

2020-04-24  本文已影响0人  卡诺

The Lord be with you,

It’s Deacon Keith Fournier.

Here we are… the second week of the Easter season. We've celebrated Easter Sunday and then Divine Mercy Sunday.

Now, what do we do?

Easter is more than a day; it is a season. More importantly, it is a Way. A Way of living our lives differently now in Him.

As you and I continue to overcome the challenges during this Coronavirus pandemic, we must not give in to fear, but instead, we must demonstrate living, supernatural faith!

You and I are invited to do that by living in His Church, which is His Body, for the sake of the world. The early Christians spoke of the Church as the new world, in the course of transfiguration. That world created through Him out of love but which was lost due to sin is now being made new!

His tomb is empty.

He came among us and began creation anew. That is why we celebrate. Death has been defeated by His Saving Death. In His Resurrection, we now live no more to die. Darkness has been scattered by the Light which breaks forth from that empty tomb and is meant to infuse our daily lives with the radiance of Resurrected love.  What a Day! What a Way, the Easter Way, Alleluia!

To dive deeper into this Easter season, I invite you to follow me in exploring the daily readings of Easter:

Deepen Your Understanding of Easter with me - Enroll in the Daily Readings Reflections

May the Lord bless you,

Deacon Keith

Dean and Chaplain, Catholic Online School

PS - If your Diocese has canceled Confessions and public Masses due to the continued concern over the spread of COVID 19, I strongly encourage you to call the parish office to ask whether appointments can be made for Confession. Many parishes are setting up confessional opportunities that abide by the mandated distance between penitent and priest needed for health and safety.

If you require further assistance, I am here for you. Please find a list of resources (Livestream Sunday and Daily Masses, reflections, and other Catholic links) that you can follow during your time quarantined.


