践行计划第2天| Santa Claus.~2

Did you know? The Salvation Army has been sending Santa Claus Clad donation collectors into the streets since the 1890s.
Natural made his first inroads into American popular culture towards the end of the 19th century. In December 1773 and again in 1774, a New York newspaper reported that groups of Dutch families had gathered to honor the anniversary of his death.
The name Santa Claus evolved from Nick's Dutch nickname, Centre, a shortened form of Nicholas. In 1804 June Peter a member of the New York historical society, distributed woodcuts of Nicholas at the society's Annual meeting. The background of the engraving雕刻 contains now familiar Santa Claus images including stockings filled with toys and fruit hung over a fireplace.
In 1809 Washington popularize the Santa Claus stories when he referred to Nicholas as the patron saint 守护神of New York in his book, the history of New York. As his Prominence显著 grew, Center was described as everything from a Rascal流氓无赖,不诚实的人 with the blue Three cornered hat, red waistcoat and yellow stockings to a man wearing a broad brimmed hat and the huge pair of Flemish trunk hose.
Gift giving mainly centered around children has been an important part of the Christmas celebration since the holidays rejuvenation恢复活力 in the early 19th century. Stores began to advertise Christmas shopping in 1820 and by the 1840s, newspapers were creating separate sections for holiday advertisements which often featured images of the newly popular Santa Claus.
In 1841, thousands of children visited a shop to see a life size center clouds model. It was only a matter of time before stores began to attract children and their parents with the lure引诱诱惑 of a peek at a live Santa Claus. In the early 1890s, the Salvation Army needed money to pay for the Free Christmas meals they provided to needy families. They began dressing up an unemployed men in Santa Claus sales and sending them into the streets of New York to Solicit请求 donations. Those Salvation Army救市君 center have been ringing bells on the street corners of American cities ever since.