
2020-04-24 How To Take Full Resp

2020-04-24  本文已影响0人  春生阁

If someone is chewing loudly — and it only bothers you — whose problem is it?

On another day these things might not affect you, and the same things may never affect others, so how can it be their fault.

It cannot. The problem is in you.

1. Embrace Failure

Are you afraid of failure? If so, you’re not the only one. Fear of failure prevents many people from taking action, and as a result, reduces their potential success in life.

The question is, can you succeed without failing? No, not unless mediocrity fulfils you. The best way to learn is through failure. When you fail, you learn. And when you fail big, you learn big.

2. Develop A Growth Mindset

People with a fixed mindset think that their intelligence and abilities are innate, and that raw talent alone leads to success. This simply isn’t true.

People with a growth mindset know this, and invest their time and energy developing new skills, solving new problems, acquiring new knowledge, and figuring out ways to enhance their lives.

3. Choose Your Words Carefully

We all have a story, and this is written by the words we use. If you tell yourself you’re not good enough, you’re going to act accordingly. If you tell yourself you suck, it’s likely that you will. It is therefore critical that you choose your words carefully, especially when you’re talking to yourself.

Words that stop you taking action should be avoided at all costs. For example, “I can’t”, “if only”, and “I must”, should be replaced with proactive language such as “I will”, “I choose to”, and “let’s look at this another way”.

4. Develop The Art Of Self-Observation

When is the last time you objectively observed your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations?

If you’re like most people, you’ll be reactive to external influences without knowing why. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Next time you feel agitated or overwhelmed, mindfully observe any difficult thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations without engaging. Just observe, and let them pass.

When you practice this regularly, you’ll be aware of your triggers, and challenging situations will no longer control you.

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