
2018-10-09  本文已影响63人  十月石榴2013


ROS stage_ros 与world 模型的讲解
The Stage Robot Simulator


Stage提供了多种传感器和执行器模型,包括声纳和红外测距仪、激光测距仪、彩色团块跟踪、 fiducial tracking、bumpers、抓手和带有码盘和GPS定位的移动机器人底座。
(Stage provides several sensor and actuator models, including sonar or infrared rangers, scanning laser rangefinder, color-blob tracking, fiducial tracking, bumpers, grippers and mobile robot bases with odometric or global localization.)


USAGE: stage [options] <worldfile1> [worldfile2 ... ]

Available [options] are:

--clock : print simulation time peridically on standard output

-c : equivalent to --clock

--gui : run without a GUI

-g : equivalent to --gui

--help : print this message

--args "str" : define an argument string to be passed to all controllers

-a "str" : equivalent to --args "str"

-h : equivalent to --help"

-? : equivalent to --help



基本模型模拟了具有基本属性(位置、大小、颜色、各种传感器的可见性等)的对象 。基本模型还有一个由一系列线组成的主体。 基本模型(model)是其他所有模型的基类。 可以使用基本模型来模拟环境对象。
(The basic model simulates an object with basic properties; position, size, color, visibility to various sensors, etc. The basic model also has a body made up of a list of lines. Internally, the basic model is used as the base class for all other model types. You can use the basic model to simulate environmental objects.)

API: Stg::Model


    pose [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
    size [ 0.1 0.1 0.1 ]
    origin [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]

    update_interval 100

    color "red"
    color_rgba [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ]
    bitmap ""
    ctrl ""

    # determine how the model appears in various sensors
    fiducial_return 0
    fiducial_key 0
    obstacle_return 1
    ranger_return 1.0
    blob_return 1
    ranger_return 1.0
    gripper_return 0

    # GUI properties
    gui_nose 0
    gui_grid 0
    gui_outline 1
    gui_move 0 (1 if the model has no parents);

    boundary 0
    mass 10.0
    map_resolution 0.1
    say ""
    alwayson 0

    stack_children 1


