

There are sea lions and dolphins in Beijing Oceanarium 北京海洋馆有海狮和海豚

sea horse 海马

A sea horse has a head that looks like the head of a horse 海马的头看起来像马的头

turtle 海龟

tortoise 陆龟

That tortoise is fifty years old, but it looks so small 那只乌龟五十岁了,但它看起来很小

shrimp 小虾

Do you know a shrimp has ten legs? 你知道虾有十条腿吗?

lobster 龙虾

I bought several live lobsters. They are so expensive. 我买了几只活龙虾。它们很贵。

crab 蟹

Don't touch the crab!It has two powerful claws. 别碰螃蟹!它有两个有力的爪子。

jellyfish 水母

A jellyfish is swimming after you 水母在追你
I can see though the jellyfish.It's so funny! 我能看穿水母。真有趣!

starfish 海星

复数: starfish
I found a starfish on the beach 我在海滩上发现了一条海星

squid 鱿鱼,乌贼

I've never seen a live squid before 我从没见过活乌贼

walrus 海象

A walrus also has two long teeth called tusks. 海象还有两颗长牙,叫做獠牙。

shark 鲨鱼

a great white shark 大白鲨
The movie Jaws is about a man-eating shark 电影《大白鲨》讲的是一条吃人的鲨鱼

octopus 章鱼

There was an amazing octopus during the World Cup in 2010


