The arrangements for the meeting
2021-04-17 本文已影响0人
The topic:
How are you going to spend the May Day holiday?
Time: 1 hour
Yiyi: Grammarer
Lanlan:Ah counter
Part one:
Introduce your role and the regular to others.
Time:3min for each one 3*4=12min
Part 2
Answer the question of the topic one by one
Time: 3 min. to answer for each one 3*4=12 min
Part 3
Answer the question from the host one by one
Time: 1 min for preparation . 2min. to answer 3*4=12 min
Part 4
Open discussion
Time: 10min
Part 5
Conclusion and suggestions
Time: 3 min for each one 3*4=12min