每日英语第396期:Are you a cookie-cutte
今天我们来学一个轻松的词:cookie cutter.
昨天我们知道了cookie这个词是从荷兰语借来的,cookie这个词在美国英语中用的较多,跟英国英语或Commonwealth English中的biscuit意思不太一样。
Cookie is an American English name, which was derived from the Dutch word ‘koekje’ which means ’little cake’.
本文不多讲cookie和biscuit的区别了,那是中学老师的事。如果要仔细讲起来,在美国英语中和英国英语中,cookie, biscuit, cracker, scone这些小零食其实指的都不是同样的东西,但这不是佛老关注的方向。
今天我们来说一个西方国家常用的厨房用具:cookie cutter 意思是“饼干模子”、“曲奇成型刀”、“饼切”,大概就这几个汉语名称吧。
由于曲奇和饼干这种东西是西洋人经常在家手工自制的小点心,东方人很少这样做,所以我们对cookie cutter这种东西不太熟悉。
用Cookie cutter把烤好的饼干切成某个形状,每个切出来的小曲奇形状都一样,英语中就根据这个特性引申出了cookie cutter这个词的一层常用意思,表示:没有个性、没特点、没创意、千篇一律。这时候一般作形容词用。
She does not have her own style, she is cookie cutter. 她没有自己的风格,很没个性。
That movie was so cookie cutter, nothing surprised me. 那部电影一点新意都没有,没什么让我惊喜的。
*Cookie cutter作形容词时,最好在两个词中间加个连字符,变成cookie-cutter,这样最正规。但不加连字符也不算错。
用英语解释这层意思就是:Identical to other things.
又例如很多建筑物千篇一律,没有个性,就可以说是 a row of cookie-cutter houses 一排千篇一律毫无个性的房子
在英语中如果说某人是 a cookie-cutter person,意思是说那个人每天的生活很规律,很古板守旧,为人处事按部就班,从不干任何出格的事,也没什么脾气,放在人堆里完全看不见他。
A person that is very traditional with a high level of predictability. Usually, this type of person is average in many areas and seeks a life of security, simple pleasures, companionship, comfort, and flying under the radar. These are the people that are known to follow the rules and color inside the lines.
佛老脑海里此时跳出一个人来:哲学史上绕不开的一个巨人——Immanuel Kant(康德)。
He got up at 5:00 A.M. 早上5点整起床。
Kant would drink one or two cups of tea -- weak tea. 喝一两杯淡茶。
With that, he smoked a pipe of tobacco. 就着茶抽一斗烟,抽烟时沉思。然后开始写作或备课。
His lectures began at 7:00, and they would last until 11:00. 7点到11点讲课。
With the lectures finished, he worked again on his writings until lunch. 下了课继续写作然后吃午饭。
Kant would go to a restaurant or a pub for lunch, his only real meal of the day. 去餐馆或酒吧吃午饭,康德每天只吃这一顿。
Lunch might go until as late as 3:00, after which Kant took his famous walk and visited his closest friend, Joseph Green. 午饭经常吃到下午三点,然后开始他著名的“哲学散步”(听说过“哲学小道”吧?)然后去找好朋友约瑟夫-格林吹牛。
They would converse until 7:00 on weekdays (9:00 on weekends, perhaps joined by another friend). 在格林家云天雾地吹牛直到晚上七点或九点,然后回家。
Returning home, Kant would do some more work and read before going to bed precisely at 10:00. 再看会儿书,10点睡觉。
康德就是一个典型的cookie cutter person.