
学英语必听的歌:New Divide《阿丽塔》爆燃的预告歌曲

2019-03-19  本文已影响0人  小胖摄记v

好听的英文歌曲能让你爱上英语,今天推荐的这首歌,看过《阿丽塔:战斗天使》的不会陌生,看过《变形金刚》的更不会陌生。它是来自美国摇滚乐队Linkin Park演唱的一首歌《New Divide》。相较于电影画面的震撼,这首歌同样能让人印象深刻。《变形金刚》里听刺激人肾上腺素飙升,《阿丽塔:战斗天使》由女声演绎则显得更为空灵。

空灵的歌声仿佛刺破黑夜的闪电,I remembered each flash as time began to blur>Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me.无疑和重获新生的阿丽塔所置身的环境十分契合,这首歌就像阿丽塔在对着撒冷城呐喊,面对命运,面对痛彻心扉的失去,她要成长,要不惧一切威胁。Across this new divide .


I remembered black skies 我记起乌云漫天

笔记一:一般sky是不用复数形式的,当指天空的时候sky是单数;当sky变作复数形式,一般指云端;作“天气,气候,风土”;这里的black skies指的就是乌云密布的天气。

the lightning all around me 闪电围绕着我

I remembered each flash as time began to blur 我记起每个让时间模糊的瞬间

笔记二:as time began to...随着时间流逝变得...

Like a startling sign 犹如惊人的预兆

that fate had finally found me 这命运在劫难逃

And your voice was all I heard 只有你的声音在和我说

That I get what I deserve 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason 给我理由

to prove me wrong 去证明我是错的

to wash this memory clean 将这段记忆抹去

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes 让你眼中的洪水决堤

Give me reason 给我理由

to fill this hole 去填满这黑洞

connect the space between 连接你我中间的鸿沟

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies 去直达谎言下的真相

Across this new divide 跨越这新界线

There was nothing in sight 眼前沒有任何景象

but memories left abandone 记忆被远远放逐

There was nowhere to hide 没有藏身之所

the ashes fell like snow 灰烬像雪花般落下

And the ground caved in between where we were standing 大地崩塌在你我之间

笔记三:cave in 塌陷; 坍方; (指商店等) 倒闭; 投降;

And your voice was all I heard 只有你的声音在和我说

That I get what I deserve 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason 给我理由

to prove me wrong 去证明我是错的

to wash this memory clean 将这段记忆抹去

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes 让你眼中的洪水决堤

Across this new divide 跨越这新界线

In every loss 每一次失败

in every lie 每一句谎言

In every truth that you'd deny 每一个你背弃的真相

And each regret 以及每一次后悔

and each goodbye 每一句再见

was a mistake to great to hide 都是无法隐瞒的错

And your voice was all I heard 只有你的声音在和我说

That I get what I deserve 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason 给我理由

to prove me wrong 去证明我是错的

to wash this memory clean 将这段记忆抹去

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes 让你眼中的洪水决堤

Give me reason 给我理由

to fill this hole 去填满这黑洞

connect the space between 连接你我中间的鸿沟

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies 去直达谎言下的真相

Across this new divide 跨越这新界线




学英语必听的歌|Make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱

学英语必听的歌:Everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱



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