【Quora翻译】What are some rarely kn

2017-02-21  本文已影响25人  西西生活号



Kelly La Rue, Veteran, small business owner, Master Electrician

Kelly La Rue,老兵,小企业主,电气工程学硕士

Hitler, a hypochondriac, suffered uncontrollable flatulence all his life. spasmodic stomach cramps, constipation, and diarrhea, possibly the result of nervous tension. Agonizing digestive attacks would occur after most meals so he would disappear into his room after a dinner.


This problem may have played a part in destroying Hitler’s health and, worse, his sanity.


His physician, an incompetent quack, had Hitler’s faith after he cured a painful case of eczema and provided temporary relief for his stomach cramps. Unfortunately the cure consisted of swallowing large amounts of strychnine, atropine, testosterone, amphetamines, and cocaine which would have poisoned him. Ironically the flatulence continued.


All these drugs would have resulted in moods that swung from euphoria to violent anger. This would explain Hitler’s erratic behavior, his inflexibility, paranoia, and indecision.


Three alarmed doctors tried to intervene when they saw what was happening but Hitler, under Dr. Morell’s spell, fired them instead.


Eva Braun, concerned about the needle tracks from all the injections, called Morell “the injection quack”. Himmler and others wondered if the doctor was deliberately poisoning Hitler.

Eva Braun,留心了所有元首的针管注射记录,并称呼Dr.Morell为只会打针的庸医,Himmler和其他的医生都怀疑他时候在有意毒害元首。

It would appear the Dr. Morell may have inadvertently helped the allies defeat Nazi Germany.

目前看来,Dr.Morell 可能在无意间帮助了盟军击败了纳粹德国。


Peter Zaper, JD from The John Marshall Law School (1983)

Peter Zaper,法学博士学位获得于John Marshall 法律学校

He liked dogs and had several.


He liked children.


He had an eye for the ladies.


He suffered from a real heart condition.


He probably had Parkinson’s disease.


He wore reading glasses.


He was a vegetarian.


He was a teetotaler.


He did not like horses.


He feared cats.


He actually admired America and wanted to make Germany in America’s image using Russia as Germany’s “West.” The Volga as Germany’s Mississippi.


He was an avid admirer of the British people (fellow Aryans) and of the British Empire.


He respected the Roman Catholic Church and never left the religion, the religion of his “sainted” mother.


He adored his mother and was truly saddened when she died.


He thanked his mother’s Jewish doctor Eduard Bloch and allowed him to leave Europe for America.


His cook Frau Manzinalys (?) was Jewish.


At first he tried to get the Allied countries or even the neutral countries to take the Jews of Germany. They refused at a conference in Evian, France in 1938. The only country willing to take in Jews was the Dominican Republic.


When he invaded Poland he had no idea that it would trigger a world war. He was truly stunned when British Ambassador Neville Henderson handed him Britain’s declaration of war on Germany.


He did not want to invade Britain on 1940 and would have preferred Britain as an ally rather than an enemy.


He had no intentions of ever invading the United States.


Julio Pino, Historian, Aristocrat, Warrior, Priest at Kent State University (1992-present)

Julio Pino,历史学家,贵族,战士,肯特州立大学牧师(1992年至今)

Hitler was a great movie fan, often watching two or three per night. He was especially fond of musicals, “with lots of leggy show girls”, according to Albert Speer.

元首是个狂热的影迷,他一晚上有修仙两三部电影,特别喜欢音乐剧。据元首私人建筑师 Albert Speer说,元首喜欢名为“大长腿秀女”的电影(译者注:听起来像小电影)

He predicted in the 1930s, “I will either go down in history as the greatest German who ever lived or as a cypher.” As it turned out, there was a third possibility.


He named DON QUIXOTE, UNCLE TOM’S CABIN and ROBINSON CRUSOE as the three greatest books ever written. Notice, by omission, that he favored no German author. In fact, he thought Goethe overrated and Shakespeare far better than Schiller.


In 1942 he made a bold prediction about Israel: “If the Zionists set up their own Jewish nation in Palestine it will be only after they have conquered other world centers of power, but not before.”


Hitler was a proud anglophile: He admired Shakespeare, the British conquest of India, which was to serve as a role model for German rule over Russia, and the fact that “unlike us Germans, the British don’t breed traitors.” His top air ace, Adolf Galland, told how Hitler forbade the bombing of British cities, “because they are Nordics, just like us.” Only after the RAF bombed Berlin and Hamburg did Hitler order the Luftwaffe to aim for London and other UK cities.


Contrary to popular belief, Hitler was not a teetotaler. Although not a habitual drinker, he enjoyed wines sent to him by admirers from all over Germany.


Here’s one last story, told by Mussolini (in private, of course): “Hitler is the second-rate leader of a first-class people. I am the first-rate leader of a second-class people.”





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