【011】为什么我们需要与陌生人交流|Why you shoul
Speaker: Kio Stark
Key words:陌生人 交流 社会 标签化
Abstract: 演讲者Kio Stark女士经历和观察告诉了她:如果我们能够推翻对陌生人的成见会带来意想不到的惊喜。
Introduction: social meaning of greating: tell others hey I know you are here!(noticing~)
Background: why we don't talk to strangers:
- category of strangers vs individual: we are educated to label strangers in the "untrusted category" as a whole instead of using perceptions and make choice
Two cons of talking with strangers:
- liberate human nature in socializing
- quick interaction lead to fleeting intimacy(短暂亲密)[交通要道上一个善意的提醒、博物馆里对某幅画三言两语的交流、清晨与邻舍一声简短的问候,都可以成为一段美好的片刻]
Why people feel more comfortable being honest and open to strangers than to their families and friends:
- a quick interaction have no consequence (you will never see he/she again!)
- we have bias to person close to us (we assume they understand us for granted leading to lack of communication)
How to start talking to strangers:
principle: balance of civility and privacy depending on cultrue
ways recommended:
smile: find someone who have eye contacts with you→smile[友好示人微笑]
comment: make comments about the third thing and see if it starts a conversation[等待接话]
noticing: give a compliment on shoes/dogs/baby[你这双鞋/只狗/孩子好漂亮啊]
disclosure: tell something personal and true about yourself [敞开心扉]
Sumary: talking to strangers can do benifits to us, so go do it.