Young people are leaving their homes from rural areas to study or work in the cities. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?
At present there are increasing number of young people who leave their hometown in the country and make their way to the big cities either for further study or job opportunity. (注:这句开场白改写题目引出话题。)This phenomenon is felt due to two factors: objective and subjective ones. In the following essay, I’d like to examine both of them and discuss their strengthes and weaknesses. Finally I will come to my own conclusion.(注:这里简单概述现象的原因并承上启下引导出主体部分的内容。)
To begin with, because of various economic pressures, many young adults especially those living in the poverty stricken remote mountainous areas have no choice but leave their poor villages and find a manual work in the city to make a living. These people are usually called migrant workers and the job they take up are more often than not(我在这里用了前词代替generally为了让我的表达更有新意。)low pay and physically challenged ones like delivery guys, cleaners, waiters in a restaurant or construction site laborers. What’s more, there are also many young folks from the rural district head for the large metropolis to pursue higher education and better career prospects to change their fate and realize their potential. As a result of the above two main reasons, our era witnesses a large scale migration wave from the countryside to the urban areas worldwide.(注:本主体1段从主客观两个方面论述了城市化的原因。)
As far as I am concerned, the boom of migration of rural youth to the big cities poses both good fortunes and threats to the modern society. On the one hand, migrant workers from the agricultural towns to the industrial cities provide much urgently care needed labor force for the businesses and factories to help the city achieves sustainable economic development, otherwise the city’s trade, economy or normal operation of life would come to a worrisome standoff(刚才查有道,发现还可以用更高大上的stagnation一词,晚点修改时我会用这个新词来替换这里比较常用的standstill一词。). In addition, rural youth receiving previlidged college education can help them to change their destiny and economically better armed to sustain themselves and their family. On the other hand, when the majority of the young laborers leave their villages in the countryside, there would be lack of farm hand to grow the crops and look after the left-behind seniors and kids. It is reported that this empty nest circumstances generate a lot of social, ethical and mental issues concerning all the relevant parties. (注:本段从优劣两个方面分析了城市化给去大城市求学或务工的来自乡下的年轻人及其家人的影响和冲击。)
In summary, social and economical burden as well as personal considerations lead to the migration of rural youth to the more developed urban places. In terms of benefits and drawbacks of this social trend, I believe the the former outweigh the latter. To my mind, generally speaking, the migration of young people from the countryside to the cities do good to both the city and themselves materially and spiritually while the problems of the waste farmland due to shortage of working-age farmers(注:我在这里想说“农田的荒芜”这个意思,但又不太确定,所以就用了上文中的一个解释的方法。一稿完成后,我会去查有道来学习这个短语的确切表述。刚才查了有道词典,发现“农田的荒芜”有好几个表达,比如desolate, barren 和 abandoned。非常幸运的是我在这个初稿中用的词:waste farmland也没错。在二稿修改时我会选用其中的一个我不太熟悉的词,就算是学到一个新词啦。噢,耶!)and left-behind (刚才查有道发现留守老人和儿童还可以用stay-at-home 和我leftover来替换。二稿时我会选用其中的一个来避免与前文的重复。)elders and children are ones of development and could be settled with the progress of time.